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# | Location | File | Last Modified |
1 | C:\Merge Test Files\8.0.47\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator | | Fri Sep 29 16:53:28 2017 UTC |
2 | C:\Merge Test Files\8.5.23\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator | | Thu Sep 28 11:32:16 2017 UTC |
3 | C:\Merge Test Files\9.0.1\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator | | Wed Sep 27 18:33:40 2017 UTC |
Note: Merge considers the second file to be the common ancestor of the others. |
Description | Between Files 1 and 2 |
Between Files 2 and 3 |
Relative to Common Ancestor |
Text Blocks | Lines | Text Blocks | Lines | Text Blocks | Lines | |
Unchanged | 111 | 1516 | 11 | 2422 | ||
Changed | 65 | 489 | 5 | 23 | 63 | 453 |
Inserted | 20 | 247 | 1 | 1 | 25 | 26 |
Removed | 25 | 26 | 4 | 24 | 16 | 171 |
Note: An automatic merge would leave 5 conflict(s). |
Whitespace | Consecutive whitespace is treated as a single space |
Character case | Differences in character case are significant |
Line endings | Differences in line endings (CR and LF characters) are ignored |
CR/LF characters | Not shown in the comparison detail |
No regular expressions were active.
1 | /* | 1 | /* | 1 | /* | |||||
2 | * License d to the A pache Soft ware Found ation (ASF ) under on e or more | 2 | * License d to the A pache Soft ware Found ation (ASF ) under on e or more | 2 | * License d to the A pache Soft ware Found ation (ASF ) under on e or more | |||||
3 | * contrib utor licen se agreeme nts. See the NOTICE file dist ributed wi th | 3 | * contrib utor licen se agreeme nts. See the NOTICE file dist ributed wi th | 3 | * contrib utor licen se agreeme nts. See the NOTICE file dist ributed wi th | |||||
4 | * this wo rk for add itional in formation regarding copyright ownership. | 4 | * this wo rk for add itional in formation regarding copyright ownership. | 4 | * this wo rk for add itional in formation regarding copyright ownership. | |||||
5 | * The ASF licenses this file to You und er the Apa che Licens e, Version 2.0 | 5 | * The ASF licenses this file to You und er the Apa che Licens e, Version 2.0 | 5 | * The ASF licenses this file to You und er the Apa che Licens e, Version 2.0 | |||||
6 | * (the "L icense"); you may no t use this file exce pt in comp liance wit h | 6 | * (the "L icense"); you may no t use this file exce pt in comp liance wit h | 6 | * (the "L icense"); you may no t use this file exce pt in comp liance wit h | |||||
7 | * the Lic ense. You may obtai n a copy o f the Lice nse at | 7 | * the Lic ense. You may obtai n a copy o f the Lice nse at | 7 | * the Lic ense. You may obtai n a copy o f the Lice nse at | |||||
8 | * | 8 | * | 8 | * | |||||
9 | * ht tp://www.a licenses/L ICENSE-2.0 | 9 | * ht tp://www.a licenses/L ICENSE-2.0 | 9 | * ht tp://www.a licenses/L ICENSE-2.0 | |||||
10 | * | 10 | * | 10 | * | |||||
11 | * Unless required b y applicab le law or agreed to in writing , software | 11 | * Unless required b y applicab le law or agreed to in writing , software | 11 | * Unless required b y applicab le law or agreed to in writing , software | |||||
12 | * distrib uted under the Licen se is dist ributed on an "AS IS " BASIS, | 12 | * distrib uted under the Licen se is dist ributed on an "AS IS " BASIS, | 12 | * distrib uted under the Licen se is dist ributed on an "AS IS " BASIS, | |||||
13 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIE S OR CONDI TIONS OF A NY KIND, e ither expr ess or imp lied. | 13 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIE S OR CONDI TIONS OF A NY KIND, e ither expr ess or imp lied. | 13 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIE S OR CONDI TIONS OF A NY KIND, e ither expr ess or imp lied. | |||||
14 | * See the License f or the spe cific lang uage gover ning permi ssions and | 14 | * See the License f or the spe cific lang uage gover ning permi ssions and | 14 | * See the License f or the spe cific lang uage gover ning permi ssions and | |||||
15 | * limitat ions under the Licen se. | 15 | * limitat ions under the Licen se. | 15 | * limitat ions under the Licen se. | |||||
16 | */ | 16 | */ | 16 | */ | |||||
17 | package or g.apache.c thenticato r; | 17 | package or g.apache.c thenticato r; | 17 | package or g.apache.c thenticato r; | |||||
18 | 18 | 18 | ||||||||
19 | import jav eption; | 19 | import jav eption; | 19 | import jav eption; | |||||
20 | import jav .Principal ; | 20 | import jav .Principal ; | 20 | import jav .Principal ; | |||||
21 | import jav .cert.X509 Certificat e; | 21 | import jav .cert.X509 Certificat e; | 21 | import jav .cert.X509 Certificat e; | |||||
22 | import jav a.text.Sim pleDateFor mat; | 22 | import jav a.text.Sim pleDateFor mat; | 22 | import jav a.text.Sim pleDateFor mat; | |||||
23 | import jav a.util.Dat e; | 23 | import jav a.util.Dat e; | 23 | import jav a.util.Dat e; | |||||
24 | import jav a.util.Loc ale; | 24 | import jav a.util.Loc ale; | 24 | import jav a.util.Loc ale; | |||||
25 | import jav a.util.Map ; | 25 | import jav a.util.Map ; | |||||||
26 | import jav a.util.Opt ional; | |||||||||
26 | import jav a.util.Set ; | 27 | import jav a.util.Set ; | |||||||
25 | 27 | 28 | ||||||||
28 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.Sub ject; | 29 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.Sub ject; | |||||||
29 | import jav ax.securit lback.Call backHandle r; | |||||||||
30 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.AuthE xception; | 30 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.AuthE xception; | |||||||
31 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.AuthS tatus; | 31 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.AuthS tatus; | |||||||
32 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.Messa geInfo; | 32 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.Messa geInfo; | |||||||
33 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.AuthConf igFactory; | 33 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.AuthConf igFactory; | |||||||
34 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.AuthConf igProvider ; | 34 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.AuthConf igProvider ; | |||||||
35 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.ClientAu thConfig; | |||||||||
36 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.Registra tionListen er; | 35 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.Registra tionListen er; | |||||||
37 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.ServerAu thConfig; | 36 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.ServerAu thConfig; | |||||||
38 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.ServerAu thContext; | 37 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.confi g.ServerAu thContext; | |||||||
39 | import jav ax.servlet .ServletCo ntext; | 38 | import jav ax.servlet .ServletCo ntext; | |||||||
26 | import jav ax.servlet .ServletEx ception; | 40 | import jav ax.servlet .ServletEx ception; | 39 | import jav ax.servlet .ServletEx ception; | |||||
27 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Cook ie; | 41 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Cook ie; | 40 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Cook ie; | |||||
28 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletReq uest; | 42 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletReq uest; | 41 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletReq uest; | |||||
29 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletRes ponse; | 43 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletRes ponse; | 42 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletRes ponse; | |||||
30 | 44 | 43 | ||||||||
31 | import org talina.Aut henticator ; | 45 | import org talina.Aut henticator ; | 44 | import org talina.Aut henticator ; | |||||
32 | import org talina.Con tainer; | 46 | import org talina.Con tainer; | 45 | import org talina.Con tainer; | |||||
33 | import org talina.Con text; | 47 | import org talina.Con text; | 46 | import org talina.Con text; | |||||
34 | import org talina.Glo bals; | 48 | import org talina.Glo bals; | 47 | import org talina.Glo bals; | |||||
35 | import org talina.Lif ecycleExce ption; | 49 | import org talina.Lif ecycleExce ption; | 48 | import org talina.Lif ecycleExce ption; | |||||
36 | import org talina.Man ager; | 50 | import org talina.Man ager; | 49 | import org talina.Man ager; | |||||
37 | import org talina.Rea lm; | 51 | import org talina.Rea lm; | 50 | import org talina.Rea lm; | |||||
38 | import org talina.Ses sion; | 52 | import org talina.Ses sion; | 51 | import org talina.Ses sion; | |||||
39 | import org talina.Tom catPrincip al; | 53 | import org talina.Tom catPrincip al; | 52 | import org talina.Tom catPrincip al; | |||||
40 | import org talina.Val ve; | 54 | import org talina.Val ve; | 53 | import org talina.Val ve; | |||||
41 | import org talina.Wra pper; | 55 | import org talina.Wra pper; | 54 | import org talina.Wra pper; | |||||
56 | import org talina.aut henticator .jaspic.Ca llbackHand lerImpl; | 55 | import org talina.aut henticator .jaspic.Ca llbackHand lerImpl; | |||||||
57 | import org talina.aut henticator .jaspic.Me ssageInfoI mpl; | 56 | import org talina.aut henticator .jaspic.Me ssageInfoI mpl; | |||||||
42 | import org talina.con nector.Req uest; | 58 | import org talina.con nector.Req uest; | 57 | import org talina.con nector.Req uest; | |||||
43 | import org talina.con nector.Res ponse; | 59 | import org talina.con nector.Res ponse; | 58 | import org talina.con nector.Res ponse; | |||||
44 | import org talina.rea lm.Generic Principal; | 60 | import org talina.rea lm.Generic Principal; | 59 | import org talina.rea lm.Generic Principal; | |||||
45 | import org talina.uti l.SessionI dGenerator Base; | 61 | import org talina.uti l.SessionI dGenerator Base; | 60 | import org talina.uti l.SessionI dGenerator Base; | |||||
46 | import org talina.uti l.Standard SessionIdG enerator; | 62 | import org talina.uti l.Standard SessionIdG enerator; | 61 | import org talina.uti l.Standard SessionIdG enerator; | |||||
47 | import org talina.val ves.ValveB ase; | 63 | import org talina.val ves.ValveB ase; | 62 | import org talina.val ves.ValveB ase; | |||||
48 | import org yote.Actio nCode; | 64 | import org yote.Actio nCode; | 63 | import org yote.Actio nCode; | |||||
49 | import org .apache.ju li.logging .Log; | 65 | import org .apache.ju li.logging .Log; | 64 | import org .apache.ju li.logging .Log; | |||||
50 | import org .apache.ju li.logging .LogFactor y; | 66 | import org .apache.ju li.logging .LogFactor y; | 65 | import org .apache.ju li.logging .LogFactor y; | |||||
51 | import org mcat.util. ExceptionU tils; | 67 | import org mcat.util. ExceptionU tils; | 66 | import org mcat.util. ExceptionU tils; | |||||
52 | import org mcat.util. descriptor .web.Login Config; | 68 | import org mcat.util. descriptor .web.Login Config; | 67 | import org mcat.util. descriptor .web.Login Config; | |||||
53 | import org mcat.util. descriptor .web.Secur ityConstra int; | 69 | import org mcat.util. descriptor .web.Secur ityConstra int; | 68 | import org mcat.util. descriptor .web.Secur ityConstra int; | |||||
54 | import org mcat.util. http.FastH ttpDateFor mat; | 70 | import org mcat.util. http.FastH ttpDateFor mat; | 69 | import org mcat.util. http.FastH ttpDateFor mat; | |||||
55 | import org mcat.util. res.String Manager; | 71 | import org mcat.util. res.String Manager; | 70 | import org mcat.util. res.String Manager; | |||||
56 | 72 | 71 | ||||||||
57 | ||||||||||
58 | /** | 73 | /** | 72 | /** | |||||
59 | * Basic i mplementat ion of the <b>Valve< /b> interf ace that e nforces th e | 74 | * Basic i mplementat ion of the <b>Valve< /b> interf ace that e nforces th e | 73 | * Basic i mplementat ion of the <b>Valve< /b> interf ace that e nforces th e | |||||
60 | * <code>& lt;securit y-constrai nt></co de> elemen ts in the web applic ation | 75 | * <code>& lt;securit y-constrai nt></co de> elemen ts in the web applic ation | 74 | * <code>& lt;securit y-constrai nt></co de> elemen ts in the web applic ation | |||||
61 |
* deploym
ent descri
This funct
ionality i
s implemen
ted as a V
76 | * deploym ent descri ptor. This functiona lity is im plemented as a Valve so that | 75 | * deploym ent descri ptor. This functiona lity is im plemented as a Valve so that | |||||
62 |
so that
it can be
omitted in
nts that d
o not requ
ire these
77 |
76 | * it can be omitted in enviro nments tha t do not r equire the se feature s. | |||||
63 |
ations of
each suppo
rted authe
78 |
77 | * Individ ual implem entations of each su pported au thenticati on method can | |||||
64 | * method can subclass t his base c lass as re quired. | 79 |
78 | * subclas s this bas e class as required. | |||||
65 | * <p> | 80 | * <p> | 79 | * <p> | |||||
66 |
* <b>USAG
When this
class is u
tilized, t
he Context
81 | * <b>USAG E CONSTRAI NT</b>: Wh en this cl ass is uti lized, the Context t o which it | 80 | * <b>USAG E CONSTRAI NT</b>: Wh en this cl ass is uti lized, the Context t o which it | |||||
67 |
which it
is attache
d (or a pa
rent Conta
iner in a
must have
82 |
81 | * is atta ched (or a parent Co ntainer in a hierarc hy) must h ave an ass ociated | |||||
68 |
Realm that
can be us
ed for aut
g users an
d enumerat
83 |
82 | * Realm t hat can be used for authentica ting users and enume rating the roles to | |||||
69 | * the roles to which they have been assigned. | 84 |
83 | * which t hey have b een assign ed. | |||||
70 | * <p> | 85 | * <p> | 84 | * <p> | |||||
71 | * <b>USAG E CONSTRAI NT</b>: T his Valve is only us eful when processing HTTP | 86 | * <b>USAG E CONSTRAI NT</b>: Th is Valve i s only use ful when p rocessing HTTP | 85 | * <b>USAG E CONSTRAI NT</b>: Th is Valve i s only use ful when p rocessing HTTP | |||||
72 | * request s. Reques ts of any other type will simp ly be pass ed through . | 87 | * request s. Request s of any o ther type will simpl y be passe d through. | 86 | * request s. Request s of any o ther type will simpl y be passe d through. | |||||
73 | * | 88 | * | 87 | * | |||||
74 | * @author Craig R. McClanahan | 89 | * @author Craig R. McClanahan | 88 | * @author Craig R. McClanahan | |||||
75 | */ | 90 | */ | 89 | */ | |||||
76 | public abs tract clas s Authenti catorBase extends Va lveBase | 91 | public abs tract clas s Authenti catorBase extends Va lveBase | 90 | public abs tract clas s Authenti catorBase extends Va lveBase | |||||
77 |
92 | implements Authentic ator , Registra tionListen er { | 91 | im plements A uthenticat or, Regist rationList ener { | |||||
78 | 93 | 92 | ||||||||
79 | privat e static f inal Log l og = LogFa ctory.getL og(Authent icatorBase .class); | 94 | privat e static f inal Log l og = LogFa ctory.getL og(Authent icatorBase .class); | 93 | privat e static f inal Log l og = LogFa ctory.getL og(Authent icatorBase .class); | |||||
80 | 95 | 94 | ||||||||
96 | /** | 95 | /** | |||||||
97 | * "Ex pires" hea der always set to Da te(1), so generate o nce only | 96 | * "Ex pires" hea der always set to Da te(1), so generate o nce only | |||||||
98 | */ | 97 | */ | |||||||
99 | privat e static f inal Strin g DATE_ONE = | 98 | privat e static f inal Strin g DATE_ONE = | |||||||
100 | (new Sim pleDateFor mat(FastHt tpDateForm at.RFC1123 _DATE, Loc ale.US)).f ormat(new Date(1)); | 99 | (new Sim pleDateFor mat(FastHt tpDateForm at.RFC1123 _DATE, Loc ale.US)).f ormat(new Date(1)); | |||||||
81 | 101 | 100 | ||||||||
82 | //---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Construct or | 102 | privat e static f inal AuthC onfigProvi der NO_PRO VIDER_AVAI LABLE = ne w NoOpAuth ConfigProv ider(); | |||||||
83 | public Authentic atorBase() { | |||||||||
84 | su per(true); | |||||||||
85 | } | |||||||||
86 | ||||||||||
87 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Instance Variables | |||||||||
88 | 103 | |||||||||
104 | /** | 101 | /** | |||||||
105 | * The string ma nager for this packa ge. | 102 | * The string ma nager for this packa ge. | |||||||
106 | */ | 103 | */ | |||||||
107 | protec ted static final Str ingManager sm = Stri ngManager. getManager (Authentic atorBase.c lass); | 104 | protec ted static final Str ingManager sm = Stri ngManager. getManager (Authentic atorBase.c lass); | |||||||
89 | 108 | 105 | ||||||||
90 | /** | 109 | /** | 106 | /** | |||||
91 | * Aut henticatio n header | 110 | * Aut henticatio n header | 107 | * Aut henticatio n header | |||||
92 | */ | 111 | */ | 108 | */ | |||||
93 | protec ted static final Str ing AUTH_H EADER_NAME = "WWW-Au thenticate "; | 112 | protec ted static final Str ing AUTH_H EADER_NAME = "WWW-Au thenticate "; | 109 | protec ted static final Str ing AUTH_H EADER_NAME = "WWW-Au thenticate "; | |||||
94 | 113 | 110 | ||||||||
95 | /** | 114 | /** | 111 | /** | |||||
96 | * Def ault authe ntication realm name . | 115 | * Def ault authe ntication realm name . | 112 | * Def ault authe ntication realm name . | |||||
97 | */ | 116 | */ | 113 | */ | |||||
98 | protec ted static final Str ing REALM_ NAME = "Au thenticati on require d"; | 117 | protec ted static final Str ing REALM_ NAME = "Au thenticati on require d"; | 114 | protec ted static final Str ing REALM_ NAME = "Au thenticati on require d"; | |||||
99 | 118 | 115 | ||||||||
119 | protec ted static String ge tRealmName (Context c ontext) { | 116 | protec ted static String ge tRealmName (Context c ontext) { | |||||||
120 | if (context == null) { | 117 | if (context == null) { | |||||||
121 | // Very unlikely | 118 | // Very unlikely | |||||||
122 | return R EALM_NAME; | 119 | return R EALM_NAME; | |||||||
123 | } | 120 | } | |||||||
124 | 121 | |||||||||
125 | Lo ginConfig config = c ontext.get LoginConfi g(); | 122 | Lo ginConfig config = c ontext.get LoginConfi g(); | |||||||
126 | if (config = = null) { | 123 | if (config = = null) { | |||||||
127 | return R EALM_NAME; | 124 | return R EALM_NAME; | |||||||
128 | } | 125 | } | |||||||
129 | 126 | |||||||||
130 | St ring resul t = config .getRealmN ame(); | 127 | St ring resul t = config .getRealmN ame(); | |||||||
