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# | Location | File | Last Modified |
1 | C:\Merge Test Files\8.0.47\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator | | Fri Sep 29 16:53:28 2017 UTC |
2 | C:\Merge Test Files\8.5.23\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator | | Thu Sep 28 11:32:16 2017 UTC |
3 | C:\Merge Test Files\9.0.1\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator | | Wed Sep 27 18:33:40 2017 UTC |
Note: Merge considers the second file to be the common ancestor of the others. |
Description | Between Files 1 and 2 |
Between Files 2 and 3 |
Relative to Common Ancestor |
Text Blocks | Lines | Text Blocks | Lines | Text Blocks | Lines | |
Unchanged | 8 | 418 | 4 | 428 | ||
Changed | 6 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 10 |
Inserted | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Removed | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Note: An automatic merge would leave 1 conflict(s). |
Whitespace | Consecutive whitespace is treated as a single space |
Character case | Differences in character case are significant |
Line endings | Differences in line endings (CR and LF characters) are ignored |
CR/LF characters | Not shown in the comparison detail |
No regular expressions were active.
1 | /* | 1 | /* | 1 | /* | |||||
2 | * License d to the A pache Soft ware Found ation (ASF ) under on e or more | 2 | * License d to the A pache Soft ware Found ation (ASF ) under on e or more | 2 | * License d to the A pache Soft ware Found ation (ASF ) under on e or more | |||||
3 | * contrib utor licen se agreeme nts. See the NOTICE file dist ributed wi th | 3 | * contrib utor licen se agreeme nts. See the NOTICE file dist ributed wi th | 3 | * contrib utor licen se agreeme nts. See the NOTICE file dist ributed wi th | |||||
4 | * this wo rk for add itional in formation regarding copyright ownership. | 4 | * this wo rk for add itional in formation regarding copyright ownership. | 4 | * this wo rk for add itional in formation regarding copyright ownership. | |||||
5 | * The ASF licenses this file to You und er the Apa che Licens e, Version 2.0 | 5 | * The ASF licenses this file to You und er the Apa che Licens e, Version 2.0 | 5 | * The ASF licenses this file to You und er the Apa che Licens e, Version 2.0 | |||||
6 | * (the "L icense"); you may no t use this file exce pt in comp liance wit h | 6 | * (the "L icense"); you may no t use this file exce pt in comp liance wit h | 6 | * (the "L icense"); you may no t use this file exce pt in comp liance wit h | |||||
7 | * the Lic ense. You may obtai n a copy o f the Lice nse at | 7 | * the Lic ense. You may obtai n a copy o f the Lice nse at | 7 | * the Lic ense. You may obtai n a copy o f the Lice nse at | |||||
8 | * | 8 | * | 8 | * | |||||
9 | * ht tp://www.a licenses/L ICENSE-2.0 | 9 | * ht tp://www.a licenses/L ICENSE-2.0 | 9 | * ht tp://www.a licenses/L ICENSE-2.0 | |||||
10 | * | 10 | * | 10 | * | |||||
11 | * Unless required b y applicab le law or agreed to in writing , software | 11 | * Unless required b y applicab le law or agreed to in writing , software | 11 | * Unless required b y applicab le law or agreed to in writing , software | |||||
12 | * distrib uted under the Licen se is dist ributed on an "AS IS " BASIS, | 12 | * distrib uted under the Licen se is dist ributed on an "AS IS " BASIS, | 12 | * distrib uted under the Licen se is dist ributed on an "AS IS " BASIS, | |||||
