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# | Location | File | Last Modified |
1 | C:\Merge Test Files\8.0.47\java\org\apache\catalina\comet | | Fri Sep 29 16:53:28 2017 UTC |
2 | Mon Nov 20 14:15:53 2017 UTC | ||
3 | Mon Nov 20 14:15:53 2017 UTC | ||
Note: Merge considers the second file to be the common ancestor of the others. |
Description | Between Files 1 and 2 |
Between Files 2 and 3 |
Relative to Common Ancestor |
Text Blocks | Lines | Text Blocks | Lines | Text Blocks | Lines | |
Unchanged | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Changed | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Inserted | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 146 |
Removed | 1 | 146 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Note: An automatic merge would leave 0 conflict(s). |
Whitespace | Consecutive whitespace is treated as a single space |
Character case | Differences in character case are significant |
Line endings | Differences in line endings (CR and LF characters) are ignored |
CR/LF characters | Not shown in the comparison detail |
No regular expressions were active.
1 | /* | |||||||||
2 | * License d to the A pache Soft ware Found ation (ASF ) under on e or more | |||||||||
3 | * contrib utor licen se agreeme nts. See the NOTICE file dist ributed wi th | |||||||||
4 | * this wo rk for add itional in formation regarding copyright ownership. | |||||||||
5 | * The ASF licenses this file to You und er the Apa che Licens e, Version 2.0 | |||||||||
6 | * (the "L icense"); you may no t use this file exce pt in comp liance wit h | |||||||||
7 | * the Lic ense. You may obtai n a copy o f the Lice nse at | |||||||||
8 | * | |||||||||
9 | * ht tp://www.a licenses/L ICENSE-2.0 | |||||||||
10 | * | |||||||||
11 | * Unless required b y applicab le law or agreed to in writing , software | |||||||||
12 | * distrib uted under the Licen se is dist ributed on an "AS IS " BASIS, | |||||||||
13 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIE S OR CONDI TIONS OF A NY KIND, e ither expr ess or imp lied. | |||||||||
14 | * See the License f or the spe cific lang uage gover ning permi ssions and | |||||||||
15 | * limitat ions under the Licen se. | |||||||||
16 | */ | |||||||||
17 | ||||||||||
18 | ||||||||||
19 | package or g.apache.c met; | |||||||||
20 | ||||||||||
21 | import jav eption; | |||||||||
22 | ||||||||||
23 | import jav ax.servlet .ServletEx ception; | |||||||||
24 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletReq uest; | |||||||||
25 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletRes ponse; | |||||||||
26 | ||||||||||
27 | /** | |||||||||
28 | * The Com etEvent in terface. | |||||||||
29 | * | |||||||||
30 | * @author Remy Mauc herat | |||||||||
31 | */ | |||||||||
32 | public int erface Com etEvent { | |||||||||
33 | ||||||||||
34 | /** | |||||||||
35 | * Enu meration d escribing the major events tha t the cont ainer can invoke | |||||||||
36 | * the CometProc essors eve nt() metho d with.<br > | |||||||||
37 | * BEG IN - will be called at the beg inning | |||||||||
38 | * of the proce ssing of t he connect ion. It ca n be used to initial ize any re levant | |||||||||
39 | * fi elds using the reque st and res ponse obje cts. Betwe en the end of the pr ocessing | |||||||||
40 | * of this even t, and the beginning of the pr ocessing o f the end or error e vents, | |||||||||
41 | * it is possib le to use the respon se object to write d ata on the open conn ection. | |||||||||
42 | * No te that th e response object an d dependen t OutputSt ream and W riter are still | |||||||||
43 | * no t synchron ized, so w hen they a re accesse d by multi ple thread s, | |||||||||
44 | * sy nchronizat ion is man datory. Af ter proces sing the i nitial eve nt, the re quest | |||||||||
45 | * is considere d to be co mmitted.<b r> | |||||||||
46 | * REA D - This i ndicates t hat input data is av ailable, a nd that on e read can be made | |||||||||
47 | * wi thout bloc king. The available and ready methods of the Input Stream or | |||||||||
48 | * Re ader may b e used to determine if there i s a risk o f blocking : the serv let | |||||||||
49 | * sh ould read while data is report ed availab le. When e ncounterin g a read e rror, | |||||||||
50 | * th e servlet should rep ort it by propagatin g the exce ption prop erly. Thro wing | |||||||||
51 | * an exception will caus e the erro r event to be invoke d, and the connectio n | |||||||||
52 | * wi ll be clos ed. | |||||||||
53 | * Al ternately, it is als o possible to catch any except ion, perfo rm clean u p | |||||||||
54 | * on any data structure the servle t may be u sing, and using the close meth od | |||||||||
55 | * of the event . It is no t allowed to attempt reading d ata from t he request | |||||||||
56 | * ob ject outsi de of the execution of this me thod.<br> | |||||||||
57 | * END - End may be called to end th e processi ng of the request. F ields that have | |||||||||
58 | * be en initial ized in th e begin me thod shoul d be reset . After th is event h as | |||||||||
59 | * be en process ed, the re quest and response o bjects, as well as a ll their d ependent | |||||||||
60 | * ob jects will be recycl ed and use d to proce ss other r equests. E nd will al so be | |||||||||