131 | if (result = = null) { | 128 | if (result = = null) { | |||||||
132 | return R EALM_NAME; | 129 | return R EALM_NAME; | |||||||
133 | } | 130 | } | |||||||
134 | 131 | |||||||||
135 | re turn resul t; | 132 | re turn resul t; | |||||||
136 | } | 133 | } | |||||||
137 | 134 | |||||||||
138 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - Construc tor | 135 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - Construc tor | |||||||
139 | 136 | |||||||||
140 | public Authentic atorBase() { | 137 | public Authentic atorBase() { | |||||||
141 | su per(true); | 138 | su per(true); | |||||||
142 | } | 139 | } | |||||||
143 | 140 | |||||||||
144 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Instance Variables | 141 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Instance Variables | |||||||
145 | 142 | |||||||||
100 | /** | 146 | /** | 143 | /** | |||||
101 | * Sho uld a sess ion always be used o nce a user is authen ticated? T his may | 147 | * Sho uld a sess ion always be used o nce a user is authen ticated? T his may | 144 | * Sho uld a sess ion always be used o nce a user is authen ticated? T his may | |||||
102 | * off er some pe rformance benefits s ince the s ession can then be u sed to | 148 | * off er some pe rformance benefits s ince the s ession can then be u sed to | 145 | * off er some pe rformance benefits s ince the s ession can then be u sed to | |||||
103 | * cac he the aut henticated Principal , hence re moving the need to | 149 | * cac he the aut henticated Principal , hence re moving the need to | 146 | * cac he the aut henticated Principal , hence re moving the need to | |||||
104 | * aut henticate the user v ia the Rea lm on ever y request. This may be of help | 150 | * aut henticate the user v ia the Rea lm on ever y request. This may be of help | 147 | * aut henticate the user v ia the Rea lm on ever y request. This may be of help | |||||
105 | * for combinati ons such a s BASIC au thenticati on used wi th the JND IRealm or | 151 | * for combinati ons such a s BASIC au thenticati on used wi th the JND IRealm or | 148 | * for combinati ons such a s BASIC au thenticati on used wi th the JND IRealm or | |||||
106 | * Dat aSourceRea lms. Howev er there w ill also b e the perf ormance co st of | 152 | * Dat aSourceRea lms. Howev er there w ill also b e the perf ormance co st of | 149 | * Dat aSourceRea lms. Howev er there w ill also b e the perf ormance co st of | |||||
107 | * cre ating and GC'ing the session. By default , a sessio n will not be | 153 | * cre ating and GC'ing the session. By default , a sessio n will not be | 150 | * cre ating and GC'ing the session. By default , a sessio n will not be | |||||
108 | * cre ated. | 154 | * cre ated. | 151 | * cre ated. | |||||
109 | */ | 155 | */ | 152 | */ | |||||
110 | protec ted boolea n alwaysUs eSession = false; | 156 | protec ted boolea n alwaysUs eSession = false; | 153 | protec ted boolea n alwaysUs eSession = false; | |||||
111 | 157 | 154 | ||||||||
112 | ||||||||||
113 | /** | 158 | /** | 155 | /** | |||||
114 |
* Should w
e cache au
d Principa
ls if the
request is
part of
159 | * Should w e cache au thenticate d Principa ls if the request is part of an | 156 | * Sho uld we cac he authent icated Pri ncipals if the reque st is part of an | |||||
115 | * an HTTP sessi on? | 160 |
157 | * HTT P session? | |||||
116 | */ | 161 | */ | 158 | */ | |||||
117 | protec ted boolea n cache = true; | 162 | protec ted boolea n cache = true; | 159 | protec ted boolea n cache = true; | |||||
118 | 163 | 160 | ||||||||
119 | ||||||||||
120 | /** | 164 | /** | 161 | /** | |||||
121 | * Sho uld the se ssion ID, if any, be changed u pon a succ essful | 165 | * Sho uld the se ssion ID, if any, be changed u pon a succ essful | 162 | * Sho uld the se ssion ID, if any, be changed u pon a succ essful | |||||
122 | * aut henticatio n to preve nt a sessi on fixatio n attack? | 166 | * aut henticatio n to preve nt a sessi on fixatio n attack? | 163 | * aut henticatio n to preve nt a sessi on fixatio n attack? | |||||
123 | */ | 167 | */ | 164 | */ | |||||
124 | protec ted boolea n changeSe ssionIdOnA uthenticat ion = true ; | 168 | protec ted boolea n changeSe ssionIdOnA uthenticat ion = true ; | 165 | protec ted boolea n changeSe ssionIdOnA uthenticat ion = true ; | |||||
125 | 169 | 166 | ||||||||
126 | /** | 170 | /** | 167 | /** | |||||
127 | * The Context t o which th is Valve i s attached . | 171 | * The Context t o which th is Valve i s attached . | 168 | * The Context t o which th is Valve i s attached . | |||||
128 | */ | 172 | */ | 169 | */ | |||||
129 | protec ted Contex t context = null; | 173 | protec ted Contex t context = null; | 170 | protec ted Contex t context = null; | |||||
130 | 174 | 171 | ||||||||
131 | ||||||||||
132 | /** | 175 | /** | 172 | /** | |||||
133 |
* Flag to
if we disa
ble proxy
caching, o
r leave th
e issue
176 | * Flag to determine if we disa ble proxy caching, o r leave th e issue up to | 173 | * Fla g to deter mine if we disable p roxy cachi ng, or lea ve the iss ue up to | |||||
134 | * up to the webapp developer . | 177 |
174 | * the webapp de veloper. | |||||
135 | */ | 178 | */ | 175 | */ | |||||
136 | protec ted boolea n disableP roxyCachin g = true; | 179 | protec ted boolea n disableP roxyCachin g = true; | 176 | protec ted boolea n disableP roxyCachin g = true; | |||||
137 | 180 | 177 | ||||||||
138 | /** | 181 | /** | 178 | /** | |||||
139 | * Fla g to deter mine if we disable p roxy cachi ng with he aders inco mpatible | 182 | * Fla g to deter mine if we disable p roxy cachi ng with he aders inco mpatible | 179 | * Fla g to deter mine if we disable p roxy cachi ng with he aders inco mpatible | |||||
140 | * wit h IE. | 183 | * wit h IE. | 180 | * wit h IE. | |||||
141 | */ | 184 | */ | 181 | */ | |||||
142 | protec ted boolea n securePa gesWithPra gma = fals e; | 185 | protec ted boolea n securePa gesWithPra gma = fals e; | 182 | protec ted boolea n securePa gesWithPra gma = fals e; | |||||
143 | 186 | 183 | ||||||||
144 | /** | 187 | /** | 184 | /** | |||||
145 | * The Java clas s name of the secure random nu mber gener ator class to be | 188 | * The Java clas s name of the secure random nu mber gener ator class to be | 185 | * The Java clas s name of the secure random nu mber gener ator class to be | |||||
146 | * use d when gen erating SS O session identifier s. The ran dom number generator | 189 | * use d when gen erating SS O session identifier s. The ran dom number generator | 186 | * use d when gen erating SS O session identifier s. The ran dom number generator | |||||
147 | * cla ss must be self-seed ing and ha ve a zero- argument c onstructor . If not | 190 | * cla ss must be self-seed ing and ha ve a zero- argument c onstructor . If not | 187 | * cla ss must be self-seed ing and ha ve a zero- argument c onstructor . If not | |||||
148 | * spe cified, an instance of {@link java.secur ity.Secure Random} wi ll be | 191 | * spe cified, an instance of {@link java.secur ity.Secure Random} wi ll be | 188 | * spe cified, an instance of {@link java.secur ity.Secure Random} wi ll be | |||||
149 | * gen erated. | 192 | * gen erated. | 189 | * gen erated. | |||||
150 | */ | 193 | */ | 190 | */ | |||||
151 | protec ted String secureRan domClass = null; | 194 | protec ted String secureRan domClass = null; | 191 | protec ted String secureRan domClass = null; | |||||
152 | 195 | 192 | ||||||||
153 | /** | 196 | /** | 193 | /** | |||||
154 | * The name of t he algorit hm to use to create instances of | 197 | * The name of t he algorit hm to use to create instances of | 194 | * The name of t he algorit hm to use to create instances of | |||||
155 | * {@l ink java.s ecurity.Se cureRandom } which ar e used to generate S SO session | 198 | * {@l ink java.s ecurity.Se cureRandom } which ar e used to generate S SO session | 195 | * {@l ink java.s ecurity.Se cureRandom } which ar e used to generate S SO session | |||||
156 | * IDs . If no al gorithm is specified , SHA1PRNG is used. To use the platform | 199 | * IDs . If no al gorithm is specified , SHA1PRNG is used. To use the platform | 196 | * IDs . If no al gorithm is specified , SHA1PRNG is used. To use the platform | |||||
157 | * def ault (whic h may be S HA1PRNG), specify th e empty st ring. If a n invalid | 200 | * def ault (whic h may be S HA1PRNG), specify th e empty st ring. If a n invalid | 197 | * def ault (whic h may be S HA1PRNG), specify th e empty st ring. If a n invalid | |||||
158 | * alg orithm and /or provid er is spec ified the SecureRand om instanc es will be | 201 | * alg orithm and /or provid er is spec ified the SecureRand om instanc es will be | 198 | * alg orithm and /or provid er is spec ified the SecureRand om instanc es will be | |||||
159 | * cre ated using the defau lts. If th at fails, the Secure Random ins tances | 202 | * cre ated using the defau lts. If th at fails, the Secure Random ins tances | 199 | * cre ated using the defau lts. If th at fails, the Secure Random ins tances | |||||
160 | * wil l be creat ed using p latform de faults. | 203 | * wil l be creat ed using p latform de faults. | 200 | * wil l be creat ed using p latform de faults. | |||||
161 | */ | 204 | */ | 201 | */ | |||||
162 | protec ted String secureRan domAlgorit hm = "SHA1 PRNG"; | 205 | protec ted String secureRan domAlgorit hm = "SHA1 PRNG"; | 202 | protec ted String secureRan domAlgorit hm = "SHA1 PRNG"; | |||||
163 | 206 | 203 | ||||||||
164 | /** | 207 | /** | 204 | /** | |||||
165 | * The name of t he provide r to use t o create i nstances o f | 208 | * The name of t he provide r to use t o create i nstances o f | 205 | * The name of t he provide r to use t o create i nstances o f | |||||
166 | * {@l ink java.s ecurity.Se cureRandom } which ar e used to generate s ession SSO | 209 | * {@l ink java.s ecurity.Se cureRandom } which ar e used to generate s ession SSO | 206 | * {@l ink java.s ecurity.Se cureRandom } which ar e used to generate s ession SSO | |||||
167 | * IDs . If no al gorithm is specified the of SH A1PRNG def ault is us ed. If an | 210 | * IDs . If no al gorithm is specified the of SH A1PRNG def ault is us ed. If an | 207 | * IDs . If no al gorithm is specified the of SH A1PRNG def ault is us ed. If an | |||||
168 | * inv alid algor ithm and/o r provider is specif ied the Se cureRandom instances | 211 | * inv alid algor ithm and/o r provider is specif ied the Se cureRandom instances | 208 | * inv alid algor ithm and/o r provider is specif ied the Se cureRandom instances | |||||
169 | * wil l be creat ed using t he default s. If that fails, th e SecureRa ndom | 212 | * wil l be creat ed using t he default s. If that fails, th e SecureRa ndom | 209 | * wil l be creat ed using t he default s. If that fails, th e SecureRa ndom | |||||
170 | * ins tances wil l be creat ed using p latform de faults. | 213 | * ins tances wil l be creat ed using p latform de faults. | 210 | * ins tances wil l be creat ed using p latform de faults. | |||||
171 | */ | 214 | */ | 211 | */ | |||||
172 | protec ted String secureRan domProvide r = null; | 215 | protec ted String secureRan domProvide r = null; | 212 | protec ted String secureRan domProvide r = null; | |||||
173 | 216 | 213 | ||||||||
174 | protec ted Sessio nIdGenerat orBase ses sionIdGene rator = nu ll; | 217 | protec ted Sessio nIdGenerat orBase ses sionIdGene rator = nu ll; | 214 | protec ted Sessio nIdGenerat orBase ses sionIdGene rator = nu ll; | |||||
175 | 218 | 215 | ||||||||
176 | /** | 219 | /** | 216 | /** | |||||
177 | * The string ma nager for this packa ge. | 220 | * The Sing leSignOn i mplementat ion in our request p rocessing chain, if there | 217 | * The SingleSig nOn implem entation i n our requ est proces sing chain , if there | |||||
178 | */ | 221 |
* i
218 | * is one. | |||||
179 | protec ted static final Str ingManager sm = | |||||||||
180 | St ringManage r.getManag er(Constan ts.Package ); | |||||||||
181 | ||||||||||
182 | ||||||||||
183 | /** | |||||||||
184 |
* The Sing
leSignOn i
ion in our
request p
185 | * i f there i s one. | |||||||||
186 | */ | 222 | */ | 219 | */ | |||||
187 | protec ted Single SignOn sso = null; | 223 | protec ted Single SignOn sso = null; | 220 | protec ted Single SignOn sso = null; | |||||
188 | 224 | 221 | ||||||||
189 | 225 | privat e volatile String ja spicAppCon textID = n ull; | 222 | privat e volatile String ja spicAppCon textID = n ull; | ||||||
190 | /** | 226 |
private vo
223 | private vo latile Optional< AuthConfig Provider > jaspicPro vider = nu ll; | |||||
191 | * "Ex pires" hea der always set to Da te(1), so generate o nce only | |||||||||
192 | */ | |||||||||
193 | privat e static f inal Strin g DATE_ONE = | |||||||||
194 | (n ew SimpleD ateFormat( FastHttpDa teFormat.R FC1123_DAT E, | |||||||||
195 | Locale.US) ).format(n ew Date(1) ); | |||||||||
196 | ||||||||||
197 | ||||||||||
198 | protec ted static String ge tRealmName (Context c ontext) { | |||||||||
199 | if (context == null) { | |||||||||
200 | // Very unlikely | |||||||||
201 | return R EALM_NAME; | |||||||||
202 | } | |||||||||
203 | ||||||||||
204 | Lo ginConfig config = c ontext.get LoginConfi g(); | |||||||||
205 | if (config = = null) { | |||||||||
206 | return R EALM_NAME; | |||||||||
207 | } | |||||||||
208 | ||||||||||
209 | St ring resul t = config .getRealmN ame(); | |||||||||
210 | if (result = = null) { | |||||||||
211 | return R EALM_NAME; | |||||||||
212 | } | |||||||||
213 | ||||||||||
214 | re turn resul t; | |||||||||
215 | } | |||||||||
216 | 227 | 224 | ||||||||
217 | 228 | 225 | ||||||||
218 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- P roperties | 229 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- P roperties | 226 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- P roperties | |||||
219 | 230 | 227 | ||||||||
220 | ||||||||||
221 | public boolean g etAlwaysUs eSession() { | 231 | public boolean g etAlwaysUs eSession() { | 228 | public boolean g etAlwaysUs eSession() { | |||||
222 | re turn alway sUseSessio n; | 232 | re turn alway sUseSessio n; | 229 | re turn alway sUseSessio n; | |||||
223 | } | 233 | } | 230 | } | |||||
224 | 234 | 231 | ||||||||
225 | ||||||||||
226 | public void setA lwaysUseSe ssion(bool ean always UseSession ) { | 235 | public void setA lwaysUseSe ssion(bool ean always UseSession ) { | 232 | public void setA lwaysUseSe ssion(bool ean always UseSession ) { | |||||
227 | th is.alwaysU seSession = alwaysUs eSession; | 236 | th is.alwaysU seSession = alwaysUs eSession; | 233 | th is.alwaysU seSession = alwaysUs eSession; | |||||
228 | } | 237 | } | 234 | } | |||||
229 | 238 | 235 | ||||||||
230 | ||||||||||
231 | /** | 239 | /** | 236 | /** | |||||
232 | * Ret urn the ca che authen ticated Pr incipals f lag. | 240 | * Ret urn the ca che authen ticated Pr incipals f lag. | 237 | * Ret urn the ca che authen ticated Pr incipals f lag. | |||||
241 | * | 238 | * | |||||||
242 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if auth enticated Principals will be c ached, | 239 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if auth enticated Principals will be c ached, | |||||||
243 | * other wise <code >false</co de> | 240 | * other wise <code >false</co de> | |||||||
233 | */ | 244 | */ | 241 | */ | |||||
234 | public boolean g etCache() { | 245 | public boolean g etCache() { | 242 | public boolean g etCache() { | |||||
235 | 246 |
243 | re turn this. cache; | ||||||
236 | return ( this.cache ) ; | |||||||||
237 | ||||||||||
238 | } | 247 | } | 244 | } | |||||
239 | 248 | 245 | ||||||||
240 | ||||||||||
241 | /** | 249 | /** | 246 | /** | |||||
242 | * Set the cache authentic ated Princ ipals flag . | 250 | * Set the cache authentic ated Princ ipals flag . | 247 | * Set the cache authentic ated Princ ipals flag . | |||||
243 | * | 251 | * | 248 | * | |||||
244 | * @param c ache The new c ache flag | 252 |
* @param c
249 | * @pa ram cache | |||||
253 | * Th e new cach e flag | 250 | * Th e new cach e flag | |||||||
245 | */ | 254 | */ | 251 | */ | |||||
246 | public void setC ache(boole an cache) { | 255 | public void setC ache(boole an cache) { | 252 | public void setC ache(boole an cache) { | |||||
247 | ||||||||||
248 | th is.cache = cache; | 256 | th is.cache = cache; | 253 | th is.cache = cache; | |||||
249 | ||||||||||
250 | } | 257 | } | 254 | } | |||||
251 | 258 | 255 | ||||||||
252 | ||||||||||
253 | /** | 259 | /** | 256 | /** | |||||
254 | * Ret urn the Co ntainer to which thi s Valve is attached. | 260 | * Ret urn the Co ntainer to which thi s Valve is attached. | 257 | * Ret urn the Co ntainer to which thi s Valve is attached. | |||||
255 | */ | 261 | */ | 258 | */ | |||||
256 | @Overr ide | 262 | @Overr ide | 259 | @Overr ide | |||||
257 | public Container getContai ner() { | 263 | public Container getContai ner() { | 260 | public Container getContai ner() { | |||||
258 | 264 |
261 | re turn this. context; | ||||||
259 | return ( this.conte xt ) ; | |||||||||
260 | ||||||||||
261 | } | 265 | } | 262 | } | |||||
262 | 266 | 263 | ||||||||
263 | ||||||||||
264 | /** | 267 | /** | 264 | /** | |||||
265 | * Set the Conta iner to wh ich this V alve is at tached. | 268 | * Set the Conta iner to wh ich this V alve is at tached. | 265 | * Set the Conta iner to wh ich this V alve is at tached. | |||||
266 | * | 269 | * | 266 | * | |||||
267 | * @param con tainer The contai ner to whi ch we are attached | 270 | * @pa ram contai ner | 267 | * @pa ram contai ner | |||||
271 |
268 | * Th e containe r to which we are at tached | |||||||
268 | */ | 272 | */ | 269 | */ | |||||
269 | @Overr ide | 273 | @Overr ide | 270 | @Overr ide | |||||
270 | public void setC ontainer(C ontainer c ontainer) { | 274 | public void setC ontainer(C ontainer c ontainer) { | 271 | public void setC ontainer(C ontainer c ontainer) { | |||||
271 | 275 | 272 | ||||||||
272 | if (containe r != null && !(conta iner insta nceof Cont ext)) { | 276 | if (containe r != null && !(conta iner insta nceof Cont ext)) { | 273 | if (containe r != null && !(conta iner insta nceof Cont ext)) { | |||||
273 |
throw new