13 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIE S OR CONDI TIONS OF A NY KIND, e ither expr ess or imp lied. | 13 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIE S OR CONDI TIONS OF A NY KIND, e ither expr ess or imp lied. | 13 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIE S OR CONDI TIONS OF A NY KIND, e ither expr ess or imp lied. | |||||
14 | * See the License f or the spe cific lang uage gover ning permi ssions and | 14 | * See the License f or the spe cific lang uage gover ning permi ssions and | 14 | * See the License f or the spe cific lang uage gover ning permi ssions and | |||||
15 | * limitat ions under the Licen se. | 15 | * limitat ions under the Licen se. | 15 | * limitat ions under the Licen se. | |||||
16 | */ | 16 | */ | 16 | */ | |||||
17 | package or g.apache.c thenticato r; | 17 | package or g.apache.c thenticato r; | 17 | package or g.apache.c thenticato r; | |||||
18 | 18 | 18 | ||||||||
19 | import jav eption; | 19 | import jav eption; | 19 | import jav eption; | |||||
20 | import jav tInputStre am; | 20 | import jav tInputStre am; | 20 | import jav tInputStre am; | |||||
21 | import jav tOutputStr eam; | 21 | import jav tOutputStr eam; | 21 | import jav tOutputStr eam; | |||||
22 | import jav lizable; | 22 | import jav lizable; | 22 | import jav lizable; | |||||
23 | import jav .Principal ; | 23 | import jav .Principal ; | 23 | import jav .Principal ; | |||||
24 | import jav a.util.Map ; | |||||||||
24 | import jav a.util.Set ; | 24 | import jav a.util.Set ; | 25 | import jav a.util.Set ; | |||||
25 | import jav a.util.con current.Co ncurrentHa shMap; | 25 | import jav a.util.con current.Co ncurrentHa shMap; | 26 | import jav a.util.con current.Co ncurrentHa shMap; | |||||
26 | import jav a.util.con current.Co ncurrentMa p; | 26 | import jav a.util.con current.Co ncurrentMa p; | |||||||
27 | 27 | 27 | ||||||||
28 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletReq uest; | 28 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletReq uest; | 28 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletReq uest; | |||||
29 | 29 | 29 | ||||||||
30 | import org talina.Ses sion; | 30 | import org talina.Ses sion; | 30 | import org talina.Ses sion; | |||||
31 | 31 | 31 | ||||||||
32 | /** | 32 | /** | 32 | /** | |||||
33 | * A class that repr esents ent ries in th e cache of authentic ated users . | 33 | * A class that repr esents ent ries in th e cache of authentic ated users . | 33 | * A class that repr esents ent ries in th e cache of authentic ated users . | |||||
34 | * This is necessary to make i t availabl e to | 34 | * This is necessary to make i t availabl e to | 34 | * This is necessary to make i t availabl e to | |||||
35 | * <code>A uthenticat orBase</co de> subcla sses that need it in order to perform | 35 | * <code>A uthenticat orBase</co de> subcla sses that need it in order to perform | 35 | * <code>A uthenticat orBase</co de> subcla sses that need it in order to perform | |||||
36 | * reauthe ntications when Sing leSignOn i s in use. | 36 | * reauthe ntications when Sing leSignOn i s in use. | 36 | * reauthe ntications when Sing leSignOn i s in use. | |||||
37 | * | 37 | * | 37 | * | |||||
38 | * @author B Stansb erry, base d on work by Craig R . McClanah an | 38 | * @author B Stansb erry, base d on work by Craig R . McClanah an | 38 | * @author B Stansb erry, base d on work by Craig R . McClanah an | |||||
39 | * | 39 | * | 39 | * | |||||
40 | * @see Si ngleSignOn | 40 | * @see Si ngleSignOn | 40 | * @see Si ngleSignOn | |||||