61 | * ca lled when data is av ailable an d the end of file is reached o n the requ est input | |||||||||
62 | * (t his usuall y indicate s the clie nt has pip elined a r equest).<b r> | |||||||||
63 | * ERR OR - Error will be c alled by t he contain er in the case where an IO exc eption | |||||||||
64 | * or a similar unrecover able error occurs on the conne ction. Fie lds that h ave | |||||||||
65 | * be en initial ized in th e begin me thod shoul d be reset . After th is event h as | |||||||||
66 | * be en process ed, the re quest and response o bjects, as well as a ll their d ependent | |||||||||
67 | * ob jects will be recycl ed and use d to proce ss other r equests. | |||||||||
68 | */ | |||||||||
69 | public enum Even tType {BEG IN, READ, END, ERROR } | |||||||||
70 | ||||||||||
71 | ||||||||||
72 | /** | |||||||||
73 | * Eve nt details .<br> | |||||||||
74 | * TIM EOUT - the connectio n timed ou t (sub typ e of ERROR ); note th at this ER ROR type i s not fata l, and | |||||||||
75 | * t he connect ion will n ot be clos ed unless the servle t uses the close met hod of the event<br> | |||||||||
76 | * CLI ENT_DISCON NECT - the client co nnection w as closed (sub type of ERROR)< br> | |||||||||
77 | * IOE XCEPTION - an IO exc eption occ urred, suc h as inval id content , for exam ple, an in valid chun k block (s ub type of ERROR)<br > | |||||||||
78 | * WEB APP_RELOAD - the web applicatio n is being reloaded (sub type of END)<br > | |||||||||
79 | * SER VER_SHUTDO WN - the s erver is s hutting do wn (sub ty pe of END) <br> | |||||||||
80 | * SES SION_END - the servl et ended t he session (sub type of END) | |||||||||
81 | */ | |||||||||
83 | ||||||||||
84 | ||||||||||
85 | /** | |||||||||
86 | * Ret urns the H ttpServlet Request. | |||||||||
87 | * | |||||||||
88 | * @re turn HttpS ervletRequ est | |||||||||
89 | */ | |||||||||
90 | public HttpServl etRequest getHttpSer vletReques t(); | |||||||||
91 | ||||||||||
92 | /** | |||||||||
93 | * Ret urns the H ttpServlet Response. | |||||||||
94 | * | |||||||||
95 | * @re turn HttpS ervletResp onse | |||||||||
96 | */ | |||||||||
97 | public HttpServl etResponse getHttpSe rvletRespo nse(); | |||||||||
98 | ||||||||||
99 | /** | |||||||||
100 | * Ret urns the e vent type. | |||||||||
101 | * | |||||||||
102 | * @re turn Event Type | |||||||||
103 | */ | |||||||||
104 | public EventType getEventT ype(); | |||||||||
105 | ||||||||||
106 | /** | |||||||||
107 | * Ret urns the s ub type of this even t. | |||||||||
108 | * | |||||||||
109 | * @re turn Event SubType | |||||||||
110 | */ | |||||||||
111 | public EventSubT ype getEve ntSubType( ); | |||||||||
112 | ||||||||||
113 | /** | |||||||||
114 | * End s the Come t session. This sign als to the container that | |||||||||
115 | * the container wants to end the co met sessio n. This wi ll send ba ck to the | |||||||||
116 | * cli ent a noti ce that th e server h as no more data to s end as par t of this | |||||||||
117 | * req uest. The servlet sh ould perfo rm any nee ded cleanu p as if it had recei ved | |||||||||
118 | * an END or ERR OR event. | |||||||||
119 | * | |||||||||
120 | * @th rows IOExc eption if an IO exce ption occu rs | |||||||||
121 | */ | |||||||||
122 | public void clos e() throws IOExcepti on; | |||||||||
123 | ||||||||||
124 | /** | |||||||||
125 | * Set s the time out for th is Comet c onnection. Please NO TE, that t he impleme ntation | |||||||||
126 | * of a per conn ection tim eout is OP TIONAL and MAY NOT b e implemen ted.<br> | |||||||||
127 | * Thi s method s ets the ti meout in m illisecond s of idle time on th e connecti on. | |||||||||
128 | * The timeout i s reset ev ery time d ata is rec eived from the conne ction or d ata is flu shed | |||||||||
129 | * usi ng <code>r esponse.fl ushBuffer( )</code>. If a timeo ut occurs, the | |||||||||
130 | * <co de>error(H ttpServlet Request, H ttpServlet Response)< /code> met hod is inv oked. The | |||||||||
131 | * web applicati on SHOULD NOT attemp t to reuse the reque st and res ponse obje cts after a timeout | |||||||||
132 | * as the <code> error(Http ServletReq uest, Http ServletRes ponse)</co de> method indicates .<br> | |||||||||
133 | * Thi s method s hould not be called asynchrono usly, as t hat will h ave no eff ect. | |||||||||
134 | * | |||||||||
135 | * @pa ram timeou t The time out in mil liseconds for this c onnection, must be a positive value, lar ger than 0 | |||||||||
136 | * @th rows IOExc eption An IOExceptio n may be t hrown to i ndicate an IO error, | |||||||||
137 | * or th at the EOF has been reached on the conne ction | |||||||||
138 | * @th rows Servl etExceptio n An excep tion has o ccurred, a s specifie d by the r oot | |||||||||
139 | * cause | |||||||||
140 | * @th rows Unsup portedOper ationExcep tion if pe r connecti on timeout is not su pported, e ither at a ll or at t his phase | |||||||||
141 | * of th e invocati on. | |||||||||
142 | */ | |||||||||
143 | public void setT imeout(int timeout) | |||||||||
144 | th rows IOExc eption, Se rvletExcep tion, Unsu pportedOpe rationExce ption; | |||||||||
145 | ||||||||||
146 | } |
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