277 | throw new IllegalArg umentExcep tion (sm.getStr ing("authe nticator.n otContext" )); | 274 | throw ne w IllegalA rgumentExc eption(sm. getString( "authentic ator.notCo ntext")); | |||||
274 | (sm. getString( "authentic ator.notCo ntext")); | |||||||||
275 | } | 278 | } | 275 | } | |||||
276 | 279 | 276 | ||||||||
277 | su per.setCon tainer(con tainer); | 280 | su per.setCon tainer(con tainer); | 277 | su per.setCon tainer(con tainer); | |||||
278 | th is.context = (Contex t) contain er; | 281 | th is.context = (Contex t) contain er; | 278 | th is.context = (Contex t) contain er; | |||||
279 | 282 | 279 | ||||||||
280 | } | 283 | } | 280 | } | |||||
281 | 284 | 281 | ||||||||
282 | ||||||||||
283 | /** | 285 | /** | 282 | /** | |||||
284 | * Ret urn the fl ag that st ates if we add heade rs to disa ble cachin g by | 286 | * Ret urn the fl ag that st ates if we add heade rs to disa ble cachin g by | 283 | * Ret urn the fl ag that st ates if we add heade rs to disa ble cachin g by | |||||
285 | * pro xies. | 287 | * pro xies. | 284 | * pro xies. | |||||
288 | * | 285 | * | |||||||
289 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if the headers wi ll be adde d, otherwi se | 286 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if the headers wi ll be adde d, otherwi se | |||||||
290 | * <code >false</co de> | 287 | * <code >false</co de> | |||||||
286 | */ | 291 | */ | 288 | */ | |||||
287 | public boolean g etDisableP roxyCachin g() { | 292 | public boolean g etDisableP roxyCachin g() { | 289 | public boolean g etDisableP roxyCachin g() { | |||||
288 | re turn disab leProxyCac hing; | 293 | re turn disab leProxyCac hing; | 290 | re turn disab leProxyCac hing; | |||||
289 | } | 294 | } | 291 | } | |||||
290 | 295 | 292 | ||||||||
291 | /** | 296 | /** | 293 | /** | |||||
292 | * Set the value of the fl ag that st ates if we add heade rs to disa ble | 297 | * Set the value of the fl ag that st ates if we add heade rs to disa ble | 294 | * Set the value of the fl ag that st ates if we add heade rs to disa ble | |||||
293 | * cac hing by pr oxies. | 298 | * cac hing by pr oxies. | 295 | * cac hing by pr oxies. | |||||
294 |
@param noc
</code> if
we add he
aders to d
isable pro
299 | * | 296 | * | |||||
295 | * caching, <code>fals e</code> i f we leave the heade rs alone. | 300 | * @pa ram nocach e | 297 | * @pa ram nocach e | |||||
301 |
298 | * <c ode>true</ code> if w e add head ers to dis able proxy caching, | |||||||
302 |
299 | * <c ode>false< /code> if we leave t he headers alone. | |||||||
296 | */ | 303 | */ | 300 | */ | |||||
297 | public void setD isableProx yCaching(b oolean noc ache) { | 304 | public void setD isableProx yCaching(b oolean noc ache) { | 301 | public void setD isableProx yCaching(b oolean noc ache) { | |||||
298 | di sableProxy Caching = nocache; | 305 | di sableProxy Caching = nocache; | 302 | di sableProxy Caching = nocache; | |||||
299 | } | 306 | } | 303 | } | |||||
300 | 307 | 304 | ||||||||
301 | /** | 308 | /** | 305 | /** | |||||
302 | * Ret urn the fl ag that st ates, if p roxy cachi ng is disa bled, what headers | 309 | * Ret urn the fl ag that st ates, if p roxy cachi ng is disa bled, what headers | 306 | * Ret urn the fl ag that st ates, if p roxy cachi ng is disa bled, what headers | |||||
303 | * we add to dis able the c aching. | 310 | * we add to dis able the c aching. | 307 | * we add to dis able the c aching. | |||||
311 | * | 308 | * | |||||||
312 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if a Pr agma heade r should b e used, ot herwise | 309 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if a Pr agma heade r should b e used, ot herwise | |||||||
313 | * <code >false</co de> | 310 | * <code >false</co de> | |||||||
304 | */ | 314 | */ | 311 | */ | |||||
305 | public boolean g etSecurePa gesWithPra gma() { | 315 | public boolean g etSecurePa gesWithPra gma() { | 312 | public boolean g etSecurePa gesWithPra gma() { | |||||
306 | re turn secur ePagesWith Pragma; | 316 | re turn secur ePagesWith Pragma; | 313 | re turn secur ePagesWith Pragma; | |||||
307 | } | 317 | } | 314 | } | |||||
308 | 318 | 315 | ||||||||
309 | /** | 319 | /** | 316 | /** | |||||
310 | * Set the value of the fl ag that st ates what headers we add to di sable | 320 | * Set the value of the fl ag that st ates what headers we add to di sable | 317 | * Set the value of the fl ag that st ates what headers we add to di sable | |||||
311 | * pro xy caching . | 321 | * pro xy caching . | 318 | * pro xy caching . | |||||
312 |
@param sec
</code> if
we add he
aders whic
322 | * | 319 | * | |||||
313 |
are incomp
with downl
oading off
ice docume
nts in IE
under SSL
323 | * @pa ram secure PagesWithP ragma | 320 | * @pa ram secure PagesWithP ragma | |||||
314 | * which fix a cach ing proble m in Mozil la. | 324 |
321 | * <c ode>true</ code> if w e add head ers which are incomp atible | |||||
325 |
322 | * wi th downloa ding offic e document s in IE un der SSL bu t which | |||||||
326 |
323 | * fi x a cachin g problem in Mozilla . | |||||||
315 | */ | 327 | */ | 324 | */ | |||||
316 | public void setS ecurePages WithPragma (boolean s ecurePages WithPragma ) { | 328 | public void setS ecurePages WithPragma (boolean s ecurePages WithPragma ) { | 325 | public void setS ecurePages WithPragma (boolean s ecurePages WithPragma ) { | |||||
317 | th is.secureP agesWithPr agma = sec urePagesWi thPragma; | 329 | th is.secureP agesWithPr agma = sec urePagesWi thPragma; | 326 | th is.secureP agesWithPr agma = sec urePagesWi thPragma; | |||||
318 | } | 330 | } | 327 | } | |||||
319 | 331 | 328 | ||||||||
320 | /** | 332 | /** | 329 | /** | |||||
321 | * Ret urn the fl ag that st ates if we should ch ange the s ession ID of an | 333 | * Ret urn the fl ag that st ates if we should ch ange the s ession ID of an | 330 | * Ret urn the fl ag that st ates if we should ch ange the s ession ID of an | |||||
322 | * exi sting sess ion upon s uccessful authentica tion. | 334 | * exi sting sess ion upon s uccessful authentica tion. | 331 | * exi sting sess ion upon s uccessful authentica tion. | |||||
323 | * | 335 | * | 332 | * | |||||
324 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> to chan ge session ID upon s uccessful | 336 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> to chan ge session ID upon s uccessful | 333 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> to chan ge session ID upon s uccessful | |||||
325 | * authe ntication, <code>fal se</code> to do not perform th e change. | 337 | * authe ntication, <code>fal se</code> to do not perform th e change. | 334 | * authe ntication, <code>fal se</code> to do not perform th e change. | |||||
326 | */ | 338 | */ | 335 | */ | |||||
327 | public boolean g etChangeSe ssionIdOnA uthenticat ion() { | 339 | public boolean g etChangeSe ssionIdOnA uthenticat ion() { | 336 | public boolean g etChangeSe ssionIdOnA uthenticat ion() { | |||||
328 | re turn chang eSessionId OnAuthenti cation; | 340 | re turn chang eSessionId OnAuthenti cation; | 337 | re turn chang eSessionId OnAuthenti cation; | |||||
329 | } | 341 | } | 338 | } | |||||
330 | 342 | 339 | ||||||||
331 | /** | 343 | /** | 340 | /** | |||||
332 | * Set the value of the fl ag that st ates if we should ch ange the s ession ID | 344 | * Set the value of the fl ag that st ates if we should ch ange the s ession ID | 341 | * Set the value of the fl ag that st ates if we should ch ange the s ession ID | |||||
333 | * of an existin g session upon succe ssful auth entication . | 345 | * of an existin g session upon succe ssful auth entication . | 342 | * of an existin g session upon succe ssful auth entication . | |||||
334 | * | 346 | * | 343 | * | |||||
335 |
* @param c
347 | * @param c hangeSessi onIdOnAuth entication <code>tru e</code> t o change | 344 | * @pa ram change SessionIdO nAuthentic ation <cod e>true</co de> to cha nge | |||||
336 | * <c ode>true</ code> to c hange sess ion ID upo n successf ul | 348 |
session ID
upon succ
tion, <cod
345 | * se ssion ID u pon succes sful authe ntication, <code>fal se</code> | |||||
337 |
349 | * to do not pe rform the change. | 346 | * to do not pe rform the change. | |||||
338 | * ch ange. | |||||||||
339 | */ | 350 | */ | 347 | */ | |||||
340 |
public voi
d setChang
351 | public voi d setChang eSessionId OnAuthenti cation( boolean ch angeSessio nIdOnAuthe ntication) { | 348 | public void setC hangeSessi onIdOnAuth entication (boolean c hangeSessi onIdOnAuth entication ) { | |||||
341 | boolean changeSess ionIdOnAut henticatio n) { | |||||||||
342 | th is.changeS essionIdOn Authentica tion = cha ngeSession IdOnAuthen tication; | 352 | th is.changeS essionIdOn Authentica tion = cha ngeSession IdOnAuthen tication; | 349 | th is.changeS essionIdOn Authentica tion = cha ngeSession IdOnAuthen tication; | |||||
343 | } | 353 | } | 350 | } | |||||
344 | 354 | 351 | ||||||||
345 | /** | 355 | /** | 352 | /** | |||||
346 | * Ret urn the se cure rando m number g enerator c lass name. | 356 | * Ret urn the se cure rando m number g enerator c lass name. | 353 | * Ret urn the se cure rando m number g enerator c lass name. | |||||
357 | * | 354 | * | |||||||
358 | * @re turn The f ully quali fied name of the Sec ureRandom implementa tion to | 355 | * @re turn The f ully quali fied name of the Sec ureRandom implementa tion to | |||||||
359 | * use | 356 | * use | |||||||
347 | */ | 360 | */ | 357 | */ | |||||
348 | public String ge tSecureRan domClass() { | 361 | public String ge tSecureRan domClass() { | 358 | public String ge tSecureRan domClass() { | |||||
349 | 362 |
359 | re turn this. secureRand omClass; | ||||||
350 | return ( this.secur eRandomCla ss ) ; | |||||||||
351 | ||||||||||
352 | } | 363 | } | 360 | } | |||||
353 | 364 | 361 | ||||||||
354 | ||||||||||
355 | /** | 365 | /** | 362 | /** | |||||
356 | * Set the secur e random n umber gene rator clas s name. | 366 | * Set the secur e random n umber gene rator clas s name. | 363 | * Set the secur e random n umber gene rator clas s name. | |||||
357 | * | 367 | * | 364 | * | |||||
358 | * @param s ecureRando mClass The new s ecure rand om number generator class | 368 |
* @param s
365 | * @pa ram secure RandomClas s | |||||
359 | * name | 369 | * Th e new secu re random number gen erator cla ss name | 366 | * Th e new secu re random number gen erator cla ss name | |||||
360 | */ | 370 | */ | 367 | */ | |||||
361 | public void setS ecureRando mClass(Str ing secure RandomClas s) { | 371 | public void setS ecureRando mClass(Str ing secure RandomClas s) { | 368 | public void setS ecureRando mClass(Str ing secure RandomClas s) { | |||||
362 | th is.secureR andomClass = secureR andomClass ; | 372 | th is.secureR andomClass = secureR andomClass ; | 369 | th is.secureR andomClass = secureR andomClass ; | |||||
363 | } | 373 | } | 370 | } | |||||
364 | 374 | 371 | ||||||||
365 | ||||||||||
366 | /** | 375 | /** | 372 | /** | |||||
367 | * Ret urn the se cure rando m number g enerator a lgorithm n ame. | 376 | * Ret urn the se cure rando m number g enerator a lgorithm n ame. | 373 | * Ret urn the se cure rando m number g enerator a lgorithm n ame. | |||||
377 | * | 374 | * | |||||||
378 | * @re turn The n ame of the SecureRan dom algori thm used | 375 | * @re turn The n ame of the SecureRan dom algori thm used | |||||||
368 | */ | 379 | */ | 376 | */ | |||||
369 | public String ge tSecureRan domAlgorit hm() { | 380 | public String ge tSecureRan domAlgorit hm() { | 377 | public String ge tSecureRan domAlgorit hm() { | |||||
370 | re turn secur eRandomAlg orithm; | 381 | re turn secur eRandomAlg orithm; | 378 | re turn secur eRandomAlg orithm; | |||||
371 | } | 382 | } | 379 | } | |||||
372 | 383 | 380 | ||||||||
373 | ||||||||||
374 | /** | 384 | /** | 381 | /** | |||||
375 | * Set the secur e random n umber gene rator algo rithm name . | 385 | * Set the secur e random n umber gene rator algo rithm name . | 382 | * Set the secur e random n umber gene rator algo rithm name . | |||||
376 | * | 386 | * | 383 | * | |||||
377 | * @param s ecureRando mAlgorithm The new s ecure rand om number generator | 387 |
* @param s
384 | * @pa ram secure RandomAlgo rithm | |||||
378 |
388 | * The new se cure rando m number g enerator algorithm name | 385 | * Th e new secu re random number gen erator alg orithm nam e | |||||
379 | */ | 389 | */ | 386 | */ | |||||
380 | public void setS ecureRando mAlgorithm (String se cureRandom Algorithm) { | 390 | public void setS ecureRando mAlgorithm (String se cureRandom Algorithm) { | 387 | public void setS ecureRando mAlgorithm (String se cureRandom Algorithm) { | |||||
381 | th is.secureR andomAlgor ithm = sec ureRandomA lgorithm; | 391 | th is.secureR andomAlgor ithm = sec ureRandomA lgorithm; | 388 | th is.secureR andomAlgor ithm = sec ureRandomA lgorithm; | |||||
382 | } | 392 | } | 389 | } | |||||
383 | 393 | 390 | ||||||||
384 | ||||||||||
385 | /** | 394 | /** | 391 | /** | |||||
386 | * Ret urn the se cure rando m number g enerator p rovider na me. | 395 | * Ret urn the se cure rando m number g enerator p rovider na me. | 392 | * Ret urn the se cure rando m number g enerator p rovider na me. | |||||
396 | * | 393 | * | |||||||
397 | * @re turn The n ame of the SecureRan dom provid er | 394 | * @re turn The n ame of the SecureRan dom provid er | |||||||
387 | */ | 398 | */ | 395 | */ | |||||
388 | public String ge tSecureRan domProvide r() { | 399 | public String ge tSecureRan domProvide r() { | 396 | public String ge tSecureRan domProvide r() { | |||||
389 | re turn secur eRandomPro vider; | 400 | re turn secur eRandomPro vider; | 397 | re turn secur eRandomPro vider; | |||||
390 | } | 401 | } | 398 | } | |||||
391 | 402 | 399 | ||||||||
392 | ||||||||||
393 | /** | 403 | /** | 400 | /** | |||||
394 | * Set the secur e random n umber gene rator prov ider name. | 404 | * Set the secur e random n umber gene rator prov ider name. | 401 | * Set the secur e random n umber gene rator prov ider name. | |||||
395 | * | 405 | * | 402 | * | |||||
396 | * @param s ecureRando mProvider The new s ecure rand om number generator | 406 |
* @param s
403 | * @pa ram secure RandomProv ider | |||||
397 |
407 | * The new se cure rando m number g enerator provider n ame | 404 | * Th e new secu re random number gen erator pro vider name | |||||
398 | */ | 408 | */ | 405 | */ | |||||
399 | public void setS ecureRando mProvider( String sec ureRandomP rovider) { | 409 | public void setS ecureRando mProvider( String sec ureRandomP rovider) { | 406 | public void setS ecureRando mProvider( String sec ureRandomP rovider) { | |||||
400 | th is.secureR andomProvi der = secu reRandomPr ovider; | 410 | th is.secureR andomProvi der = secu reRandomPr ovider; | 407 | th is.secureR andomProvi der = secu reRandomPr ovider; | |||||
401 | } | 411 | } | 408 | } | |||||
402 | 412 | 409 | ||||||||
403 | ||||||||||
404 | ||||||||||
405 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- Publi c Methods | 413 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- Publi c Methods | 410 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- Publi c Methods | |||||
406 | 414 | 411 | ||||||||
407 | ||||||||||
408 | /** | 415 | /** | 412 | /** | |||||
409 | * Enf orce the s ecurity re strictions in the we b applicat ion deploy ment | 416 | * Enf orce the s ecurity re strictions in the we b applicat ion deploy ment | 413 | * Enf orce the s ecurity re strictions in the we b applicat ion deploy ment | |||||
410 | * des criptor of our assoc iated Cont ext. | 417 | * des criptor of our assoc iated Cont ext. | 414 | * des criptor of our assoc iated Cont ext. | |||||
411 | * | 418 | * | 415 | * | |||||
412 | * @param r equest Request t o be proce ssed | 419 |
* @param r
416 | * @pa ram reques t | |||||
413 | * @param res ponse Response t o be proce ssed | 420 | * Re quest to b e processe d | 417 | * Re quest to b e processe d | |||||
421 | * @pa ram respon se | 418 | * @pa ram respon se | |||||||
422 |
419 | * Re sponse to be process ed | |||||||
414 | * | 423 | * | 420 | * | |||||
415 | * @excepti on IOExcep tion if an inp ut/output error occu rs | 424 |
* @excepti
on IOExcep
421 | * @ex ception IO Exception | |||||
416 | * @exception ServletEx ception if thrown by a proce ssing elem ent | 425 | * if an in put/output error occ urs | 422 | * if an in put/output error occ urs | |||||
426 | * @ex ception Se rvletExcep tion | 423 | * @ex ception Se rvletExcep tion | |||||||
427 |
424 | * if throw n by a pro cessing el ement | |||||||
417 | */ | 428 | */ | 425 | */ | |||||
418 | @Overr ide | 429 | @Overr ide | 426 | @Overr ide | |||||
419 |
public voi
d invoke(R
equest req
uest, Resp
onse respo
430 | public voi d invoke(R equest req uest, Resp onse respo nse) throws IO Exception, ServletEx ception { | 427 | public void invo ke(Request request, Response r esponse) t hrows IOEx ception, S ervletExce ption { | |||||
420 | th rows IOExc eption, Se rvletExcep tion { | |||||||||
421 | 431 | 428 | ||||||||
422 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | 432 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | 429 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | |||||
423 |
checking r
equest " +
433 | log.debug( "Security checking r equest " + request.g etMethod() + " " + | 430 | log.debu g("Securit y checking request " + request .getMethod () + " " + | |||||
424 | t Method() + " " + req uest.get RequestURI ()); | 434 |
431 | tRequestUR I()); | |||||
425 | } | 435 | } | 432 | } | |||||
426 | 436 | 433 | ||||||||
427 | // Have we g ot a cache d authenti cated Prin cipal to r ecord? | 437 | // Have we g ot a cache d authenti cated Prin cipal to r ecord? | 434 | // Have we g ot a cache d authenti cated Prin cipal to r ecord? | |||||
428 | if (cache) { | 438 | if (cache) { | 435 | if (cache) { | |||||
429 | Principa l principa l = reques t.getUserP rincipal() ; | 439 | Principa l principa l = reques t.getUserP rincipal() ; | 436 | Principa l principa l = reques t.getUserP rincipal() ; | |||||
430 | if (prin cipal == n ull) { | 440 | if (prin cipal == n ull) { | 437 | if (prin cipal == n ull) { | |||||
431 | Sess ion sessio n = reques t.getSessi onInternal (false); | 441 | Sess ion sessio n = reques t.getSessi onInternal (false); | 438 | Sess ion sessio n = reques t.getSessi onInternal (false); | |||||