41 | * @see Au thenticato rBase#reau thenticate FromSSO | 41 | * @see Au thenticato rBase#reau thenticate FromSSO | 41 | * @see Au thenticato rBase#reau thenticate FromSSO | |||||
42 | */ | 42 | */ | 42 | */ | |||||
43 | public cla ss SingleS ignOnEntry implement s Serializ able { | 43 | public cla ss SingleS ignOnEntry implement s Serializ able { | 43 | public cla ss SingleS ignOnEntry implement s Serializ able { | |||||
44 | 44 | 44 | ||||||||
45 | privat e static f inal long serialVers ionUID = 1 L; | 45 | privat e static f inal long serialVers ionUID = 1 L; | 45 | privat e static f inal long serialVers ionUID = 1 L; | |||||
46 | 46 | 46 | ||||||||
47 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - Instanc e Fields | 47 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - Instanc e Fields | 47 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - Instanc e Fields | |||||
48 | 48 | 48 | ||||||||
49 | pr otec te d String au thType = n ull; | 49 |
49 | privat e String a uthType = null; | |||||
50 | 50 | 50 | ||||||||
51 | pr otec te d String pa ssword = n ull; | 51 |
51 | privat e String p assword = null; | |||||
52 | 52 | 52 | ||||||||
53 | // Mar ked as tra nsient so special ha ndling can be applie d to seria lization | 53 | // Mar ked as tra nsient so special ha ndling can be applie d to seria lization | 53 | // Mar ked as tra nsient so special ha ndling can be applie d to seria lization | |||||
54 | pr otec te d transient Principal principal = null; | 54 |
54 | privat e transien t Principa l principa l = null; | |||||
55 | 55 | 55 | ||||||||
56 | pr otec te d Concurren tMap<Singl eSignOnSes sionKey,Si ngleSignOn SessionKey > sessionK eys = | 56 | pr iva te final Concurrent Map<Single SignOnSess ionKey,Sin gleSignOnS essionKey> sessionKe ys = | 56 |
private fi
57 | new Conc urrentHash Map<>(); | 57 | new Conc urrentHash Map<>(); | 57 | new Conc urrentHash Map<>(); | |||||
58 | 58 | 58 | ||||||||
59 | pr otec te d String us ername = n ull; | 59 |
59 | privat e String u sername = null; | |||||
60 | 60 | 60 | ||||||||
61 | pr otec te d boolean c anReauthen ticate = f alse; | 61 |
61 | privat e boolean canReauthe nticate = false; | |||||
62 | 62 | 62 | ||||||||
63 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- Cons tructors | 63 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- Cons tructors | 63 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- Cons tructors | |||||
64 | 64 | 64 | ||||||||
65 | /** | 65 | /** | 65 | /** | |||||
66 | * Cre ates a new SingleSig nOnEntry | 66 | * Cre ates a new SingleSig nOnEntry | 66 | * Cre ates a new SingleSig nOnEntry | |||||
67 | * | 67 | * | 67 | * | |||||
68 | * @pa ram princi pal the <c ode>Princi pal</code> returned by the lat est | 68 | * @pa ram princi pal the <c ode>Princi pal</code> returned by the lat est | 68 | * @pa ram princi pal the <c ode>Princi pal</code> returned by the lat est | |||||
69 | * call t o <code>Re alm.authen ticate</co de>. | 69 | * call t o <code>Re alm.authen ticate</co de>. | 69 | * call t o <code>Re alm.authen ticate</co de>. | |||||
70 | * @pa ram authTy pe the ty pe of auth enticator used (BASI C, CLIENT_ CERT, | 70 | * @pa ram authTy pe the ty pe of auth enticator used (BASI C, CLIENT_ CERT, | 70 | * @pa ram authTy pe the ty pe of auth enticator used (BASI C, CLIENT_ CERT, | |||||
71 | * DIGEST or FORM) | 71 | * DIGEST or FORM) | 71 | * DIGEST or FORM) | |||||
