File Comparison Statistics

Statistics for a file comparison can be viewed by clicking the Statistics ribbon button. Statistics are also included within HTML file comparison reports.

Understanding the statistics

The table shows a numerical representation of the differences between the compared files. Each row in the table shows the type of change between the compared files. Each column shows the number of lines or blocks of lines affected by each change type. A Text Block is simply a grouping of one or more consecutive lines of the same type.

Description Between
Files 1 and 2
Text Blocks Lines
Unchanged 2 84
Changed 1 2
Inserted 3 15
Removed 2 5

For a three-way comparison, the number of columns increases to show the differences between each pair of adjacent files. The right-most pair of columns shows how the two outer files have changed relative to the central common ancestor file.

Description Between
Files 1 and 2
Files 2 and 3
Relative to
Common Ancestor
Text Blocks Lines Text Blocks Lines Text Blocks Lines
Unchanged 21 6787 21 6787 0 0
Changed 8 26 9 31 7 19
Inserted 5 11 7 111 6 104
Removed 7 113 4 8 4 8