432 | if ( session != null) { | 442 | if ( session != null) { | 439 | if ( session != null) { | |||||
433 | principal = session. getPrincip al(); | 443 | principal = session. getPrincip al(); | 440 | principal = session. getPrincip al(); | |||||
434 | if (princi pal != nul l) { | 444 | if (princi pal != nul l) { | 441 | if (princi pal != nul l) { | |||||
435 | if (lo g.isDebugE nabled()) { | 445 | if (lo g.isDebugE nabled()) { | 442 | if (lo g.isDebugE nabled()) { | |||||
436 |
"We have c
ached auth
type " +
446 | log.debug( "We have c ached auth type " + session.g etAuthType () + | 443 | lo g.debug("W e have cac hed auth t ype " + se ssion.getA uthType() + | |||||
437 | session. getAuthTyp e() + | 447 | " for prin cipal " + principal ); | 444 | " fo r principa l " + prin cipal); | |||||
438 |
" for prin
cipal " +
439 | session. getPrincip al()); | |||||||||
440 | } | 448 | } | 445 | } | |||||
441 | reques t.setAuthT ype(sessio n.getAuthT ype()); | 449 | reques t.setAuthT ype(sessio n.getAuthT ype()); | 446 | reques t.setAuthT ype(sessio n.getAuthT ype()); | |||||
442 | reques t.setUserP rincipal(p rincipal); | 450 | reques t.setUserP rincipal(p rincipal); | 447 | reques t.setUserP rincipal(p rincipal); | |||||
443 | } | 451 | } | 448 | } | |||||
444 | } | 452 | } | 449 | } | |||||
445 | } | 453 | } | 450 | } | |||||
446 | } | 454 | } | 451 | } | |||||
447 | 455 | 452 | ||||||||
448 | // Special h andling fo r form-bas ed logins to deal wi th the cas e | 456 | bo olean auth Required = isContinu ationRequi red(reques t); | 453 | bo olean auth Required = isContinu ationRequi red(reques t); | |||||
449 | // where the login for m (and the refore the "j_securi ty_check" URI | |||||||||
450 | // to which it submits ) might be outside t he secured area | |||||||||
451 | St ring conte xtPath = t his.contex t.getPath( ); | |||||||||
452 | St ring decod edRequestU RI = reque st.getDeco dedRequest URI(); | |||||||||
453 | if (decodedR equestURI. startsWith (contextPa th) && | |||||||||
454 | deco dedRequest URI.endsWi th(Constan ts.FORM_AC TION)) { | |||||||||
455 | if (!aut henticate( request, r esponse)) { | |||||||||
456 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | |||||||||
457 | log.debug( " Failed a uthenticat e() test ? ?" + decod edRequestU RI ); | |||||||||
458 | } | |||||||||
459 | retu rn; | |||||||||
460 | } | |||||||||
461 | } | |||||||||
462 | ||||||||||
463 | // Special h andling fo r form-bas ed logins to deal wi th the cas e where | |||||||||
464 | // a resourc e is prote cted for s ome HTTP m ethods but not prote cted for | |||||||||
465 | // GET which is used a fter authe ntication when redir ecting to the | |||||||||
466 | // protected resource. | |||||||||
467 | // TODO: Thi s is simil ar to the FormAuthen tchRequest () logic | |||||||||
468 | // Is there a wa y to remov e the dupl ication? | |||||||||
469 | Se ssion sess ion = requ est.getSes sionIntern al(false); | |||||||||
470 | if (session != null) { | |||||||||
471 | SavedReq uest saved Request = | |||||||||
472 | (SavedRequ est) sessi on.getNote (Constants .FORM_REQU EST_NOTE); | |||||||||
473 | if (save dRequest ! = null && | |||||||||
474 | decodedReq uestURI.eq uals(saved tDecodedRe questURI() ) && | |||||||||
475 | !authentic ate(reques t, respons e)) { | |||||||||
476 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | |||||||||
477 | log.debug( " Failed a uthenticat e() test") ; | |||||||||
478 | } | |||||||||
479 | /* | |||||||||
480 | * A SSERT: Aut henticator already s et the app ropriate | |||||||||
481 | * H TTP status code, so we do not have to do anything | |||||||||
482 | * s pecial | |||||||||
483 | */ | |||||||||
484 | retu rn; | |||||||||
485 | } | |||||||||
486 | } | |||||||||
487 | 457 | 454 | ||||||||
488 | // The Servl et may spe cify secur ity constr aints thro ugh annota tions. | 458 | // The Servl et may spe cify secur ity constr aints thro ugh annota tions. | 455 | // The Servl et may spe cify secur ity constr aints thro ugh annota tions. | |||||
489 | // Ensure th at they ha ve been pr ocessed be fore const raints are checked | 459 | // Ensure th at they ha ve been pr ocessed be fore const raints are checked | 456 | // Ensure th at they ha ve been pr ocessed be fore const raints are checked | |||||
490 |
Wrapper wr
apper = re
460 | Wrapper wr apper = re quest.get W rapper () ; | 457 | Wr apper wrap per = requ est.getWra pper(); | |||||
491 | if (wrapper != null) { | 461 | if (wrapper != null) { | 458 | if (wrapper != null) { | |||||
492 | wrapper. servletSec urityAnnot ationScan( ); | 462 | wrapper. servletSec urityAnnot ationScan( ); | 459 | wrapper. servletSec urityAnnot ationScan( ); | |||||
493 | } | 463 | } | 460 | } | |||||
494 | 464 | 461 | ||||||||
495 | Re alm realm = this.con text.getRe alm(); | 465 | Re alm realm = this.con text.getRe alm(); | 462 | Re alm realm = this.con text.getRe alm(); | |||||
496 | // Is this r equest URI subject t o a securi ty constra int? | 466 | // Is this r equest URI subject t o a securi ty constra int? | 463 | // Is this r equest URI subject t o a securi ty constra int? | |||||
497 |
[] constra
467 |
464 | Se curityCons traint[] c onstraints = realm.f indSecurit yConstrain ts(request , this.con text); | |||||
498 | = realm. findSecuri tyConstrai nts(reques t, ntext); | 468 | 465 | |||||||
469 | Au thConfigPr ovider jas picProvide r = getJas picProvide r(); | 466 | Au thConfigPr ovider jas picProvide r = getJas picProvide r(); | |||||||
470 | if (jaspicPr ovider != null) { | 467 | if (jaspicPr ovider != null) { | |||||||
471 | authRequ ired = tru e; | 468 | authRequ ired = tru e; | |||||||
472 | } | 469 | } | |||||||
499 | 473 | 470 | ||||||||
500 |
if (constr
aints == n
ull && !co
474 | if (constr aints == n ull && !co ntext.getP reemptiveA uthenticat ion() && !authR equired ) { | 471 | if (constrai nts == nul l && !cont ext.getPre emptiveAut henticatio n() && !au thRequired ) { | |||||
501 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 475 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 472 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | |||||
502 | log. debug(" No t subject to any con straint"); | 476 | log. debug(" No t subject to any con straint"); | 473 | log. debug(" No t subject to any con straint"); | |||||
503 | } | 477 | } | 474 | } | |||||
504 | getNext( ).invoke(r equest, re sponse); | 478 | getNext( ).invoke(r equest, re sponse); | 475 | getNext( ).invoke(r equest, re sponse); | |||||
505 | return; | 479 | return; | 476 | return; | |||||
506 | } | 480 | } | 477 | } | |||||
507 | 481 | 478 | ||||||||
508 | // Make sure that cons trained re sources ar e not cach ed by web proxies | 482 | // Make sure that cons trained re sources ar e not cach ed by web proxies | 479 | // Make sure that cons trained re sources ar e not cach ed by web proxies | |||||
509 | // or browse rs as cach ing can pr ovide a se curity hol e | 483 | // or browse rs as cach ing can pr ovide a se curity hol e | 480 | // or browse rs as cach ing can pr ovide a se curity hol e | |||||
510 | if (constrai nts != nul l && disab leProxyCac hing && | 484 | if (constrai nts != nul l && disab leProxyCac hing && | 481 | if (constrai nts != nul l && disab leProxyCac hing && | |||||
511 | !"POST". equalsIgno reCase(req uest.getMe thod())) { | 485 | !"PO ST".equals IgnoreCase (request.g etMethod() )) { | 482 | !"PO ST".equals IgnoreCase (request.g etMethod() )) { | |||||
512 | if (secu rePagesWit hPragma) { | 486 | if (secu rePagesWit hPragma) { | 483 | if (secu rePagesWit hPragma) { | |||||
513 | // N ote: These can cause problems with downl oading fil es with IE | 487 | // N ote: These can cause problems with downl oading fil es with IE | 484 | // N ote: These can cause problems with downl oading fil es with IE | |||||
514 | resp onse.setHe ader("Prag ma", "No-c ache"); | 488 | resp onse.setHe ader("Prag ma", "No-c ache"); | 485 | resp onse.setHe ader("Prag ma", "No-c ache"); | |||||
515 | resp onse.setHe ader("Cach e-Control" , "no-cach e"); | 489 | resp onse.setHe ader("Cach e-Control" , "no-cach e"); | 486 | resp onse.setHe ader("Cach e-Control" , "no-cach e"); | |||||
516 | } else { | 490 | } else { | 487 | } else { | |||||
517 | resp onse.setHe ader("Cach e-Control" , "private "); | 491 | resp onse.setHe ader("Cach e-Control" , "private "); | 488 | resp onse.setHe ader("Cach e-Control" , "private "); | |||||
518 | } | 492 | } | 489 | } | |||||
519 | response .setHeader ("Expires" , DATE_ONE ); | 493 | response .setHeader ("Expires" , DATE_ONE ); | 490 | response .setHeader ("Expires" , DATE_ONE ); | |||||
520 | } | 494 | } | 491 | } | |||||
521 | 495 | 492 | ||||||||
522 | in t i; | |||||||||
523 | if (constrai nts != nul l) { | 496 | if (constrai nts != nul l) { | 493 | if (constrai nts != nul l) { | |||||
524 | // Enfor ce any use r data con straint fo r this sec urity cons traint | 497 | // Enfor ce any use r data con straint fo r this sec urity cons traint | 494 | // Enfor ce any use r data con straint fo r this sec urity cons traint | |||||
525 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 498 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 495 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | |||||
526 | log. debug(" Ca lling hasU serDataPer mission()" ); | 499 | log. debug(" Ca lling hasU serDataPer mission()" ); | 496 | log. debug(" Ca lling hasU serDataPer mission()" ); | |||||
527 | } | 500 | } | 497 | } | |||||
528 |
if (!realm
, response
501 | if (!realm .hasUserDa taPermissi on(request , response , constrain ts)) { | 498 | if (!rea lm.hasUser DataPermis sion(reque st, respon se, constr aints)) { | |||||
529 | const raints)) { | |||||||||
530 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 502 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 499 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | |||||
531 | log.debug( " Failed h asUserData Permission () test"); | 503 | log.debug( " Failed h asUserData Permission () test"); | 500 | log.debug( " Failed h asUserData Permission () test"); | |||||
532 | } | 504 | } | 501 | } | |||||
533 | /* | 505 | /* | 502 | /* | |||||
534 |
tor alread
y set the
506 | * ASSERT: Authentica tor alread y set the appropriat e HTTP stat us | 503 | * A SSERT: Aut henticator already s et the app ropriate H TTP status | |||||
535 | * HTTP statu s code, so w e do not h ave to do anything s pecial | 507 |
504 | * c ode, so we do not ha ve to do a nything sp ecial | |||||
536 | */ | 508 | */ | 505 | */ | |||||
537 | retu rn; | 509 | retu rn; | 506 | retu rn; | |||||
538 | } | 510 | } | 507 | } | |||||
539 | } | 511 | } | 508 | } | |||||
540 | 512 | 509 | ||||||||
541 | // Since aut henticate modifies t he respons e on failu re, | 513 | // Since aut henticate modifies t he respons e on failu re, | 510 | // Since aut henticate modifies t he respons e on failu re, | |||||
542 | // we have t o check fo r allow-fr om-all fir st. | 514 | // we have t o check fo r allow-fr om-all fir st. | 511 | // we have t o check fo r allow-fr om-all fir st. | |||||
543 |
515 |
aint = fal
512 | bo olean hasA uthConstra int = fals e; | |||||
544 | if (constr aints = = null) { | 516 | if (constr aints ! = null) { | 513 | if (constrai nts != nul l) { | |||||
545 | authRequ ired = fal se; | 517 | h a sA uth Const r aint = true; | 514 | hasAuthC onstraint = true; | |||||
546 | } else { | 518 | for (i nt i = 0; i < con straints.l ength && h a sA uth Const r aint ; i++) { | 515 | for (int i = 0; i < constrai nts.length && hasAut hConstrain t; i++) { | |||||
547 |
519 | if (!constrai nts[i].get AuthConstr aint()) { | 516 | if ( !constrain ts[i].getA uthConstra int()) { | |||||
548 |
520 | h a sA uth Const r aint = false; | 517 | hasAuthCon straint = false; | |||||
549 |
521 | } else if (!constrai nts[i].get AllRoles() && | 518 | } el se if (!co nstraints[ i].getAllR oles() && | |||||
550 |
551 | break; | |||||||||
552 |
} else if
553 | !const raints[i]. getAuthent icatedUser s()) { | 522 | !const raints[i]. getAuthent icatedUser s()) { | 519 | !const raints[i]. getAuthent icatedUser s()) { | |||||
554 | String [] roles = constrain ts[i].find AuthRoles( ); | 523 |
520 | String[] r oles = con straints[i ].findAuth Roles(); | |||||
555 |
524 | if (roles == null || ro les.length == 0) { | 521 | if (roles == null || roles.len gth == 0) { | |||||
556 |
525 | h a sA uth Const r aint = false; | 522 | hasAut hConstrain t = false; | |||||
557 | break; | 526 | } | 523 | } | |||||
558 | } | 527 | } | 524 | } | |||||
559 | } | 528 | } | 525 | } | |||||
560 | } | 529 | } | 526 | } | |||||
530 | 527 | |||||||||
531 | if (!authReq uired && h asAuthCons traint) { | 528 | if (!authReq uired && h asAuthCons traint) { | |||||||
532 | authRequ ired = tru e; | 529 | authRequ ired = tru e; | |||||||
561 | } | 533 | } | 530 | } | |||||
562 | 534 | 531 | ||||||||
563 | if (!authReq uired && c ontext.get Preemptive Authentica tion()) { | 535 | if (!authReq uired && c ontext.get Preemptive Authentica tion()) { | 532 | if (!authReq uired && c ontext.get Preemptive Authentica tion()) { | |||||
564 | authRequ ired = | 536 | authRequ ired = | 533 | authRequ ired = | |||||
565 |
537 | tCoyoteReq uest().get MimeHeader s().getVal ue( "authoriza tion") != null; | 534 | tCoyoteReq uest().get MimeHeader s().getVal ue("author ization") != null; | |||||
566 | "autho rization") != null; | |||||||||
567 | } | 538 | } | 535 | } | |||||
568 | 539 | 536 | ||||||||
569 | if (!authR equired && context.g etPreempti veAuthenti cation() && | 540 |
if (!authR
equired &&
537 | if (!authReq uired && c ontext.get Preemptive Authentica tion() | |||||
570 |
541 | && HttpServle tRequest.C LIENT_CERT _AUTH.equa ls(getAuth Method())) { | 538 | && H ttpServlet Request.CL IENT_CERT_ AUTH.equal s(getAuthM ethod())) { | |||||
571 | X509Cert ificate[] certs = ge tRequestCe rtificates (request); | 542 | X509Cert ificate[] certs = ge tRequestCe rtificates (request); | 539 | X509Cert ificate[] certs = ge tRequestCe rtificates (request); | |||||
572 | authRequ ired = cer ts != null && certs. length > 0 ; | 543 | authRequ ired = cer ts != null && certs. length > 0 ; | 540 | authRequ ired = cer ts != null && certs. length > 0 ; | |||||
573 | } | 544 | } | 541 | } | |||||
574 | 545 | 542 | ||||||||
575 |
546 | Ja spicState jaspicStat e = null; | 543 | Ja spicState jaspicStat e = null; | |||||
547 | 544 | |||||||||
548 | if (authRequi red) { | 545 | if (authRequ ired) { | |||||||
576 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 549 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 546 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | |||||
577 | log. debug(" Ca lling auth enticate() "); | 550 | log. debug(" Ca lling auth enticate() "); | 547 | log. debug(" Ca lling auth enticate() "); | |||||
578 | } | 551 | } | 548 | } | |||||
579 |
if (
552 | 549 | |||||||
553 | if (jasp icProvider != null) { | 550 | if (jasp icProvider != null) { | |||||||
554 | jasp icState = getJaspicS tate(jaspi cProvider, request, response, hasAuthCon straint); | 551 | jasp icState = getJaspicS tate(jaspi cProvider, request, response, hasAuthCon straint); | |||||||
555 | if ( jaspicStat e == null) { | 552 | if ( jaspicStat e == null) { | |||||||
556 | return; | 553 | return; | |||||||
557 | } | 554 | } | |||||||
558 | } | 555 | } | |||||||
559 | 556 | |||||||||
560 | if (jasp icProvider == null & & !doAuthe nticate(re quest, res ponse) || | 557 | if (jasp icProvider == null & & !doAuthe nticate(re quest, res ponse) || | |||||||
561 | jaspicProv ider != nu ll && | 558 | jaspicProv ider != nu ll && | |||||||
562 |
559 | !a uthenticat eJaspic(re quest, res ponse, jas picState, false)) { | |||||||
580 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 563 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 560 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | |||||
581 | log.debug( " Failed a uthenticat e() test") ; | 564 | log.debug( " Failed a uthenticat e() test") ; | 561 | log.debug( " Failed a uthenticat e() test") ; | |||||
582 | } | 565 | } | 562 | } | |||||
583 | /* | 566 | /* | 563 | /* | |||||
584 |
tor alread
y set the
567 | * ASSERT: Authentica tor alread y set the appropriat e HTTP stat us | 564 | * A SSERT: Aut henticator already s et the app ropriate H TTP status | |||||
585 |
HTTP statu
code, so w
e do not h
ave to do
568 |
565 | * c ode, so we do not ha ve to do a nything sp ecial | |||||
586 | * s pecial | |||||||||
587 | */ | 569 | */ | 566 | */ | |||||
588 | retu rn; | 570 | retu rn; | 567 | retu rn; | |||||
589 | } | 571 | } | 568 | } | |||||
590 | 572 | 569 | ||||||||
591 | } | 573 | } | 570 | } | |||||
592 | 574 | 571 | ||||||||
593 | if (constrai nts != nul l) { | 575 | if (constrai nts != nul l) { | 572 | if (constrai nts != nul l) { | |||||
594 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 576 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 573 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | |||||
595 | log. debug(" Ca lling acce ssControl( )"); | 577 | log. debug(" Ca lling acce ssControl( )"); | 574 | log. debug(" Ca lling acce ssControl( )"); | |||||
596 | } | 578 | } | 575 | } | |||||
597 |
if (!realm
, response
579 | if (!realm .hasResour cePermissi on(request , response , constrain ts, this.c ontext)) { | 576 | if (!rea lm.hasReso urcePermis sion(reque st, respon se, constr aints, thi s.context) ) { | |||||
598 | const raints, | |||||||||
599 | this. context)) { | |||||||||
600 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 580 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 577 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | |||||
601 | log.debug( " Failed a ccessContr ol() test" ); | 581 | log.debug( " Failed a ccessContr ol() test" ); | 578 | log.debug( " Failed a ccessContr ol() test" ); | |||||
602 | } | 582 | } | 579 | } | |||||
603 | /* | 583 | /* | 580 | /* | |||||
604 |
rol method
has alrea
dy set the
584 | * ASSERT: AccessCont rol method has alrea dy set the appropria te | 581 | * A SSERT: Acc essControl method ha s already set the ap propriate | |||||
605 |