72 | * @pa ram userna me the us ername (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | 72 | * @pa ram userna me the us ername (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | 72 | * @pa ram userna me the us ername (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | |||||
73 | * @pa ram passwo rd the pa ssword (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | 73 | * @pa ram passwo rd the pa ssword (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | 73 | * @pa ram passwo rd the pa ssword (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | |||||
74 | */ | 74 | */ | 74 | */ | |||||
75 | public SingleSig nOnEntry(P rincipal p rincipal, String aut hType, | 75 | public SingleSig nOnEntry(P rincipal p rincipal, String aut hType, | 75 | public SingleSig nOnEntry(P rincipal p rincipal, String aut hType, | |||||
76 | S tring user name, Stri ng passwor d) { | 76 | S tring user name, Stri ng passwor d) { | 76 | S tring user name, Stri ng passwor d) { | |||||
77 | 77 | 77 | ||||||||
78 | up dateCreden tials(prin cipal, aut hType, use rname, pas sword); | 78 | up dateCreden tials(prin cipal, aut hType, use rname, pas sword); | 78 | up dateCreden tials(prin cipal, aut hType, use rname, pas sword); | |||||
79 | } | 79 | } | 79 | } | |||||
80 | 80 | 80 | ||||||||
81 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -- Package Methods | 81 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -- Package Methods | 81 | // --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -- Package Methods | |||||
82 | 82 | 82 | ||||||||
83 | /** | 83 | /** | 83 | /** | |||||
84 | * Add s a <code> Session</c ode> to th e list of those asso ciated wit h | 84 | * Add s a <code> Session</c ode> to th e list of those asso ciated wit h | 84 | * Add s a <code> Session</c ode> to th e list of those asso ciated wit h | |||||
85 | * thi s SSO. | 85 | * thi s SSO. | 85 | * thi s SSO. | |||||
86 | * | 86 | * | 86 | * | |||||
87 | * @pa ram sso The <c ode>Single SignOn</co de> valve that is ma naging | 87 | * @pa ram sso The <c ode>Single SignOn</co de> valve that is ma naging | 87 | * @pa ram sso The <c ode>Single SignOn</co de> valve that is ma naging | |||||
88 | * the SS O session. | 88 | * the SS O session. | 88 | * the SS O session. | |||||
89 | * @pa ram ssoId The ID of the SS O session. | 89 | * @pa ram ssoId The ID of the SS O session. | |||||||
89 | * @pa ram sessio n The <c ode>Sessio n</code> b eing assoc iated with the SSO. | 90 | * @pa ram sessio n The <c ode>Sessio n</code> b eing assoc iated with the SSO. | 90 | * @pa ram sessio n The <c ode>Sessio n</code> b eing assoc iated with the SSO. | |||||
90 | */ | 91 | */ | 91 | */ | |||||
91 | public void addS ession(Sin gleSignOn sso, Strin g ssoId, S ession ses sion) { | 92 | public void addS ession(Sin gleSignOn sso, Strin g ssoId, S ession ses sion) { | 92 | public void addS ession(Sin gleSignOn sso, Strin g ssoId, S ession ses sion) { | |||||
92 | Si ngleSignOn SessionKey key = new SingleSig nOnSession Key(sessio n); | 93 | Si ngleSignOn SessionKey key = new SingleSig nOnSession Key(sessio n); | 93 | Si ngleSignOn SessionKey key = new SingleSig nOnSession Key(sessio n); | |||||
93 | Si ngleSignOn SessionKey currentKe y = sessio nKeys.putI fAbsent(ke y, key); | 94 | Si ngleSignOn SessionKey currentKe y = sessio nKeys.putI fAbsent(ke y, key); | 94 | Si ngleSignOn SessionKey currentKe y = sessio nKeys.putI fAbsent(ke y, key); | |||||
94 | if (currentK ey == null ) { | 95 | if (currentK ey == null ) { | 95 | if (currentK ey == null ) { | |||||
95 | // Sessi on not pre viously ad ded | 96 | // Sessi on not pre viously ad ded | 96 | // Sessi on not pre viously ad ded | |||||
96 | session. addSession Listener(s so.getSess ionListene r(ssoId)); | 97 | session. addSession Listener(s so.getSess ionListene r(ssoId)); | 97 | session. addSession Listener(s so.getSess ionListene r(ssoId)); | |||||
97 | } | 98 | } | 98 | } | |||||
98 | } | 99 | } | 99 | } | |||||
99 | 100 | 100 | ||||||||
100 | /** | 101 | /** | 101 | /** | |||||
101 | * Rem oves the g iven <code >Session</ code> from the list of those | 102 | * Rem oves the g iven <code >Session</ code> from the list of those | 102 | * Rem oves the g iven <code >Session</ code> from the list of those | |||||
102 | * ass ociated wi th this SS O. | 103 | * ass ociated wi th this SS O. | 103 | * ass ociated wi th this SS O. | |||||
103 | * | 104 | * | 104 | * | |||||
104 | * @pa ram sessio n the <co de>Session </code> to remove. | 105 | * @pa ram sessio n the <co de>Session </code> to remove. | 105 | * @pa ram sessio n the <co de>Session </code> to remove. | |||||
105 | */ | 106 | */ | 106 | */ | |||||
106 | public void remo veSession( Session se ssion) { | 107 | public void remo veSession( Session se ssion) { | 107 | public void remo veSession( Session se ssion) { | |||||
107 | Si ngleSignOn SessionKey key = new SingleSig nOnSession Key(sessio n); | 108 | Si ngleSignOn SessionKey key = new SingleSig nOnSession Key(sessio n); | 108 | Si ngleSignOn SessionKey key = new SingleSig nOnSession Key(sessio n); | |||||
108 | se ssionKeys. remove(key ); | 109 | se ssionKeys. remove(key ); | 109 | se ssionKeys. remove(key ); | |||||
109 | } | 110 | } | 110 | } | |||||
110 | 111 | 111 | ||||||||
111 | /** | 112 | /** | 112 | /** | |||||
112 | * Ret urns the H TTP Sessio n identifi ers associ ated with this SSO. | 113 | * Ret urns the H TTP Sessio n identifi ers associ ated with this SSO. | 113 | * Ret urns the H TTP Sessio n identifi ers associ ated with this SSO. | |||||
113 | * | 114 | * | 114 | * | |||||
114 | * @re turn The i dentifiers for the H TTP sessio ns that ar e current associated | 115 | * @re turn The i dentifiers for the H TTP sessio ns that ar e current associated | 115 | * @re turn The i dentifiers for the H TTP sessio ns that ar e current associated | |||||
115 | * with this SSo e ntry | 116 | * with this SSo e ntry | 116 | * with this SSo e ntry | |||||
116 | */ | 117 | */ | 117 | */ | |||||
117 | public Set<Singl eSignOnSes sionKey> f indSession s() { | 118 | public Set<Singl eSignOnSes sionKey> f indSession s() { | 118 | public Set<Singl eSignOnSes sionKey> f indSession s() { | |||||
118 | re turn sessi onKeys.key Set(); | 119 | re turn sessi onKeys.key Set(); | 119 | re turn sessi onKeys.key Set(); | |||||
119 | } | 120 | } | 120 | } | |||||
120 | 121 | 121 | ||||||||
121 | /** | 122 | /** | 122 | /** | |||||
122 | * Get s the name of the au thenticati on type or iginally u sed to aut henticate | 123 | * Get s the name of the au thenticati on type or iginally u sed to aut henticate | 123 | * Get s the name of the au thenticati on type or iginally u sed to aut henticate | |||||
123 | * the user asso ciated wit h the SSO. | 124 | * the user asso ciated wit h the SSO. | 124 | * the user asso ciated wit h the SSO. | |||||
124 | * | 125 | * | 125 | * | |||||
125 | * @re turn "BASI C", "CLIEN T_CERT", " DIGEST", " FORM" or " NONE" | 126 | * @re turn "BASI C", "CLIEN T_CERT", " DIGEST", " FORM" or " NONE" | 126 | * @re turn "BASI C", "CLIEN T_CERT", " DIGEST", " FORM" or " NONE" | |||||
126 | */ | 127 | */ | 127 | */ | |||||