HTTP statu
s code, so
we do not
have to d
585 |
582 | * H TTP status code, so we do not have to do anything special | |||||
606 | * a nything sp ecial | |||||||||
607 | */ | 586 | */ | 583 | */ | |||||
608 | retu rn; | 587 | retu rn; | 584 | retu rn; | |||||
609 | } | 588 | } | 585 | } | |||||
610 | } | 589 | } | 586 | } | |||||
611 | 590 | 587 | ||||||||
612 | // Any and a ll specifi ed constra ints have been satis fied | 591 | // Any and a ll specifi ed constra ints have been satis fied | 588 | // Any and a ll specifi ed constra ints have been satis fied | |||||
613 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | 592 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | 589 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | |||||
614 | log.debu g(" Succes sfully pas sed all se curity con straints") ; | 593 | log.debu g(" Succes sfully pas sed all se curity con straints") ; | 590 | log.debu g(" Succes sfully pas sed all se curity con straints") ; | |||||
615 | } | 594 | } | 591 | } | |||||
616 | ge tNext().in voke(reque st, respon se); | 595 | ge tNext().in voke(reque st, respon se); | 592 | ge tNext().in voke(reque st, respon se); | |||||
617 | 596 | 593 | ||||||||
597 | if (jaspicPr ovider != null) { | 594 | if (jaspicPr ovider != null) { | |||||||
598 | secureRe sponseJspi c(request, response, jaspicSta te); | 595 | secureRe sponseJspi c(request, response, jaspicSta te); | |||||||
599 | } | 596 | } | |||||||
600 | } | 597 | } | |||||||
601 | 598 | |||||||||
602 | 599 | |||||||||
603 | @Overr ide | 600 | @Overr ide | |||||||
604 | public boolean a uthenticat e(Request request, H ttpServlet Response h ttpRespons e) | 601 | public boolean a uthenticat e(Request request, H ttpServlet Response h ttpRespons e) | |||||||
605 | throws I OException { | 602 | throws I OException { | |||||||
606 | 603 | |||||||||
607 | Au thConfigPr ovider jas picProvide r = getJas picProvide r(); | 604 | Au thConfigPr ovider jas picProvide r = getJas picProvide r(); | |||||||
608 | 605 | |||||||||
609 | if (jaspicPr ovider == null) { | 606 | if (jaspicPr ovider == null) { | |||||||
610 | return d oAuthentic ate(reques t, httpRes ponse); | 607 | return d oAuthentic ate(reques t, httpRes ponse); | |||||||
611 | } else { | 608 | } else { | |||||||
612 | Response response = request. getRespons e(); | 609 | Response response = request. getRespons e(); | |||||||
613 | JaspicSt ate jaspic State = ge tJaspicSta te(jaspicP rovider, r equest, re sponse, tr ue); | 610 | JaspicSt ate jaspic State = ge tJaspicSta te(jaspicP rovider, r equest, re sponse, tr ue); | |||||||
614 | if (jasp icState == null) { | 611 | if (jasp icState == null) { | |||||||
615 | retu rn false; | 612 | retu rn false; | |||||||
616 | } | 613 | } | |||||||
617 | 614 | |||||||||
618 | boolean result = a uthenticat eJaspic(re quest, res ponse, jas picState, true); | 615 | boolean result = a uthenticat eJaspic(re quest, res ponse, jas picState, true); | |||||||
619 | 616 | |||||||||
620 | secureRe sponseJspi c(request, response, jaspicSta te); | 617 | secureRe sponseJspi c(request, response, jaspicSta te); | |||||||
621 | 618 | |||||||||
622 | return r esult; | 619 | return r esult; | |||||||
623 | } | 620 | } | |||||||
624 | } | 621 | } | |||||||
625 | 622 | |||||||||
626 | 623 | |||||||||
627 | privat e void sec ureRespons eJspic(Req uest reque st, Respon se respons e, JaspicS tate state ) { | 624 | privat e void sec ureRespons eJspic(Req uest reque st, Respon se respons e, JaspicS tate state ) { | |||||||
628 | tr y { | 625 | tr y { | |||||||
629 | rverAuthCo ntext.secu reResponse (state.mes sageInfo, null); | 626 | rverAuthCo ntext.secu reResponse (state.mes sageInfo, null); | |||||||
630 | request. setRequest ((HttpServ letRequest ) ssageInfo. getRequest Message()) ; | 627 | request. setRequest ((HttpServ letRequest ) ssageInfo. getRequest Message()) ; | |||||||
631 | response .setRespon se((HttpSe rvletRespo nse) state .messageIn fo.getResp onseMessag e()); | 628 | response .setRespon se((HttpSe rvletRespo nse) state .messageIn fo.getResp onseMessag e()); | |||||||
632 | } catch (Aut hException e) { | 629 | } catch (Aut hException e) { | |||||||
633 | log.warn (sm.getStr ing("authe nticator.j aspicSecur eResponseF ail"), e); | 630 | log.warn (sm.getStr ing("authe nticator.j aspicSecur eResponseF ail"), e); | |||||||
634 | } | 631 | } | |||||||
635 | } | 632 | } | |||||||
636 | 633 | |||||||||
637 | 634 | |||||||||
638 | privat e JaspicSt ate getJas picState(A uthConfigP rovider ja spicProvid er, Reques t request, | 635 | privat e JaspicSt ate getJas picState(A uthConfigP rovider ja spicProvid er, Reques t request, | |||||||
639 | Response response, boolean a uthMandato ry) throws IOExcepti on { | 636 | Response response, boolean a uthMandato ry) throws IOExcepti on { | |||||||
640 | Ja spicState jaspicStat e = new Ja spicState( ); | 637 | Ja spicState jaspicStat e = new Ja spicState( ); | |||||||
641 | 638 | |||||||||
642 | ja spicState. messageInf o = | 639 | ja spicState. messageInf o = | |||||||
643 | new MessageInf oImpl(requ est.getReq uest(), re sponse.get Response() , authMand atory); | 640 | new MessageInf oImpl(requ est.getReq uest(), re sponse.get Response() , authMand atory); | |||||||
644 | 641 | |||||||||
645 | tr y { | 642 | tr y { | |||||||
646 | ServerAu thConfig s erverAuthC onfig = ja spicProvid er.getServ erAuthConf ig( | 643 | ServerAu thConfig s erverAuthC onfig = ja spicProvid er.getServ erAuthConf ig( | |||||||
647 | "HttpServl et", jaspi cAppContex tID, Callb ackHandler Impl.getIn stance()); | 644 | "HttpServl et", jaspi cAppContex tID, Callb ackHandler Impl.getIn stance()); | |||||||
648 | String a uthContext ID = serve rAuthConfi g.getAuthC ontextID(j aspicState .messageIn fo); | 645 | String a uthContext ID = serve rAuthConfi g.getAuthC ontextID(j aspicState .messageIn fo); | |||||||
649 | jaspicSt ate.server AuthContex t = server AuthConfig .getAuthCo ntext(auth ContextID, null, nul l); | 646 | jaspicSt ate.server AuthContex t = server AuthConfig .getAuthCo ntext(auth ContextID, null, nul l); | |||||||
650 | } catch (Aut hException e) { | 647 | } catch (Aut hException e) { | |||||||
651 | log.warn (sm.getStr ing("authe nticator.j aspicServe rAuthConte xtFail"), e); | 648 | log.warn (sm.getStr ing("authe nticator.j aspicServe rAuthConte xtFail"), e); | |||||||
652 | response .sendError (HttpServl etResponse .SC_INTERN AL_SERVER_ ERROR); | 649 | response .sendError (HttpServl etResponse .SC_INTERN AL_SERVER_ ERROR); | |||||||
653 | return n ull; | 650 | return n ull; | |||||||
654 | } | 651 | } | |||||||
655 | 652 | |||||||||
656 | re turn jaspi cState; | 653 | re turn jaspi cState; | |||||||
618 | } | 657 | } | 654 | } | |||||
619 | 658 | 655 | ||||||||
620 | 659 | 656 | ||||||||
621 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - Protecte d Methods | 660 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - Protecte d Methods | 657 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - Protecte d Methods | |||||
622 | 661 | 658 | ||||||||
623 | /** | 662 | /** | 659 | /** | |||||
663 | * Pro vided for sub-classe s to imple ment their specific authentica tion | 660 | * Pro vided for sub-classe s to imple ment their specific authentica tion | |||||||
664 | * mec hanism. | 661 | * mec hanism. | |||||||
665 | * | 662 | * | |||||||
666 | * @pa ram reques t The requ est that t riggered t he authent ication | 663 | * @pa ram reques t The requ est that t riggered t he authent ication | |||||||
667 | * @pa ram respon se The res ponse asso ciated wit h the requ est | 664 | * @pa ram respon se The res ponse asso ciated wit h the requ est | |||||||
668 | * | 665 | * | |||||||
669 | * @re turn {@cod e true} if the the u ser was au thenticate d, otherwi se {@code | 666 | * @re turn {@cod e true} if the the u ser was au thenticate d, otherwi se {@code | |||||||
670 | * false }, in whic h case an authentica tion chall enge will have been | 667 | * false }, in whic h case an authentica tion chall enge will have been | |||||||
671 | * writt en to the response | 668 | * writt en to the response | |||||||
672 | * | 669 | * | |||||||
673 | * @th rows IOExc eption If an I/O pro blem occur red during the authe ntication | 670 | * @th rows IOExc eption If an I/O pro blem occur red during the authe ntication | |||||||
674 | * pro cess | 671 | * pro cess | |||||||
675 | */ | 672 | */ | |||||||
676 | protec ted abstra ct boolean doAuthent icate(Requ est reques t, HttpSer vletRespon se respons e) | 673 | protec ted abstra ct boolean doAuthent icate(Requ est reques t, HttpSer vletRespon se respons e) | |||||||
677 | throws I OException ; | 674 | throws I OException ; | |||||||
678 | 675 | |||||||||
679 | 676 | |||||||||
680 | /** | 677 | /** | |||||||
681 | * Doe s this aut henticator require t hat {@link #authenti cate(Reque st, | 678 | * Doe s this aut henticator require t hat {@link #authenti cate(Reque st, | |||||||
682 | * Htt pServletRe sponse)} i s called t o continue an authen tication p rocess | 679 | * Htt pServletRe sponse)} i s called t o continue an authen tication p rocess | |||||||
683 | * tha t started in a previ ous reques t? | 680 | * tha t started in a previ ous reques t? | |||||||
684 | * | 681 | * | |||||||
685 | * @pa ram reques t The requ est curren tly being processed | 682 | * @pa ram reques t The requ est curren tly being processed | |||||||
686 | * | 683 | * | |||||||
687 | * @re turn {@cod e true} if authentic ate() must be called , otherwis e | 684 | * @re turn {@cod e true} if authentic ate() must be called , otherwis e | |||||||
688 | * {@cod e false} | 685 | * {@cod e false} | |||||||
689 | */ | 686 | */ | |||||||
690 | protec ted boolea n isContin uationRequ ired(Reque st request ) { | 687 | protec ted boolea n isContin uationRequ ired(Reque st request ) { | |||||||
691 | re turn false ; | 688 | re turn false ; | |||||||
692 | } | 689 | } | |||||||
693 | 690 | |||||||||
694 | 691 | |||||||||
695 | /** | 692 | /** | |||||||
624 | * Loo k for the X509 certi ficate cha in in the Request un der the ke y | 696 | * Loo k for the X509 certi ficate cha in in the Request un der the ke y | 693 | * Loo k for the X509 certi ficate cha in in the Request un der the ke y | |||||
625 | * <co de>javax.s ervlet.req uest.X509C ertificate </code>. I f not foun d, trigger | 697 | * <co de>javax.s ervlet.req uest.X509C ertificate </code>. I f not foun d, trigger | 694 | * <co de>javax.s ervlet.req uest.X509C ertificate </code>. I f not foun d, trigger | |||||
626 | * ext racting th e certific ate chain from the C oyote requ est. | 698 | * ext racting th e certific ate chain from the C oyote requ est. | 695 | * ext racting th e certific ate chain from the C oyote requ est. | |||||
627 | * | 699 | * | 696 | * | |||||
628 | * @param r equest Request to be proces sed | 700 |
* @param r
697 | * @pa ram reques t | |||||
701 | * Re quest to b e processe d | 698 | * Re quest to b e processe d | |||||||
629 | * | 702 | * | 699 | * | |||||
630 |
* @return
The X509 c
chain if
found, <co
703 | * @return The X509 c ertificate chain if found, <co de>null</c ode> otherwise . | 700 | * @re turn The X 509 certif icate chai n if found , <code>nu ll</code> otherwise. | |||||
631 | * otherw ise. | |||||||||
632 | */ | 704 | */ | 701 | */ | |||||
633 | protec ted X509Ce rtificate[ ] getReque stCertific ates(final Request r equest) | 705 | protec ted X509Ce rtificate[ ] getReque stCertific ates(final Request r equest) | 702 | protec ted X509Ce rtificate[ ] getReque stCertific ates(final Request r equest) | |||||
634 | throws I llegalStat eException { | 706 | throws I llegalStat eException { | 703 | throws I llegalStat eException { | |||||
635 | 707 | 704 | ||||||||
636 | X5 09Certific ate certs[ ] = | 708 | X5 09Certific ate certs[ ] = | 705 | X5 09Certific ate certs[ ] = | |||||
637 | (X50 9Certifica te[]) requ est.getAtt ribute(Glo bals.CERTI FICATES_AT TR); | 709 | (X50 9Certifica te[]) requ est.getAtt ribute(Glo bals.CERTI FICATES_AT TR); | 706 | (X50 9Certifica te[]) requ est.getAtt ribute(Glo bals.CERTI FICATES_AT TR); | |||||
638 | 710 | 707 | ||||||||
639 | if ((certs = = null) || (certs.le ngth < 1)) { | 711 | if ((certs = = null) || (certs.le ngth < 1)) { | 708 | if ((certs = = null) || (certs.le ngth < 1)) { | |||||
640 | try { | 712 | try { | 709 | try { | |||||
641 | requ est.getCoy oteRequest ().action( ActionCode .REQ_SSL_C ERTIFICATE , null); | 713 | requ est.getCoy oteRequest ().action( ActionCode .REQ_SSL_C ERTIFICATE , null); | 710 | requ est.getCoy oteRequest ().action( ActionCode .REQ_SSL_C ERTIFICATE , null); | |||||
642 | cert s = (X509C ertificate []) reques t.getAttri bute(Globa ls.CERTIFI CATES_ATTR ); | 714 | cert s = (X509C ertificate []) reques t.getAttri bute(Globa ls.CERTIFI CATES_ATTR ); | 711 | cert s = (X509C ertificate []) reques t.getAttri bute(Globa ls.CERTIFI CATES_ATTR ); | |||||
643 | } catch (IllegalSt ateExcepti on ise) { | 715 | } catch (IllegalSt ateExcepti on ise) { | 712 | } catch (IllegalSt ateExcepti on ise) { | |||||
644 | // R equest bod y was too large for save buffe r | 716 | // R equest bod y was too large for save buffe r | 713 | // R equest bod y was too large for save buffe r | |||||
645 | // R eturn null which wil l trigger an auth fa ilure | 717 | // R eturn null which wil l trigger an auth fa ilure | 714 | // R eturn null which wil l trigger an auth fa ilure | |||||
646 | } | 718 | } | 715 | } | |||||
647 | } | 719 | } | 716 | } | |||||
648 | 720 | 717 | ||||||||
649 | re turn certs ; | 721 | re turn certs ; | 718 | re turn certs ; | |||||
650 | } | 722 | } | 719 | } | |||||
651 | 723 | 720 | ||||||||
652 | ||||||||||
653 | /** | 724 | /** | 721 | /** | |||||
654 |
* Associat
e the spec
ified sing
le sign on
r with the
725 | * Associat e the spec ified sing le sign on identifie r with the specified | 722 | * Ass ociate the specified single si gn on iden tifier wit h the spec ified | |||||
655 | * specified Session. | 726 |
723 | * Ses sion. | |||||
656 | * | 727 | * | 724 | * | |||||
657 | * @param s soId Single si gn on iden tifier | 728 |
* @param s
725 | * @pa ram ssoId | |||||
658 | * @param ses sion Session to be associ ated | 729 | * Si ngle sign on identif ier | 726 | * Si ngle sign on identif ier | |||||
730 | * @pa ram sessio n | 727 | * @pa ram sessio n | |||||||
731 |
728 | * Se ssion to b e associat ed | |||||||
659 | */ | 732 | */ | 729 | */ | |||||
660 | protec ted void a ssociate(S tring ssoI d, Session session) { | 733 | protec ted void a ssociate(S tring ssoI d, Session session) { | 730 | protec ted void a ssociate(S tring ssoI d, Session session) { | |||||
661 | 734 | 731 | ||||||||
662 | if (sso == n ull) { | 735 | if (sso == n ull) { | 732 | if (sso == n ull) { | |||||
663 | return; | 736 | return; | 733 | return; | |||||
664 | } | 737 | } | 734 | } | |||||
665 | ss o.associat e(ssoId, s ession); | 738 | ss o.associat e(ssoId, s ession); | 735 | ss o.associat e(ssoId, s ession); | |||||
666 | 739 | 736 | ||||||||
667 | } | 740 | } | 737 | } | |||||
668 | 741 | 738 | ||||||||
669 | 742 | 739 | ||||||||
670 | /** | 743 | privat e boolean authentica teJaspic(R equest req uest, Resp onse respo nse, Jaspi cState sta te, | 740 | privat e boolean authentica teJaspic(R equest req uest, Resp onse respo nse, Jaspi cState sta te, | |||||
671 | * Aut henticate the user m aking this request, based on t he login | 744 | boolean requirePri ncipal) { | 741 | boolean requirePri ncipal) { | |||||
672 | * con figuration of the {@ link Conte xt} with w hich this Authentica tor is | 745 | 742 | |||||||
673 | * ass ociated. Return <co de>true</c ode> if an y specifie d constrai nt has | 746 | bo olean cach edAuth = c heckForCac hedAuthent ication(re quest, res ponse, fal se); | 743 | bo olean cach edAuth = c heckForCac hedAuthent ication(re quest, res ponse, fal se); | |||||
674 | * bee n satisfie d, or <cod e>false</c ode> if we have crea ted a resp onse | 747 | Su bject clie nt = new S ubject(); | 744 | Su bject clie nt = new S ubject(); | |||||
675 | * cha llenge alr eady. | 748 | Au thStatus a uthStatus; | 745 | Au thStatus a uthStatus; | |||||
676 | * | 749 | tr y { | 746 | tr y { | |||||
677 | * @pa ram reques t Request we are pro cessing | 750 | authStat us = state .serverAut hContext.v alidateReq uest(state .messageIn fo, client , null); | 747 | authStat us = state .serverAut hContext.v alidateReq uest(state .messageIn fo, client , null); | |||||
678 | * @pa ram respon se Respons e we are p opulating | 751 | } catch (Aut hException e) { | 748 | } catch (Aut hException e) { | |||||
679 | * | 752 | log.debu g(sm.getSt ring("auth enticator. loginFail" ), e); | 749 | log.debu g(sm.getSt ring("auth enticator. loginFail" ), e); | |||||
680 | * @ex ception IO Exception if an inpu t/output e rror occur s | 753 | return f alse; | 750 | return f alse; | |||||
681 | */ | 754 | } | 751 | } | |||||
682 | @Overr ide | 755 | 752 | |||||||
683 | public abstract boolean au thenticate (Request r equest, | 756 | re quest.setR equest((Ht tpServletR equest) st ate.messag eInfo.getR equestMess age()); | 753 | re quest.setR equest((Ht tpServletR equest) st ate.messag eInfo.getR equestMess age()); | |||||
684 | HttpServ letRespons e response ) throws I OException ; | 757 | re sponse.set Response(( HttpServle tResponse) state.mes sageInfo.g etResponse Message()) ; | 754 | re sponse.set Response(( HttpServle tResponse) state.mes sageInfo.g etResponse Message()) ; | |||||
758 | 755 | |||||||||
759 | if (authStat us == Auth Status.SUC CESS) { | 756 | if (authStat us == Auth Status.SUC CESS) { | |||||||
760 | GenericP rincipal p rincipal = getPrinci pal(client ); | 757 | GenericP rincipal p rincipal = getPrinci pal(client ); | |||||||
761 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 758 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | |||||||
762 | log. debug("Aut henticated user: " + principal ); | 759 | log. debug("Aut henticated user: " + principal ); | |||||||
763 | } | 760 | } | |||||||
764 | if (prin cipal == n ull) { | 761 | if (prin cipal == n ull) { | |||||||
765 | requ est.setUse rPrincipal (null); | 762 | requ est.setUse rPrincipal (null); | |||||||