127 | public String ge tAuthType( ) { | 128 | public String ge tAuthType( ) { | 128 | public String ge tAuthType( ) { | |||||
128 | re turn this. authType; | 129 | re turn this. authType; | 129 | re turn this. authType; | |||||
129 | } | 130 | } | 130 | } | |||||
130 | 131 | 131 | ||||||||
131 | /** | 132 | /** | 132 | /** | |||||
132 | * Get s whether the authen tication t ype associ ated with the origin al | 133 | * Get s whether the authen tication t ype associ ated with the origin al | 133 | * Get s whether the authen tication t ype associ ated with the origin al | |||||
133 | * aut henticatio n supports reauthent ication. | 134 | * aut henticatio n supports reauthent ication. | 134 | * aut henticatio n supports reauthent ication. | |||||
134 | * | 135 | * | 135 | * | |||||
135 | * @re turn <cod e>true</co de> if <co de>getAuth Type</code > returns | 136 | * @re turn <cod e>true</co de> if <co de>getAuth Type</code > returns | 136 | * @re turn <cod e>true</co de> if <co de>getAuth Type</code > returns | |||||
136 | * "BAS IC" or "FO RM", <code >false</co de> otherw ise. | 137 | * "BAS IC" or "FO RM", <code >false</co de> otherw ise. | 137 | * "BAS IC" or "FO RM", <code >false</co de> otherw ise. | |||||
137 | */ | 138 | */ | 138 | */ | |||||
138 | public boolean g etCanReaut henticate( ) { | 139 | public boolean g etCanReaut henticate( ) { | 139 | public boolean g etCanReaut henticate( ) { | |||||
139 | re turn this. canReauthe nticate; | 140 | re turn this. canReauthe nticate; | 140 | re turn this. canReauthe nticate; | |||||
140 | } | 141 | } | 141 | } | |||||
141 | 142 | 142 | ||||||||
142 | /** | 143 | /** | 143 | /** | |||||
143 | * Get s the pass word crede ntial (if any) assoc iated with the SSO. | 144 | * Get s the pass word crede ntial (if any) assoc iated with the SSO. | 144 | * Get s the pass word crede ntial (if any) assoc iated with the SSO. | |||||
144 | * | 145 | * | 145 | * | |||||
145 | * @re turn the password c redential associated with the SSO, or | 146 | * @re turn the password c redential associated with the SSO, or | 146 | * @re turn the password c redential associated with the SSO, or | |||||
146 | * <cod e>null</co de> if the original authentica tion type | 147 | * <cod e>null</co de> if the original authentica tion type | 147 | * <cod e>null</co de> if the original authentica tion type | |||||
147 | * does not invol ve a passw ord. | 148 | * does not invol ve a passw ord. | 148 | * does not invol ve a passw ord. | |||||
148 | */ | 149 | */ | 149 | */ | |||||
149 | public String ge tPassword( ) { | 150 | public String ge tPassword( ) { | 150 | public String ge tPassword( ) { | |||||
150 | re turn this. password; | 151 | re turn this. password; | 151 | re turn this. password; | |||||
151 | } | 152 | } | 152 | } | |||||
152 | 153 | 153 | ||||||||
153 | /** | 154 | /** | 154 | /** | |||||
154 | * Get s the <cod e>Principa l</code> t hat has be en authent icated by the SSO. | 155 | * Get s the <cod e>Principa l</code> t hat has be en authent icated by the SSO. | 155 | * Get s the <cod e>Principa l</code> t hat has be en authent icated by the SSO. | |||||
155 | * | 156 | * | 156 | * | |||||
156 | * @re turn The P rincipal t hat was cr eated by t he authent ication th at | 157 | * @re turn The P rincipal t hat was cr eated by t he authent ication th at | 157 | * @re turn The P rincipal t hat was cr eated by t he authent ication th at | |||||