766 | requ est.setAut hType(null ); | 763 | requ est.setAut hType(null ); | |||||||
767 | if ( requirePri ncipal) { | 764 | if ( requirePri ncipal) { | |||||||
768 | return fal se; | 765 | return fal se; | |||||||
769 | } | 766 | } | |||||||
770 | } else i f (cachedA uth == fal se || | 767 | } else i f (cachedA uth == fal se || | |||||||
771 | !principal .getUserPr incipal(). equals(req uest.getUs erPrincipa l())) { | 768 | !principal .getUserPr incipal(). equals(req uest.getUs erPrincipa l())) { | |||||||
772 | // S kip regist ration if authentica tion crede ntials wer e | 769 | // S kip regist ration if authentica tion crede ntials wer e | |||||||
773 | // c ached and the Princi pal did no t change. | 770 | // c ached and the Princi pal did no t change. | |||||||
774 | requ est.setNot e(Constant s.REQ_JASP IC_SUBJECT _NOTE, cli ent); | 771 | requ est.setNot e(Constant s.REQ_JASP IC_SUBJECT _NOTE, cli ent); | |||||||
775 | @Sup pressWarni ngs("rawty pes")// JA SPIC API u ses raw ty pes | 772 | @Sup pressWarni ngs("rawty pes")// JA SPIC API u ses raw ty pes | |||||||
776 | Map map = stat e.messageI nfo.getMap (); | 773 | Map map = stat e.messageI nfo.getMap (); | |||||||
777 | if ( map != nul l && map.c ontainsKey (" rvlet.http .registerS ession")) { | 774 | if ( map != nul l && map.c ontainsKey (" rvlet.http .registerS ession")) { | |||||||
778 | register(r equest, re sponse, pr incipal, " JASPIC", n ull, null, true, tru e); | 775 | register(r equest, re sponse, pr incipal, " JASPIC", n ull, null, true, tru e); | |||||||
779 | } el se { | 776 | } el se { | |||||||
780 | register(r equest, re sponse, pr incipal, " JASPIC", n ull, null) ; | 777 | register(r equest, re sponse, pr incipal, " JASPIC", n ull, null) ; | |||||||
781 | } | 778 | } | |||||||
782 | } | 779 | } | |||||||
783 | return t rue; | 780 | return t rue; | |||||||
784 | } | 781 | } | |||||||
785 | re turn false ; | 782 | re turn false ; | |||||||
786 | } | 783 | } | |||||||
787 | 784 | |||||||||
788 | 785 | |||||||||
789 | privat e GenericP rincipal g etPrincipa l(Subject subject) { | 786 | privat e GenericP rincipal g etPrincipa l(Subject subject) { | |||||||
790 | if (subject == null) { | 787 | if (subject == null) { | |||||||
791 | return n ull; | 788 | return n ull; | |||||||
792 | } | 789 | } | |||||||
793 | 790 | |||||||||
794 | Se t<GenericP rincipal> principals = subject .getPrivat eCredentia ls(Generic Principal. class); | 791 | Se t<GenericP rincipal> principals = subject .getPrivat eCredentia ls(Generic Principal. class); | |||||||
795 | if (principa ls.isEmpty ()) { | 792 | if (principa ls.isEmpty ()) { | |||||||
796 | return n ull; | 793 | return n ull; | |||||||
797 | } | 794 | } | |||||||
798 | 795 | |||||||||
799 | re turn princ ipals.iter ator().nex t(); | 796 | re turn princ ipals.iter ator().nex t(); | |||||||
800 | } | 797 | } | |||||||
685 | 801 | 798 | ||||||||
686 | 802 | 799 | ||||||||
687 | /** | 803 | /** | 800 | /** | |||||
688 | * Che ck to see if the use r has alre ady been a uthenticat ed earlier in the | 804 | * Che ck to see if the use r has alre ady been a uthenticat ed earlier in the | 801 | * Che ck to see if the use r has alre ady been a uthenticat ed earlier in the | |||||
689 | * pro cessing ch ain or if there is e nough info rmation av ailable to | 805 | * pro cessing ch ain or if there is e nough info rmation av ailable to | 802 | * pro cessing ch ain or if there is e nough info rmation av ailable to | |||||
690 | * aut henticate the user w ithout req uiring fur ther user interactio n. | 806 | * aut henticate the user w ithout req uiring fur ther user interactio n. | 803 | * aut henticate the user w ithout req uiring fur ther user interactio n. | |||||
691 | * | 807 | * | 804 | * | |||||
692 | * @param r equest The curre nt request | 808 |
* @param r
805 | * @pa ram reques t | |||||
693 |
@param res
The curren
t re
809 |
806 | * Th e current request | |||||
694 |
@param use
Should inf
ormation a
vailable f
rom SSO be
used to a
810 | * @pa ram respon se | 807 | * @pa ram respon se | |||||
695 | * to authentica te the cur rent user? | 811 | * Th e current response | 808 | * Th e current response | |||||
812 | * @pa ram useSSO | 809 | * @pa ram useSSO | |||||||
813 |
810 | * Sh ould infor mation ava ilable fro m SSO be u sed to att empt to | |||||||
814 |
811 | * au thenticate the curre nt user? | |||||||
696 | * | 815 | * | 812 | * | |||||
697 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if the user was a uthenticat ed via the cache, | 816 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if the user was a uthenticat ed via the cache, | 813 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if the user was a uthenticat ed via the cache, | |||||
698 | * other wise <code >false</co de> | 817 | * other wise <code >false</co de> | 814 | * other wise <code >false</co de> | |||||
699 | */ | 818 | */ | 815 | */ | |||||
700 |
boolean ch
uest reque
819 | protected boolean ch eckForCach edAuthenti cation(Req uest reque st, HttpServl etResponse response, boolean u seSSO) { | 816 | protec ted boolea n checkFor CachedAuth entication (Request r equest, Ht tpServletR esponse re sponse, bo olean useS SO) { | |||||
701 | HttpServ letRespons e response , boolean useSSO) { | |||||||||
702 | 820 | 817 | ||||||||
703 | // Has the u ser alread y been aut henticated ? | 821 | // Has the u ser alread y been aut henticated ? | 818 | // Has the u ser alread y been aut henticated ? | |||||
704 | Pr incipal pr incipal = tUserPrinc ipal(); | 822 | Pr incipal pr incipal = tUserPrinc ipal(); | 819 | Pr incipal pr incipal = tUserPrinc ipal(); | |||||
705 | St ring ssoId = (String ) request. getNote(Co nstants.RE Q_SSOID_NO TE); | 823 | St ring ssoId = (String ) request. getNote(Co nstants.RE Q_SSOID_NO TE); | 820 | St ring ssoId = (String ) request. getNote(Co nstants.RE Q_SSOID_NO TE); | |||||
706 | if (principa l != null) { | 824 | if (principa l != null) { | 821 | if (principa l != null) { | |||||
707 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 825 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 822 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | |||||
708 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.check. found", pr tName())); | 826 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.check. found", pr tName())); | 823 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.check. found", pr tName())); | |||||
709 | } | 827 | } | 824 | } | |||||
710 | // Assoc iate the s ession wit h any exis ting SSO s ession. Ev en if | 828 | // Assoc iate the s ession wit h any exis ting SSO s ession. Ev en if | 825 | // Assoc iate the s ession wit h any exis ting SSO s ession. Ev en if | |||||
711 | // useSS O is false , this wil l ensure c oordinated session | 829 | // useSS O is false , this wil l ensure c oordinated session | 826 | // useSS O is false , this wil l ensure c oordinated session | |||||
712 | // inval idation at log out. | 830 | // inval idation at log out. | 827 | // inval idation at log out. | |||||
713 | if (ssoI d != null) { | 831 | if (ssoI d != null) { | 828 | if (ssoI d != null) { | |||||
714 | asso ciate(ssoI d, request .getSessio nInternal( true)); | 832 | asso ciate(ssoI d, request .getSessio nInternal( true)); | 829 | asso ciate(ssoI d, request .getSessio nInternal( true)); | |||||
715 | } | 833 | } | 830 | } | |||||
716 | return t rue; | 834 | return t rue; | 831 | return t rue; | |||||
717 | } | 835 | } | 832 | } | |||||
718 | 836 | 833 | ||||||||
719 | // Is there an SSO ses sion again st which w e can try to reauthe nticate? | 837 | // Is there an SSO ses sion again st which w e can try to reauthe nticate? | 834 | // Is there an SSO ses sion again st which w e can try to reauthe nticate? | |||||
720 | if (useSSO & & ssoId != null) { | 838 | if (useSSO & & ssoId != null) { | 835 | if (useSSO & & ssoId != null) { | |||||
721 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 839 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 836 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | |||||
722 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.check. sso", ssoI d)); | 840 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.check. sso", ssoI d)); | 837 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.check. sso", ssoI d)); | |||||
723 | } | 841 | } | 838 | } | |||||
724 | / * Try to r eauthentic ate using data cache d by SSO. If this fa ils, | 842 | /* | 839 | /* | |||||
725 |
843 |
840 | * Try t o reauthen ticate usi ng data ca ched by SS O. If this fails, | |||||
726 |
can't rea
e ourselve
s because
there is n
844 | * either the original SSO logon was of DIG EST or SSL (which we | 841 | * eithe r the orig inal SSO l ogon was o f DIGEST o r SSL (whi ch we | |||||
727 |
and passwo
rd), or th
e realm de
845 | * can't rea uthenticat e ourselve s because there is n o cached | 842 | * can't reauthent icate ours elves beca use there is no cach ed | |||||
728 |
the user's
ication fo
r some rea
846 | * username and passwo rd), or th e realm de nied the user' s | 843 | * usern ame and pa ssword), o r the real m denied t he user's | |||||
729 | In either case we ha ve to prompt th e user for a logon */ | 847 | * reauthent ication fo r some rea son. In either case we h ave to | 844 | * reaut henticatio n for some reason. I n either c ase we hav e to | |||||
848 |
prompt th
e user for
a logon
845 | * promp t the user for a log on | |||||||
849 | */ | 846 | */ | |||||||
730 | if (reau thenticate FromSSO(ss oId, reque st)) { | 850 | if (reau thenticate FromSSO(ss oId, reque st)) { | 847 | if (reau thenticate FromSSO(ss oId, reque st)) { | |||||
731 | retu rn true; | 851 | retu rn true; | 848 | retu rn true; | |||||
732 | } | 852 | } | 849 | } | |||||
733 | } | 853 | } | 850 | } | |||||
734 | 854 | 851 | ||||||||
735 | // Has the C onnector p rovided a pre-authen ticated Pr incipal th at now | 855 | // Has the C onnector p rovided a pre-authen ticated Pr incipal th at now | 852 | // Has the C onnector p rovided a pre-authen ticated Pr incipal th at now | |||||
736 | // needs to be authori zed? | 856 | // needs to be authori zed? | 853 | // needs to be authori zed? | |||||
737 | if (request. getCoyoteR equest().g etRemoteUs erNeedsAut horization ()) { | 857 | if (request. getCoyoteR equest().g etRemoteUs erNeedsAut horization ()) { | 854 | if (request. getCoyoteR equest().g etRemoteUs erNeedsAut horization ()) { | |||||
738 | String u sername = tCoyoteReq uest().get RemoteUser ().toStrin g(); | 858 | String u sername = tCoyoteReq uest().get RemoteUser ().toStrin g(); | 855 | String u sername = tCoyoteReq uest().get RemoteUser ().toStrin g(); | |||||
739 | if (user name != nu ll) { | 859 | if (user name != nu ll) { | 856 | if (user name != nu ll) { | |||||
740 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 860 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 857 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | |||||
741 | log.debug( sm.getStri ng("authen ize", user name)); | 861 | log.debug( sm.getStri ng("authen ize", user name)); | 858 | log.debug( sm.getStri ng("authen ize", user name)); | |||||
742 | } | 862 | } | 859 | } | |||||
743 | Prin cipal auth orized = c ontext.get Realm().au thenticate (username) ; | 863 | Prin cipal auth orized = c ontext.get Realm().au thenticate (username) ; | 860 | Prin cipal auth orized = c ontext.get Realm().au thenticate (username) ; | |||||
744 | if ( authorized == null) { | 864 | if ( authorized == null) { | 861 | if ( authorized == null) { | |||||
745 | // Realm d oesn't rec ognise use r. Create a user wit h no roles | 865 | // Realm d oesn't rec ognise use r. Create a user wit h no roles | 862 | // Realm d oesn't rec ognise use r. Create a user wit h no roles | |||||
746 | // from th e authenti cated user name | 866 | // from th e authenti cated user name | 863 | // from th e authenti cated user name | |||||
747 | if ( DebugEnabl ed()) { | 867 | if ( DebugEnabl ed()) { | 864 | if ( DebugEnabl ed()) { | |||||
748 | bug(sm.get String("au thenticato thorizeFai l", userna me)); | 868 | bug(sm.get String("au thenticato thorizeFai l", userna me)); | 865 | bug(sm.get String("au thenticato thorizeFai l", userna me)); | |||||
749 | } | 869 | } | 866 | } | |||||
750 | authorized = new Gen ericPrinci pal(userna me, null, null); | 870 | authorized = new Gen ericPrinci pal(userna me, null, null); | 867 | authorized = new Gen ericPrinci pal(userna me, null, null); | |||||
751 | } | 871 | } | 868 | } | |||||
752 | Stri ng authTyp e = reques t.getAuthT ype(); | 872 | Stri ng authTyp e = reques t.getAuthT ype(); | 869 | Stri ng authTyp e = reques t.getAuthT ype(); | |||||
753 | if ( authType = = null || authType.l ength() == 0) { | 873 | if ( authType = = null || authType.l ength() == 0) { | 870 | if ( authType = = null || authType.l ength() == 0) { | |||||
754 | authType = getAuthMe thod(); | 874 | authType = getAuthMe thod(); | 871 | authType = getAuthMe thod(); | |||||
755 | } | 875 | } | 872 | } | |||||
756 | regi ster(reque st, respon se, author ized, auth Type, user name, null ); | 876 | regi ster(reque st, respon se, author ized, auth Type, user name, null ); | 873 | regi ster(reque st, respon se, author ized, auth Type, user name, null ); | |||||
757 | retu rn true; | 877 | retu rn true; | 874 | retu rn true; | |||||
758 | } | 878 | } | 875 | } | |||||
759 | } | 879 | } | 876 | } | |||||
760 | re turn false ; | 880 | re turn false ; | 877 | re turn false ; | |||||
761 | } | 881 | } | 878 | } | |||||
762 | 882 | 879 | ||||||||
763 | ||||||||||
764 | /** | 883 | /** | 880 | /** | |||||
765 |
* Attempts
ication to
the <code
de> using
884 | * Attempts reauthent ication to the <code >Realm</co de> using the crede ntials | 881 | * Att empts reau thenticati on to the <code>Real m</code> u sing the c redentials | |||||
766 | * the creden tials included i n argument <code>ent ry</code>. | 885 |
882 | * inc luded in a rgument <c ode>entry< /code>. | |||||
767 | * | 886 | * | 883 | * | |||||
768 |
@param sso
of Single
SignOn ses
sion with
which the
887 | * @pa ram ssoId | 884 | * @pa ram ssoId | |||||
769 | * caller is associated | 888 |
885 | * id entifier o f SingleSi gnOn sessi on with wh ich the ca ller is | |||||
770 | * @param req uest the reques t that nee ds to be a uthenticat ed | 889 |
886 | * as sociated | |||||
890 | * @pa ram reques t | 887 | * @pa ram reques t | |||||||
891 |
888 | * th e request that needs to be aut henticated | |||||||
892 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if the reauthenti cation fro m SSL occu rred | 889 | * @re turn <code >true</cod e> if the reauthenti cation fro m SSL occu rred | |||||||
771 | */ | 893 | */ | 890 | */ | |||||
772 | protec ted boolea n reauthen ticateFrom SSO(String ssoId, Re quest requ est) { | 894 | protec ted boolea n reauthen ticateFrom SSO(String ssoId, Re quest requ est) { | 891 | protec ted boolea n reauthen ticateFrom SSO(String ssoId, Re quest requ est) { | |||||
773 | 895 | 892 | ||||||||
774 | if (sso == n ull || sso Id == null ) { | 896 | if (sso == n ull || sso Id == null ) { | 893 | if (sso == n ull || sso Id == null ) { | |||||
775 | return f alse; | 897 | return f alse; | 894 | return f alse; | |||||
776 | } | 898 | } | 895 | } | |||||
777 | 899 | 896 | ||||||||
778 | bo olean reau thenticate d = false; | 900 | bo olean reau thenticate d = false; | 897 | bo olean reau thenticate d = false; | |||||
779 | 901 | 898 | ||||||||
780 | Co ntainer pa rent = get Container( ); | 902 | Co ntainer pa rent = get Container( ); | 899 | Co ntainer pa rent = get Container( ); | |||||
781 | if (parent ! = null) { | 903 | if (parent ! = null) { | 900 | if (parent ! = null) { | |||||
782 | Realm re alm = pare nt.getReal m(); | 904 | Realm re alm = pare nt.getReal m(); | 901 | Realm re alm = pare nt.getReal m(); | |||||
783 | if (real m != null) { | 905 | if (real m != null) { | 902 | if (real m != null) { | |||||
784 | reau thenticate d = authentica te(ssoId, realm, req uest); | 906 | reau thenticate d = authentica te(ssoId, realm, req uest); | 903 | reau thenticate d = authentica te(ssoId, realm, req uest); | |||||
785 | } | 907 | } | 904 | } | |||||
786 | } | 908 | } | 905 | } | |||||
787 | 909 | 906 | ||||||||
788 | if (reauthen ticated) { | 910 | if (reauthen ticated) { | 907 | if (reauthen ticated) { | |||||
789 | associat e(ssoId, r equest.get SessionInt ernal(true )); | 911 | associat e(ssoId, r equest.get SessionInt ernal(true )); | 908 | associat e(ssoId, r equest.get SessionInt ernal(true )); | |||||
790 | 912 | 909 | ||||||||
791 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 913 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | 910 | if (log. isDebugEna bled()) { | |||||
792 | log. debug(" Re authentica ted cached principal '" + | 914 | log. debug(" Re authentica ted cached principal '" + | 911 | log. debug(" Re authentica ted cached principal '" + | |||||
793 | requ est.getUse rPrincipal ().getName () + | 915 | reques t.getUserP rincipal() .getName() + | 912 | reques t.getUserP rincipal() .getName() + | |||||
794 | "' w ith auth t ype '" + tAuthType( ) + "'"); | 916 | "' wit h auth typ e '" + req uest.getAu thType() + "'"); | 913 | "' wit h auth typ e '" + req uest.getAu thType() + "'"); | |||||
795 | } | 917 | } | 914 | } | |||||
796 | } | 918 | } | 915 | } | |||||
797 | 919 | 916 | ||||||||
798 | re turn reaut henticated ; | 920 | re turn reaut henticated ; | 917 | re turn reaut henticated ; | |||||
799 | } | 921 | } | 918 | } | |||||
800 | 922 | 919 | ||||||||
801 | ||||||||||
802 | /** | 923 | /** | 920 | /** | |||||
803 | * Reg ister an a uthenticat ed Princip al and aut henticatio n type in our | 924 | * Reg ister an a uthenticat ed Princip al and aut henticatio n type in our | 921 | * Reg ister an a uthenticat ed Princip al and aut henticatio n type in our | |||||
804 | * req uest, in t he current session ( if there i s one), an d with our | 925 | * req uest, in t he current session ( if there i s one), an d with our | 922 | * req uest, in t he current session ( if there i s one), an d with our | |||||
805 |
* SingleSi
gnOn valve
, if there
is one.
Set the ap
926 | * SingleSi gnOn valve , if there is one. S et the app ropriate c ookie to be | 923 | * Sin gleSignOn valve, if there is o ne. Set th e appropri ate cookie to be | |||||
806 | * to be returned. | 927 |
924 | * ret urned. | |||||
807 | * | 928 | * | 925 | * | |||||
808 | * @param req uest The servle t request we are pro cessing | 929 | * @pa ram reques t | 926 | * @pa ram reques t | |||||
809 | * @param res ponse The servle t response we are ge nerating | 930 |
927 | * Th e servlet request we are proce ssing | |||||
810 | * @param pri ncipal The authen ticated Pr incipal to be regist ered | 931 | * @pa ram respon se | 928 | * @pa ram respon se | |||||
811 | * @param aut hType The authen tication t ype to be registered | 932 |
929 | * Th e servlet response w e are gene rating | |||||
812 | * @param use rname Username u sed to aut henticate (if any) | 933 | * @pa ram princi pal | 930 | * @pa ram princi pal | |||||
813 | * @param pas sword Password u sed to aut henticate (if any) | 934 |
931 | * Th e authenti cated Prin cipal to b e register ed | |||||
935 | * @pa ram authTy pe | 932 | * @pa ram authTy pe | |||||||
936 |
933 | * Th e authenti cation typ e to be re gistered | |||||||
937 | * @pa ram userna me | 934 | * @pa ram userna me | |||||||
938 |
935 | * Us ername use d to authe nticate (i f any) | |||||||
939 | * @pa ram passwo rd | 936 | * @pa ram passwo rd | |||||||
940 |
937 | * Pa ssword use d to authe nticate (i f any) | |||||||
814 | */ | 941 | */ | 938 | */ | |||||
815 |
public voi
d register
(Request r
equest, Ht
esponse re
942 | public voi d register (Request r equest, Ht tpServletR esponse re sponse, Principal principal , | 939 | public void regi ster(Reque st request , HttpServ letRespons e response , Principa l principa l, | |||||
816 | Pr incipal pr incipal, S tring auth Type, | 943 | String a uthType, S tring user name, Stri ng passwor d) { | 940 | String a uthType, S tring user name, Stri ng passwor d) { | |||||
817 |
944 | re gister(req uest, resp onse, prin cipal, aut hType, use rname, pas sword, alw aysUseSess ion, cache ); | 941 | re gister(req uest, resp onse, prin cipal, aut hType, use rname, pas sword, alw aysUseSess ion, cache ); | |||||
945 | } | 942 | } | |||||||
946 | 943 | |||||||||
947 | 944 | |||||||||
948 | privat e void reg ister(Requ est reques t, HttpSer vletRespon se respons e, Princip al princip al, | 945 | privat e void reg ister(Requ est reques t, HttpSer vletRespon se respons e, Princip al princip al, | |||||||
949 | String authType, String username, String pas sword , boolean al waysUseSes sion, | 946 | String a uthType, S tring user name, Stri ng passwor d, boolean alwaysUse Session, | |||||||
950 | boolean cache) { | 947 | boolean cache) { | |||||||
818 | 951 | 948 | ||||||||
819 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | 952 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | 949 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | |||||
820 | String n ame = (pri ncipal == null) ? "n one" : pri ncipal.get Name(); | 953 | String n ame = (pri ncipal == null) ? "n one" : pri ncipal.get Name(); | 950 | String n ame = (pri ncipal == null) ? "n one" : pri ncipal.get Name(); | |||||
821 |
ated '" +
name + "'
with type
'" + authT
ype +
954 | log.debug( "Authentic ated '" + name + "' with type '" + authT ype + "'"); | 951 | log.debu g("Authent icated '" + name + " ' with typ e '" + aut hType + "' "); | |||||
822 | "'"); | |||||||||
823 | } | 955 | } | 952 | } | |||||
824 | 956 | 953 | ||||||||
825 | // Cache the authentic ation info rmation in our reque st | 957 | // Cache the authentic ation info rmation in our reque st | 954 | // Cache the authentic ation info rmation in our reque st | |||||
826 | re quest.setA uthType(au thType); | 958 | re quest.setA uthType(au thType); | 955 | re quest.setA uthType(au thType); | |||||
827 | re quest.setU serPrincip al(princip al); | 959 | re quest.setU serPrincip al(princip al); | 956 | re quest.setU serPrincip al(princip al); | |||||
828 | 960 | 957 | ||||||||
829 | Se ssion sess ion = requ est.getSes sionIntern al(false); | 961 | Se ssion sess ion = requ est.getSes sionIntern al(false); | 958 | Se ssion sess ion = requ est.getSes sionIntern al(false); | |||||
830 | 962 | 959 | ||||||||
831 | if (session != null) { | 963 | if (session != null) { | 960 | if (session != null) { | |||||
832 | // If th e principa l is null then this is a logou t. No need to change | 964 | // If th e principa l is null then this is a logou t. No need to change | 961 | // If th e principa l is null then this is a logou t. No need to change | |||||
833 | // the s ession ID. See BZ 59 043. | 965 | // the s ession ID. See BZ 59 043. | 962 | // the s ession ID. See BZ 59 043. | |||||
834 | if (chan geSessionI dOnAuthent ication && principal != null) { | 966 | if (chan geSessionI dOnAuthent ication && principal != null) { | 963 | if (chan geSessionI dOnAuthent ication && principal != null) { | |||||
835 | Stri ng oldId = null; | 967 | Stri ng oldId = null; | 964 | Stri ng oldId = null; | |||||
836 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 968 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 965 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | |||||
837 | oldId = se ssion.getI d(); | 969 | oldId = se ssion.getI d(); | 966 | oldId = se ssion.getI d(); | |||||
838 | } | 970 | } | 967 | } | |||||
839 | Mana ger manage r = reques t.getConte xt().getMa nager(); | 971 | Mana ger manage r = reques t.getConte xt().getMa nager(); | 968 | Mana ger manage r = reques t.getConte xt().getMa nager(); | |||||
840 | mana ger.change SessionId( session); | 972 | mana ger.change SessionId( session); | 969 | mana ger.change SessionId( session); | |||||
841 | requ est.change SessionId( tId()); | 973 | requ est.change SessionId( tId()); | 970 | requ est.change SessionId( tId()); | |||||
842 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 974 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | 971 | if ( log.isDebu gEnabled() ) { | |||||
843 | log.debug( sm.getStri ng("authen angeSessio nId", | 975 | log.debug( sm.getStri ng("authen angeSessio nId", | 972 | log.debug( sm.getStri ng("authen angeSessio nId", | |||||
844 | ol dId, sessi on.getId() )); | 976 | ol dId, sessi on.getId() )); | 973 | ol dId, sessi on.getId() )); | |||||
845 | } | 977 | } | 974 | } | |||||
846 | } | 978 | } | 975 | } | |||||
847 | } else if (a lwaysUseSe ssion) { | 979 | } else if (a lwaysUseSe ssion) { | 976 | } else if (a lwaysUseSe ssion) { | |||||
848 | session = request. getSession Internal(t rue); | 980 | session = request. getSession Internal(t rue); | 977 | session = request. getSession Internal(t rue); | |||||
849 | } | 981 | } | 978 | } | |||||
850 | 982 | 979 | ||||||||
851 | // Cache the authentic ation info rmation in our sessi on, if any | 983 | // Cache the authentic ation info rmation in our sessi on, if any | 980 | // Cache the authentic ation info rmation in our sessi on, if any | |||||
852 | if (cache) { | 984 | if (cache) { | 981 | if (cache) { | |||||
853 | if (sess ion != nul l) { | 985 | if (sess ion != nul l) { | 982 | if (sess ion != nul l) { | |||||
854 | sess ion.setAut hType(auth Type); | 986 | sess ion.setAut hType(auth Type); | 983 | sess ion.setAut hType(auth Type); | |||||
855 | sess ion.setPri ncipal(pri ncipal); | 987 | sess ion.setPri ncipal(pri ncipal); | 984 | sess ion.setPri ncipal(pri ncipal); | |||||
856 | if ( username ! = null) { | 988 | if ( username ! = null) { | 985 | if ( username ! = null) { | |||||
857 | tNote(Cons tants.SESS _USERNAME_ NOTE, user name); | 989 | tNote(Cons tants.SESS _USERNAME_ NOTE, user name); | 986 | tNote(Cons tants.SESS _USERNAME_ NOTE, user name); | |||||
858 | } el se { | 990 | } el se { | 987 | } el se { | |||||
859 | moveNote(C onstants.S ESS_USERNA ME_NOTE); | 991 | moveNote(C onstants.S ESS_USERNA ME_NOTE); | 988 | moveNote(C onstants.S ESS_USERNA ME_NOTE); | |||||
860 | } | 992 | } | 989 | } | |||||
861 | if ( password ! = null) { | 993 | if ( password ! = null) { | 990 | if ( password ! = null) { | |||||
862 | tNote(Cons tants.SESS _PASSWORD_ NOTE, pass word); | 994 | tNote(Cons tants.SESS _PASSWORD_ NOTE, pass word); | 991 | tNote(Cons tants.SESS _PASSWORD_ NOTE, pass word); | |||||
863 | } el se { | 995 | } el se { | 992 | } el se { | |||||
864 | moveNote(C onstants.S ESS_PASSWO RD_NOTE); | 996 | moveNote(C onstants.S ESS_PASSWO RD_NOTE); | 993 | moveNote(C onstants.S ESS_PASSWO RD_NOTE); | |||||
865 | } | 997 | } | 994 | } | |||||
866 | } | 998 | } | 995 | } | |||||
867 | } | 999 | } | 996 | } | |||||
868 | 1000 | 997 | ||||||||
869 | // Construct a cookie to be retu rned to th e client | 1001 | // Construct a cookie to be retu rned to th e client | 998 | // Construct a cookie to be retu rned to th e client | |||||
870 | if (sso == n ull) { | 1002 | if (sso == n ull) { | 999 | if (sso == n ull) { | |||||
871 | return; | 1003 | return; | 1000 | return; | |||||
872 | } | 1004 | } | 1001 | } | |||||
873 | 1005 | 1002 | ||||||||
874 | // Only crea te a new S SO entry i f the SSO did not al ready set a note | 1006 | // Only crea te a new S SO entry i f the SSO did not al ready set a note | 1003 | // Only crea te a new S SO entry i f the SSO did not al ready set a note | |||||
875 | // for an ex isting ent ry (as it would do w ith subseq uent reque sts | 1007 | // for an ex isting ent ry (as it would do w ith subseq uent reque sts | 1004 | // for an ex isting ent ry (as it would do w ith subseq uent reque sts | |||||
876 | // for DIGES T and SSL authentica ted contex ts) | 1008 | // for DIGES T and SSL authentica ted contex ts) | 1005 | // for DIGES T and SSL authentica ted contex ts) | |||||
877 | St ring ssoId = (String ) request. getNote(Co nstants.RE Q_SSOID_NO TE); | 1009 | St ring ssoId = (String ) request. getNote(Co nstants.RE Q_SSOID_NO TE); | 1006 | St ring ssoId = (String ) request. getNote(Co nstants.RE Q_SSOID_NO TE); | |||||
878 | if (ssoId == null) { | 1010 | if (ssoId == null) { | 1007 | if (ssoId == null) { | |||||
879 | // Const ruct a coo kie to be returned t o the clie nt | 1011 | // Const ruct a coo kie to be returned t o the clie nt | 1008 | // Const ruct a coo kie to be returned t o the clie nt | |||||
880 | ssoId = sessionIdG enerator.g enerateSes sionId(); | 1012 | ssoId = sessionIdG enerator.g enerateSes sionId(); | 1009 | ssoId = sessionIdG enerator.g enerateSes sionId(); | |||||
881 | Cookie c ookie = ne w Cookie(C onstants.S INGLE_SIGN _ON_COOKIE , ssoId); | 1013 | Cookie c ookie = ne w Cookie(C onstants.S INGLE_SIGN _ON_COOKIE , ssoId); | 1010 | Cookie c ookie = ne w Cookie(C onstants.S INGLE_SIGN _ON_COOKIE , ssoId); | |||||
882 | cookie.s etMaxAge(- 1); | 1014 | cookie.s etMaxAge(- 1); | 1011 | cookie.s etMaxAge(- 1); | |||||
883 | cookie.s etPath("/" ); | 1015 | cookie.s etPath("/" ); | 1012 | cookie.s etPath("/" ); | |||||
884 | 1016 | 1013 | ||||||||
885 | // Bugzi lla 41217 | 1017 | // Bugzi lla 41217 | 1014 | // Bugzi lla 41217 | |||||
886 | cookie.s etSecure(r equest.isS ecure()); | 1018 | cookie.s etSecure(r equest.isS ecure()); | 1015 | cookie.s etSecure(r equest.isS ecure()); | |||||
887 | 1019 | 1016 | ||||||||
888 | // Bugzi lla 34724 | 1020 | // Bugzi lla 34724 | 1017 | // Bugzi lla 34724 | |||||
889 | String s soDomain = sso.getCo okieDomain (); | 1021 | String s soDomain = sso.getCo okieDomain (); | 1018 | String s soDomain = sso.getCo okieDomain (); | |||||
890 |
1022 | if (ssoDomain != null) { | 1019 | if (ssoD omain != n ull) { | |||||
891 | cook ie.setDoma in(ssoDoma in); | 1023 | cook ie.setDoma in(ssoDoma in); | 1020 | cook ie.setDoma in(ssoDoma in); | |||||
892 | } | 1024 | } | 1021 | } | |||||
893 | 1025 | 1022 | ||||||||
894 | // Configu re httpOnl y on SSO c ookie usin g same rul es as sess ion cookies | 1026 |
// Configu
re httpOnl
y on SSO c
ookie usin
g same rul
es as sess
1023 | // Confi gure httpO nly on SSO cookie us ing same r ules as se ssion | |||||
895 | if (reques t.getServl etContext( ).getSessi onCookieCo nfig().isH ttpOnly() || | 1027 | // cooki es | 1024 | // cooki es | |||||
896 |
1028 |
if (reques
1025 | if (requ est.getSer vletContex t().getSes sionCookie Config().i sHttpOnly( ) | |||||
1029 | || tContext() .getUseHtt pOnly()) { | 1026 | || request .getContex t().getUse HttpOnly() ) { | |||||||
897 | cook ie.setHttp Only(true) ; | 1030 | cook ie.setHttp Only(true) ; | 1027 | cook ie.setHttp Only(true) ; | |||||
898 | } | 1031 | } | 1028 | } | |||||
899 | 1032 | 1029 | ||||||||
900 | response .addCookie (cookie); | 1033 | response .addCookie (cookie); | 1030 | response .addCookie (cookie); | |||||
901 | 1034 | 1031 | ||||||||
902 | // Regis ter this p rincipal w ith our SS O valve | 1035 | // Regis ter this p rincipal w ith our SS O valve | 1032 | // Regis ter this p rincipal w ith our SS O valve | |||||
903 | sso.regi ster(ssoId , principa l, authTyp e, usernam e, passwor d); | 1036 | sso.regi ster(ssoId , principa l, authTyp e, usernam e, passwor d); | 1033 | sso.regi ster(ssoId , principa l, authTyp e, usernam e, passwor d); | |||||
904 | request. setNote(Co nstants.RE Q_SSOID_NO TE, ssoId) ; | 1037 | request. setNote(Co nstants.RE Q_SSOID_NO TE, ssoId) ; | 1034 | request. setNote(Co nstants.RE Q_SSOID_NO TE, ssoId) ; | |||||
905 | 1038 | 1035 | ||||||||
906 | } else { | 1039 | } else { | 1036 | } else { | |||||
907 | if (prin cipal == n ull) { | 1040 | if (prin cipal == n ull) { | 1037 | if (prin cipal == n ull) { | |||||
908 | // R egistering a program matic logo ut | 1041 | // R egistering a program matic logo ut | 1038 | // R egistering a program matic logo ut | |||||
909 | sso. deregister (ssoId); | 1042 | sso. deregister (ssoId); | 1039 | sso. deregister (ssoId); | |||||
910 | requ est.remove Note(Const ants.REQ_S SOID_NOTE) ; | 1043 | requ est.remove Note(Const ants.REQ_S SOID_NOTE) ; | 1040 | requ est.remove Note(Const ants.REQ_S SOID_NOTE) ; | |||||
911 | retu rn; | 1044 | retu rn; | 1041 | retu rn; | |||||
912 | } else { | 1045 | } else { | 1042 | } else { | |||||
913 | // U pdate the SSO sessio n with the latest au thenticati on data | 1046 | // U pdate the SSO sessio n with the latest au thenticati on data | 1043 | // U pdate the SSO sessio n with the latest au thenticati on data | |||||
914 | sso. update(sso Id, princi pal, authT ype, usern ame, passw ord); | 1047 | sso. update(sso Id, princi pal, authT ype, usern ame, passw ord); | 1044 | sso. update(sso Id, princi pal, authT ype, usern ame, passw ord); | |||||
915 | } | 1048 | } | 1045 | } | |||||
916 | } | 1049 | } | 1046 | } | |||||
917 | 1050 | 1047 | ||||||||
918 | // Fix for B ug 10040 | 1051 | // Fix for B ug 10040 | 1048 | // Fix for B ug 10040 | |||||
919 | // Always as sociate a session wi th a new S SO reqistr ation. | 1052 | // Always as sociate a session wi th a new S SO reqistr ation. | 1049 | // Always as sociate a session wi th a new S SO reqistr ation. | |||||
920 | // SSO entri es are onl y removed from the S SO registr y map when | 1053 | // SSO entri es are onl y removed from the S SO registr y map when | 1050 | // SSO entri es are onl y removed from the S SO registr y map when | |||||
921 | // associate d sessions are destr oyed; if a new SSO e ntry is cr eated | 1054 | // associate d sessions are destr oyed; if a new SSO e ntry is cr eated | 1051 | // associate d sessions are destr oyed; if a new SSO e ntry is cr eated | |||||
922 | // above for this requ est and th e user nev er revisit s the cont ext, the | 1055 | // above for this requ est and th e user nev er revisit s the cont ext, the | 1052 | // above for this requ est and th e user nev er revisit s the cont ext, the | |||||
923 | // SSO entry will neve r be clear ed if we d on't assoc iate the s ession | 1056 | // SSO entry will neve r be clear ed if we d on't assoc iate the s ession | 1053 | // SSO entry will neve r be clear ed if we d on't assoc iate the s ession | |||||
924 | if (session == null) { | 1057 | if (session == null) { | 1054 | if (session == null) { | |||||
925 | session = request. getSession Internal(t rue); | 1058 | session = request. getSession Internal(t rue); | 1055 | session = request. getSession Internal(t rue); | |||||
926 | } | 1059 | } | 1056 | } | |||||
927 | ss o.associat e(ssoId, s ession); | 1060 | ss o.associat e(ssoId, s ession); | 1057 | ss o.associat e(ssoId, s ession); | |||||
928 | 1061 | 1058 | ||||||||
929 | } | 1062 | } | 1059 | } | |||||
930 | 1063 | 1060 | ||||||||
931 | @Overr ide | 1064 | @Overr ide | 1061 | @Overr ide | |||||
932 |
public voi
d login(St
ring usern
ame, Strin
g password
, Request
1065 | public voi d login(St ring usern ame, Strin g password , Request request) throws Se rvletExcep tion { | 1062 | public void logi n(String u sername, S tring pass word, Requ est reques t) throws ServletExc eption { | |||||
933 | throws S ervletExce ption { | |||||||||