157 | * trigg ered the c reation of the SSO e ntry | 158 | * trigg ered the c reation of the SSO e ntry | 158 | * trigg ered the c reation of the SSO e ntry | |||||
158 | */ | 159 | */ | 159 | */ | |||||
159 | public Principal getPrinci pal() { | 160 | public Principal getPrinci pal() { | 160 | public Principal getPrinci pal() { | |||||
160 | re turn this. principal; | 161 | re turn this. principal; | 161 | re turn this. principal; | |||||
161 | } | 162 | } | 162 | } | |||||
162 | 163 | 163 | ||||||||
163 | /** | 164 | /** | 164 | /** | |||||
164 | * Get s the user name prov ided by th e user as part of th e authenti cation | 165 | * Get s the user name prov ided by th e user as part of th e authenti cation | 165 | * Get s the user name prov ided by th e user as part of th e authenti cation | |||||
165 | * pro cess. | 166 | * pro cess. | 166 | * pro cess. | |||||
166 | * | 167 | * | 167 | * | |||||
167 | * @re turn The u ser name t hat was au thenticate d as part of the | 168 | * @re turn The u ser name t hat was au thenticate d as part of the | 168 | * @re turn The u ser name t hat was au thenticate d as part of the | |||||
168 | * authe ntication that trigg ered the c reation of the SSO e ntry | 169 | * authe ntication that trigg ered the c reation of the SSO e ntry | 169 | * authe ntication that trigg ered the c reation of the SSO e ntry | |||||
169 | */ | 170 | */ | 170 | */ | |||||
170 | public String ge tUsername( ) { | 171 | public String ge tUsername( ) { | 171 | public String ge tUsername( ) { | |||||
171 | re turn this. username; | 172 | re turn this. username; | 172 | re turn this. username; | |||||
172 | } | 173 | } | 173 | } | |||||
173 | 174 | 174 | ||||||||
174 | 175 | 175 | ||||||||
175 | /** | 176 | /** | 176 | /** | |||||
176 | * Upd ates the S ingleSignO nEntry to reflect th e latest s ecurity | 177 | * Upd ates the S ingleSignO nEntry to reflect th e latest s ecurity | 177 | * Upd ates the S ingleSignO nEntry to reflect th e latest s ecurity | |||||
177 | * inf ormation a ssociated with the c aller. | 178 | * inf ormation a ssociated with the c aller. | 178 | * inf ormation a ssociated with the c aller. | |||||
178 | * | 179 | * | 179 | * | |||||
179 | * @pa ram princi pal the <c ode>Princi pal</code> returned by the lat est | 180 | * @pa ram princi pal the <c ode>Princi pal</code> returned by the lat est | 180 | * @pa ram princi pal the <c ode>Princi pal</code> returned by the lat est | |||||
180 | * call t o <code>Re alm.authen ticate</co de>. | 181 | * call t o <code>Re alm.authen ticate</co de>. | 181 | * call t o <code>Re alm.authen ticate</co de>. | |||||
181 | * @pa ram authTy pe the ty pe of auth enticator used (BASI C, CLIENT_ CERT, | 182 | * @pa ram authTy pe the ty pe of auth enticator used (BASI C, CLIENT_ CERT, | 182 | * @pa ram authTy pe the ty pe of auth enticator used (BASI C, CLIENT_ CERT, | |||||
182 | * DIGEST or FORM) | 183 | * DIGEST or FORM) | 183 | * DIGEST or FORM) | |||||
183 | * @pa ram userna me the us ername (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | 184 | * @pa ram userna me the us ername (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | 184 | * @pa ram userna me the us ername (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | |||||
184 | * @pa ram passwo rd the pa ssword (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | 185 | * @pa ram passwo rd the pa ssword (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | 185 | * @pa ram passwo rd the pa ssword (if any) used for the a uthenticat ion | |||||
185 | */ | 186 | */ | 186 | */ | |||||
186 | public synchroni zed void u pdateCrede ntials(Pri ncipal pri ncipal, St ring authT ype, | 187 | public synchroni zed void u pdateCrede ntials(Pri ncipal pri ncipal, St ring authT ype, | 187 | public synchroni zed void u pdateCrede ntials(Pri ncipal pri ncipal, St ring authT ype, | |||||
187 | String username, String pa ssword) { | 188 | String username, String pa ssword) { | 188 | String username, String pa ssword) { | |||||
188 | th is.princip al = princ ipal; | 189 | th is.princip al = princ ipal; | 189 | th is.princip al = princ ipal; | |||||
189 | th is.authTyp e = authTy pe; | 190 | th is.authTyp e = authTy pe; | 190 | th is.authTyp e = authTy pe; | |||||
190 | th is.usernam e = userna me; | 191 | th is.usernam e = userna me; | 191 | th is.usernam e = userna me; | |||||
191 | th is.passwor d = passwo rd; | 192 | th is.passwor d = passwo rd; | 192 | th is.passwor d = passwo rd; | |||||
192 | th is.canReau thenticate = (HttpSe rvletReque st.BASIC_A UTH.equals (authType) || | 193 | th is.canReau thenticate = (HttpSe rvletReque st.BASIC_A UTH.equals (authType) || | 193 | th is.canReau thenticate = (HttpSe rvletReque st.BASIC_A UTH.equals (authType) || | |||||
193 | Http ServletReq uest.FORM_ AUTH.equal s(authType )); | 194 | Http ServletReq uest.FORM_ AUTH.equal s(authType )); | 194 | Http ServletReq uest.FORM_ AUTH.equal s(authType )); | |||||
194 | } | 195 | } | 195 | } | |||||
195 | 196 | 196 | ||||||||
196 | 197 | 197 | ||||||||
197 | privat e void wri teObject(O bjectOutpu tStream ou t) throws IOExceptio n { | 198 | privat e void wri teObject(O bjectOutpu tStream ou t) throws IOExceptio n { | 198 | privat e void wri teObject(O bjectOutpu tStream ou t) throws IOExceptio n { | |||||
198 | ou t.defaultW riteObject (); | 199 | ou t.defaultW riteObject (); | 199 | ou t.defaultW riteObject (); | |||||
199 | if (principa l instance of Seriali zable) { | 200 | if (principa l instance of Seriali zable) { | 200 | if (principa l instance of Seriali zable) { | |||||
200 | out.writ eBoolean(t rue); | 201 | out.writ eBoolean(t rue); | 201 | out.writ eBoolean(t rue); | |||||
201 | out.writ eObject(pr incipal); | 202 | out.writ eObject(pr incipal); | 202 | out.writ eObject(pr incipal); | |||||
202 | } else { | 203 | } else { | 203 | } else { | |||||
203 | out.writ eBoolean(f alse); | 204 | out.writ eBoolean(f alse); | 204 | out.writ eBoolean(f alse); | |||||
204 | } | 205 | } | 205 | } | |||||
205 | } | 206 | } | 206 | } | |||||
206 | 207 | 207 | ||||||||
207 | privat e void rea dObject(Ob jectInputS tream in) throws IOE xception, | 208 | privat e void rea dObject(Ob jectInputS tream in) throws IOE xception, | 208 | privat e void rea dObject(Ob jectInputS tream in) throws IOE xception, | |||||
208 | ClassNot FoundExcep tion { | 209 | ClassNot FoundExcep tion { | 209 | ClassNot FoundExcep tion { | |||||
209 | in .defaultRe adObject() ; | 210 | in .defaultRe adObject() ; | 210 | in .defaultRe adObject() ; | |||||
210 | bo olean hasP rincipal = in.readBo olean(); | 211 | bo olean hasP rincipal = in.readBo olean(); | 211 | bo olean hasP rincipal = in.readBo olean(); | |||||
211 | if (hasPrinc ipal) { | 212 | if (hasPrinc ipal) { | 212 | if (hasPrinc ipal) { | |||||
212 | principa l = (Princ ipal) in.r eadObject( ); | 213 | principa l = (Princ ipal) in.r eadObject( ); | 213 | principa l = (Princ ipal) in.r eadObject( ); | |||||
213 | } | 214 | } | 214 | } | |||||
214 | } | 215 | } | 215 | } | |||||
215 | } | 216 | } | 216 | } |
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