934 | Pr incipal pr incipal = doLogin(re quest, use rname, pas sword); | 1066 | Pr incipal pr incipal = doLogin(re quest, use rname, pas sword); | 1063 | Pr incipal pr incipal = doLogin(re quest, use rname, pas sword); | |||||
935 |
equest, re
1067 | register(r equest, re quest.getR esponse(), principal , getAuthMe thod(), us ername, pa ssword); | 1064 | re gister(req uest, requ est.getRes ponse(), p rincipal, getAuthMet hod(), use rname, pas sword); | |||||
936 | getAuthMet hod(), use rname, pas sword); | |||||||||
937 | } | 1068 | } | 1065 | } | |||||
938 | 1069 | 1066 | ||||||||
939 | protec ted abstra ct String getAuthMet hod(); | 1070 | protec ted abstra ct String getAuthMet hod(); | 1067 | protec ted abstra ct String getAuthMet hod(); | |||||
940 | 1071 | 1068 | ||||||||
941 | /** | 1072 | /** | 1069 | /** | |||||
942 | * Pro cess the l ogin reque st. | 1073 | * Pro cess the l ogin reque st. | 1070 | * Pro cess the l ogin reque st. | |||||
943 | * | 1074 | * | 1071 | * | |||||
944 | * @param r equest Associated request | 1075 |
* @param r
1072 | * @pa ram reques t | |||||
945 |
* @param
The u
1076 | * As sociated r equest | 1073 | * As sociated r equest | |||||
946 | * @param pas sword The passwo rd | 1077 | * @pa ram userna me | 1074 | * @pa ram userna me | |||||
1078 | * Th e user | 1075 | * Th e user | |||||||
1079 |
* @param
1076 | * @pa ram passwo rd | |||||||
1080 |
1077 | * Th e password | |||||||
947 | * @re turn The au thenticate d Principa l | 1081 | * @re turn The a uthenticat ed Princip al | 1078 | * @re turn The a uthenticat ed Princip al | |||||
948 | * @th rows Servl etExceptio n | 1082 | * @th rows Servl etExceptio n | 1079 | * @th rows Servl etExceptio n | |||||
1083 | * N o principa l was auth enticated with the s pecified c redentials | 1080 | * N o principa l was auth enticated with the s pecified c redentials | |||||||
949 | */ | 1084 | */ | 1081 | */ | |||||
950 |
quest requ
est, Strin
g username
1085 | protected Principal doLogin(Re quest requ est, Strin g username , String pa ssword) | 1082 | protec ted Princi pal doLogi n(Request request, S tring user name, Stri ng passwor d) | |||||
951 | String pas sword) throws Ser vletExcept ion { | 1086 |
1083 | throws S ervletExce ption { | |||||
952 | Pr incipal p = context. getRealm() .authentic ate(userna me, passwo rd); | 1087 | Pr incipal p = context. getRealm() .authentic ate(userna me, passwo rd); | 1084 | Pr incipal p = context. getRealm() .authentic ate(userna me, passwo rd); | |||||
953 | if (p == nul l) { | 1088 | if (p == nul l) { | 1085 | if (p == nul l) { | |||||
954 | throw ne w ServletE xception(s m.getStrin g("authent icator.log inFail")); | 1089 | throw ne w ServletE xception(s m.getStrin g("authent icator.log inFail")); | 1086 | throw ne w ServletE xception(s m.getStrin g("authent icator.log inFail")); | |||||
955 | } | 1090 | } | 1087 | } | |||||
956 | re turn p; | 1091 | re turn p; | 1088 | re turn p; | |||||
957 | } | 1092 | } | 1089 | } | |||||
958 | 1093 | 1090 | ||||||||
959 | @Overr ide | 1094 | @Overr ide | 1091 | @Overr ide | |||||
960 | public void logo ut(Request request) { | 1095 | public void logo ut(Request request) { | 1092 | public void logo ut(Request request) { | |||||
1096 | Au thConfigPr ovider pro vider = ge tJaspicPro vider(); | 1093 | Au thConfigPr ovider pro vider = ge tJaspicPro vider(); | |||||||
1097 | if (provider != null) { | 1094 | if (provider != null) { | |||||||
1098 | MessageI nfo messag eInfo = ne w MessageI nfoImpl(re quest, req uest.getRe sponse(), true); | 1095 | MessageI nfo messag eInfo = ne w MessageI nfoImpl(re quest, req uest.getRe sponse(), true); | |||||||
1099 | Subject client = ( Subject) r equest.get Note(Const ants.REQ_J ASPIC_SUBJ ECT_NOTE); | 1096 | Subject client = ( Subject) r equest.get Note(Const ants.REQ_J ASPIC_SUBJ ECT_NOTE); | |||||||
1100 | if (clie nt == null ) { | 1097 | if (clie nt == null ) { | |||||||
1101 | retu rn; | 1098 | retu rn; | |||||||
1102 | } | 1099 | } | |||||||
1103 | 1100 | |||||||||
1104 | ServerAu thContext serverAuth Context; | 1101 | ServerAu thContext serverAuth Context; | |||||||
1105 | try { | 1102 | try { | |||||||
1106 | Serv erAuthConf ig serverA uthConfig = provider .getServer AuthConfig ("HttpServ let", | 1103 | Serv erAuthConf ig serverA uthConfig = provider .getServer AuthConfig ("HttpServ let", | |||||||
1107 | jaspic AppContext ID, Callba ckHandlerI mpl.getIns tance()); | 1104 | jaspic AppContext ID, Callba ckHandlerI mpl.getIns tance()); | |||||||
1108 | Stri ng authCon textID = s erverAuthC onfig.getA uthContext ID(message Info); | 1105 | Stri ng authCon textID = s erverAuthC onfig.getA uthContext ID(message Info); | |||||||
1109 | serv erAuthCont ext = serv erAuthConf ig.getAuth Context(au thContextI D, null, n ull); | 1106 | serv erAuthCont ext = serv erAuthConf ig.getAuth Context(au thContextI D, null, n ull); | |||||||
1110 | serv erAuthCont ext.cleanS ubject(mes sageInfo, client); | 1107 | serv erAuthCont ext.cleanS ubject(mes sageInfo, client); | |||||||
1111 | } catch (AuthExcep tion e) { | 1108 | } catch (AuthExcep tion e) { | |||||||
1112 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.jaspic CleanSubje ctFail"), e); | 1109 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.jaspic CleanSubje ctFail"), e); | |||||||
1113 | } | 1110 | } | |||||||
1114 | } | 1111 | } | |||||||
1115 | 1112 | |||||||||
961 | Pr incipal p = request. getPrincip al(); | 1116 | Pr incipal p = request. getPrincip al(); | 1113 | Pr incipal p = request. getPrincip al(); | |||||
962 | if (p instan ceof Tomca tPrincipal ) { | 1117 | if (p instan ceof Tomca tPrincipal ) { | 1114 | if (p instan ceof Tomca tPrincipal ) { | |||||
963 | try { | 1118 | try { | 1115 | try { | |||||
964 | ((To mcatPrinci pal) p).lo gout(); | 1119 | ((To mcatPrinci pal) p).lo gout(); | 1116 | ((To mcatPrinci pal) p).lo gout(); | |||||
965 | } catch (Throwable t) { | 1120 | } catch (Throwable t) { | 1117 | } catch (Throwable t) { | |||||
966 | Exce ptionUtils .handleThr owable(t); | 1121 | Exce ptionUtils .handleThr owable(t); | 1118 | Exce ptionUtils .handleThr owable(t); | |||||
967 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.tomcat PrincipalL ogoutFail" ), t); | 1122 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.tomcat PrincipalL ogoutFail" ), t); | 1119 | log. debug(sm.g etString(" authentica tor.tomcat PrincipalL ogoutFail" ), t); | |||||
968 | } | 1123 | } | 1120 | } | |||||
969 | } | 1124 | } | 1121 | } | |||||
970 | 1125 | 1122 | ||||||||
971 | re gister(req uest, requ est.getRes ponse(), n ull, null, null, nul l); | 1126 | re gister(req uest, requ est.getRes ponse(), n ull, null, null, nul l); | 1123 | re gister(req uest, requ est.getRes ponse(), n ull, null, null, nul l); | |||||
972 | } | 1127 | } | 1124 | } | |||||
973 | 1128 | 1125 | ||||||||
1129 | 1126 | |||||||||
974 | /** | 1130 | /** | 1127 | /** | |||||
975 |
* Start th
is compone
nt and imp
lement the
1131 | * Start th is compone nt and imp lement the requireme nts of | 1128 | * Sta rt this co mponent an d implemen t the requ irements o f | |||||
976 | * of {@link org talina.uti l.Lifecycl eBase#star tInternal( )}. | 1132 |
1129 | * {@l ink org.ap ache.catal ina.util.L ifecycleBa se#startIn ternal()}. | |||||
977 | * | 1133 | * | 1130 | * | |||||
978 | * @excepti on Lifecyc leExceptio n if this c omponent d etects a f atal error | 1134 |
* @excepti
on Lifecyc
1131 | * @ex ception Li fecycleExc eption | |||||
979 | * that preve nts this component from being used | 1135 | * if this component detects a fatal erro r that pre vents this | 1132 | * if this component detects a fatal erro r that pre vents this | |||||
1136 |
1133 | * componen t from bei ng used | |||||||
980 | */ | 1137 | */ | 1134 | */ | |||||
981 | @Overr ide | 1138 | @Overr ide | 1135 | @Overr ide | |||||
982 | protec ted synchr onized voi d startInt ernal() th rows Lifec ycleExcept ion { | 1139 | protec ted synchr onized voi d startInt ernal() th rows Lifec ycleExcept ion { | 1136 | protec ted synchr onized voi d startInt ernal() th rows Lifec ycleExcept ion { | |||||
1140 | Se rvletConte xt servlet Context = tServletCo ntext(); | 1137 | Se rvletConte xt servlet Context = tServletCo ntext(); | |||||||
1141 | ja spicAppCon textID = s ervletCont ext.getVir tualServer Name() + " " + | 1138 | ja spicAppCon textID = s ervletCont ext.getVir tualServer Name() + " " + | |||||||
1142 | serv letContext .getContex tPath(); | 1139 | serv letContext .getContex tPath(); | |||||||
983 | 1143 | 1140 | ||||||||
984 | // Look up t he SingleS ignOn impl ementation in our re quest proc essing | 1144 | // Look up t he SingleS ignOn impl ementation in our re quest proc essing | 1141 | // Look up t he SingleS ignOn impl ementation in our re quest proc essing | |||||
985 | // path, if there is o ne | 1145 | // path, if there is o ne | 1142 | // path, if there is o ne | |||||
986 | Co ntainer pa rent = con text.getPa rent(); | 1146 | Co ntainer pa rent = con text.getPa rent(); | 1143 | Co ntainer pa rent = con text.getPa rent(); | |||||
987 | wh ile ((sso == null) & & (parent != null)) { | 1147 | wh ile ((sso == null) & & (parent != null)) { | 1144 | wh ile ((sso == null) & & (parent != null)) { | |||||
988 | Valve va lves[] = p arent.getP ipeline(). getValves( ); | 1148 | Valve va lves[] = p arent.getP ipeline(). getValves( ); | 1145 | Valve va lves[] = p arent.getP ipeline(). getValves( ); | |||||
989 | for (int i = 0; i < valves.l ength; i++ ) { | 1149 | for (int i = 0; i < valves.l ength; i++ ) { | 1146 | for (int i = 0; i < valves.l ength; i++ ) { | |||||
990 | if ( valves[i] instanceof SingleSig nOn) { | 1150 | if ( valves[i] instanceof SingleSig nOn) { | 1147 | if ( valves[i] instanceof SingleSig nOn) { | |||||
991 | sso = (Sin gleSignOn) valves[i] ; | 1151 | sso = (Sin gleSignOn) valves[i] ; | 1148 | sso = (Sin gleSignOn) valves[i] ; | |||||
992 | break; | 1152 | break; | 1149 | break; | |||||
993 | } | 1153 | } | 1150 | } | |||||
994 | } | 1154 | } | 1151 | } | |||||
995 | if (sso == null) { | 1155 | if (sso == null) { | 1152 | if (sso == null) { | |||||
996 | pare nt = paren t.getParen t(); | 1156 | pare nt = paren t.getParen t(); | 1153 | pare nt = paren t.getParen t(); | |||||
997 | } | 1157 | } | 1154 | } | |||||
998 | } | 1158 | } | 1155 | } | |||||
999 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | 1159 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | 1156 | if (log.isDe bugEnabled ()) { | |||||
1000 | if (sso != null) { | 1160 | if (sso != null) { | 1157 | if (sso != null) { | |||||
1001 | log. debug("Fou nd SingleS ignOn Valv e at " + s so); | 1161 | log. debug("Fou nd SingleS ignOn Valv e at " + s so); | 1158 | log. debug("Fou nd SingleS ignOn Valv e at " + s so); | |||||
1002 | } else { | 1162 | } else { | 1159 | } else { | |||||
1003 | log. debug("No SingleSign On Valve i s present" ); | 1163 | log. debug("No SingleSign On Valve i s present" ); | 1160 | log. debug("No SingleSign On Valve i s present" ); | |||||
1004 | } | 1164 | } | 1161 | } | |||||
1005 | } | 1165 | } | 1162 | } | |||||
1006 | 1166 | 1163 | ||||||||
1007 | se ssionIdGen erator = n ew Standar dSessionId Generator( ); | 1167 | se ssionIdGen erator = n ew Standar dSessionId Generator( ); | 1164 | se ssionIdGen erator = n ew Standar dSessionId Generator( ); | |||||
1008 | se ssionIdGen erator.set SecureRand omAlgorith m(getSecur eRandomAlg orithm()); | 1168 | se ssionIdGen erator.set SecureRand omAlgorith m(getSecur eRandomAlg orithm()); | 1165 | se ssionIdGen erator.set SecureRand omAlgorith m(getSecur eRandomAlg orithm()); | |||||
1009 | se ssionIdGen erator.set SecureRand omClass(ge tSecureRan domClass() ); | 1169 | se ssionIdGen erator.set SecureRand omClass(ge tSecureRan domClass() ); | 1166 | se ssionIdGen erator.set SecureRand omClass(ge tSecureRan domClass() ); | |||||
1010 | se ssionIdGen erator.set SecureRand omProvider (getSecure RandomProv ider()); | 1170 | se ssionIdGen erator.set SecureRand omProvider (getSecure RandomProv ider()); | 1167 | se ssionIdGen erator.set SecureRand omProvider (getSecure RandomProv ider()); | |||||
1011 | 1171 | 1168 | ||||||||
1012 | su per.startI nternal(); | 1172 | su per.startI nternal(); | 1169 | su per.startI nternal(); | |||||
1013 | } | 1173 | } | 1170 | } | |||||
1014 | 1174 | 1171 | ||||||||
1015 | ||||||||||
1016 | /** | 1175 | /** | 1172 | /** | |||||
1017 |
* Stop thi
s componen
t and impl
ement the
1176 | * Stop thi s componen t and impl ement the requiremen ts of | 1173 | * Sto p this com ponent and implement the requi rements of | |||||
1018 | * of {@link org talina.uti l.Lifecycl eBase#stop Internal() }. | 1177 |
1174 | * {@l ink org.ap ache.catal ina.util.L ifecycleBa se#stopInt ernal()}. | |||||
1019 | * | 1178 | * | 1175 | * | |||||
1020 | * @excepti on Lifecyc leExceptio n if this c omponent d etects a f atal error | 1179 |
* @excepti
on Lifecyc
1176 | * @ex ception Li fecycleExc eption | |||||
1021 | * that preve nts this component from being used | 1180 | * if this component detects a fatal erro r that pre vents this | 1177 | * if this component detects a fatal erro r that pre vents this | |||||
1181 |
1178 | * componen t from bei ng used | |||||||
1022 | */ | 1182 | */ | 1179 | */ | |||||
1023 | @Overr ide | 1183 | @Overr ide | 1180 | @Overr ide | |||||
1024 | protec ted synchr onized voi d stopInte rnal() thr ows Lifecy cleExcepti on { | 1184 | protec ted synchr onized voi d stopInte rnal() thr ows Lifecy cleExcepti on { | 1181 | protec ted synchr onized voi d stopInte rnal() thr ows Lifecy cleExcepti on { | |||||
1025 | 1185 | 1182 | ||||||||
1026 | su per.stopIn ternal(); | 1186 | su per.stopIn ternal(); | 1183 | su per.stopIn ternal(); | |||||
1027 | 1187 | 1184 | ||||||||
1028 | ss o = null; | 1188 | ss o = null; | 1185 | ss o = null; | |||||
1029 | } | 1189 | } | 1186 | } | |||||
1190 | 1187 | |||||||||
1191 | 1188 | |||||||||
1192 | privat e AuthConf igProvider getJaspic Provider() { | 1189 | privat e AuthConf igProvider getJaspic Provider() { | |||||||
1193 |
1190 | Optional< AuthConfig Provider > provider = jaspicPr ovider; | |||||||
1194 | if (provider == null) { | 1191 | if (provider == null) { | |||||||
1195 | provider = findJas picProvide r(); | 1192 | provider = findJas picProvide r(); | |||||||
1196 | } | 1193 | } | |||||||
1197 | if (provider == NO_PRO VIDER_AVAI LABLE) { | 1194 | return pro vider .orElse(nu ll) ; | |||||||
1198 | return n ull; | |||||||||
1199 | } | |||||||||
1200 |
return pro
1201 | } | 1195 | } | |||||||
1202 | 1196 | |||||||||
1203 | 1197 | |||||||||
1204 |
1198 | private Optional< AuthConfig Provider > findJaspi cProvider( ) { | |||||||
1205 | Au thConfigFa ctory fact ory = Auth ConfigFact ory.getFac tory(); | 1199 | Au thConfigFa ctory fact ory = Auth ConfigFact ory.getFac tory(); | |||||||
1206 |
1200 |
1207 | if (factor y ! = null) { | 1201 | if (factor y = = null) { | |||||||
1208 |
provider =
1202 | provider = Optiona l.empty(); | |||||||
1209 | } | 1203 | } else { | |||||||
1210 | if (provider == null) { | 1204 | provider = Optiona l.ofNullab le( | |||||||
1211 | provider = NO_PROV IDER_AVAIL ABLE; | 1205 |
1212 | } | 1206 | } | |||||||
1213 | ja spicProvid er = provi der; | 1207 | ja spicProvid er = provi der; | |||||||
1214 | re turn provi der; | 1208 | re turn provi der; | |||||||
1215 | } | 1209 | } | |||||||
1216 | 1210 | |||||||||
1217 | 1211 | |||||||||
1218 | @Overr ide | 1212 | @Overr ide | |||||||
1219 | public void noti fy(String layer, Str ing appCon text) { | 1213 | public void noti fy(String layer, Str ing appCon text) { | |||||||
1220 | fi ndJaspicPr ovider(); | 1214 | fi ndJaspicPr ovider(); | |||||||
1221 | } | 1215 | } | |||||||
1222 | 1216 | |||||||||
1223 | 1217 | |||||||||
1224 | privat e static c lass Jaspi cState { | 1218 | privat e static c lass Jaspi cState { | |||||||
1225 | pu blic Messa geInfo mes sageInfo = null; | 1219 | pu blic Messa geInfo mes sageInfo = null; | |||||||
1226 | pu blic Serve rAuthConte xt serverA uthContext = null; | 1220 | pu blic Serve rAuthConte xt serverA uthContext = null; | |||||||
1227 | } | 1221 | } | |||||||
1228 | ||||||||||
1229 | ||||||||||
1230 | privat e static c lass NoOpA uthConfigP rovider im plements A uthConfigP rovider { | |||||||||
1231 | ||||||||||
1232 | @O verride | |||||||||
1233 | pu blic Clien tAuthConfi g getClien tAuthConfi g(String l ayer, Stri ng appCont ext, Callb ackHandler handler) | |||||||||
1234 | thro ws AuthExc eption { | |||||||||
1235 | return n ull; | |||||||||
1236 | } | |||||||||
1237 | ||||||||||
1238 | @O verride | |||||||||
1239 | pu blic Serve rAuthConfi g getServe rAuthConfi g(String l ayer, Stri ng appCont ext, Callb ackHandler handler) | |||||||||
1240 | thro ws AuthExc eption { | |||||||||
1241 | return n ull; | |||||||||
1242 | } | |||||||||
1243 | ||||||||||
1244 | @O verride | |||||||||
1245 | pu blic void refresh() { | |||||||||
1246 | } | |||||||||
1247 | } | |||||||||
1030 | } | 1248 | } | 1222 | } |
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