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# | Location | File | Last Modified |
1 | C:\Merge Test Files\8.0.47\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator | | Fri Sep 29 16:53:28 2017 UTC |
2 | C:\Merge Test Files\8.5.23\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator | | Thu Sep 28 11:32:16 2017 UTC |
3 | C:\Merge Test Files\9.0.1\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator | | Wed Sep 27 18:33:40 2017 UTC |
Note: Merge considers the second file to be the common ancestor of the others. |
Description | Between Files 1 and 2 |
Between Files 2 and 3 |
Relative to Common Ancestor |
Text Blocks | Lines | Text Blocks | Lines | Text Blocks | Lines | |
Unchanged | 2 | 138 | 1 | 144 | ||
Changed | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Inserted | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Removed | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
Note: An automatic merge would leave 0 conflict(s). |
Whitespace | Consecutive whitespace is treated as a single space |
Character case | Differences in character case are significant |
Line endings | Differences in line endings (CR and LF characters) are ignored |
CR/LF characters | Not shown in the comparison detail |
No regular expressions were active.
1 | # Licensed to the Ap ache Softw are Founda tion (ASF) under one or more | 1 | # Licensed to the Ap ache Softw are Founda tion (ASF) under one or more | 1 | # Licensed to the Ap ache Softw are Founda tion (ASF) under one or more | |||||
2 | # contribu tor licens e agreemen ts. See t he NOTICE file distr ibuted wit h | 2 | # contribu tor licens e agreemen ts. See t he NOTICE file distr ibuted wit h | 2 | # contribu tor licens e agreemen ts. See t he NOTICE file distr ibuted wit h | |||||
3 | # this wor k for addi tional inf ormation r egarding c opyright o wnership. | 3 | # this wor k for addi tional inf ormation r egarding c opyright o wnership. | 3 | # this wor k for addi tional inf ormation r egarding c opyright o wnership. | |||||
4 | # The ASF licenses t his file t o You unde r the Apac he License , Version 2.0 | 4 | # The ASF licenses t his file t o You unde r the Apac he License , Version 2.0 | 4 | # The ASF licenses t his file t o You unde r the Apac he License , Version 2.0 | |||||
5 | # (the "Li cense"); y ou may not use this file excep t in compl iance with | 5 | # (the "Li cense"); y ou may not use this file excep t in compl iance with | 5 | # (the "Li cense"); y ou may not use this file excep t in compl iance with | |||||
6 | # the Lice nse. You may obtain a copy of the Licen se at | 6 | # the Lice nse. You may obtain a copy of the Licen se at | 6 | # the Lice nse. You may obtain a copy of the Licen se at | |||||
7 | # | 7 | # | 7 | # | |||||
8 | # http ://www.apa censes/LIC ENSE-2.0 | 8 | # http ://www.apa censes/LIC ENSE-2.0 | 8 | # http ://www.apa censes/LIC ENSE-2.0 | |||||
9 | # | 9 | # | 9 | # | |||||
10 | # Unless r equired by applicabl e law or a greed to i n writing, software | 10 | # Unless r equired by applicabl e law or a greed to i n writing, software | 10 | # Unless r equired by applicabl e law or a greed to i n writing, software | |||||
11 | # distribu ted under the Licens e is distr ibuted on an "AS IS" BASIS, | 11 | # distribu ted under the Licens e is distr ibuted on an "AS IS" BASIS, | 11 | # distribu ted under the Licens e is distr ibuted on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |||||
12 | # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDIT IONS OF AN Y KIND, ei ther expre ss or impl ied. | 12 | # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDIT IONS OF AN Y KIND, ei ther expre ss or impl ied. | 12 | # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDIT IONS OF AN Y KIND, ei ther expre ss or impl ied. | |||||
13 | # See the License fo r the spec ific langu age govern ing permis sions and | 13 | # See the License fo r the spec ific langu age govern ing permis sions and | 13 | # See the License fo r the spec ific langu age govern ing permis sions and | |||||
14 | # limitati ons under the Licens e. | 14 | # limitati ons under the Licens e. | 14 | # limitati ons under the Licens e. | |||||
15 | 15 | 15 | ||||||||
16 | authentica tor.certif icates=No client cer tificate c hain in th is request | 16 | authentica tor.certif icates=No client cer tificate c hain in th is request | 16 | authentica tor.certif icates=No client cer tificate c hain in th is request | |||||
17 | authentica tor.change SessionId= Session ID changed o n authenti cation fro m [{0}] to [{1}] | 17 | authentica tor.change SessionId= Session ID changed o n authenti cation fro m [{0}] to [{1}] | 17 | authentica tor.change SessionId= Session ID changed o n authenti cation fro m [{0}] to [{1}] | |||||
18 | authentica tor.check. authorize= Authorizin g connecto r provided user [{0} ] via Tomc at Realm | 18 | authentica tor.check. authorize= Authorizin g connecto r provided user [{0} ] via Tomc at Realm | 18 | authentica tor.check. authorize= Authorizin g connecto r provided user [{0} ] via Tomc at Realm | |||||
19 | authentica tor.check. authorizeF ail=Realm did not re cognise us er [{0}]. Creating a Principal with that name and no roles. | 19 | authentica tor.check. authorizeF ail=Realm did not re cognise us er [{0}]. Creating a Principal with that name and no roles. | 19 | authentica tor.check. authorizeF ail=Realm did not re cognise us er [{0}]. Creating a Principal with that name and no roles. | |||||
20 | authentica tor.check. found=Alre ady authen ticated [{ 0}] | 20 | authentica tor.check. found=Alre ady authen ticated [{ 0}] | 20 | authentica tor.check. found=Alre ady authen ticated [{ 0}] | |||||
21 | authentica tor.check. sso=Not au thenticate d but SSO session ID [{0}] fou nd. Attemp ting re-au thenticati on. | 21 | authentica tor.check. sso=Not au thenticate d but SSO session ID [{0}] fou nd. Attemp ting re-au thenticati on. | 21 | authentica tor.check. sso=Not au thenticate d but SSO session ID [{0}] fou nd. Attemp ting re-au thenticati on. | |||||
22 | authentica tor.jaspic CleanSubje ctFail=Fai led to cle an JASPIC subject | 22 | authentica tor.jaspic CleanSubje ctFail=Fai led to cle an JASPIC subject | |||||||
23 | authentica tor.jaspic SecureResp onseFail=F ailed to s ecure resp onse durin g JASPIC p rocessing | 23 | authentica tor.jaspic SecureResp onseFail=F ailed to s ecure resp onse durin g JASPIC p rocessing | |||||||
24 | authentica tor.jaspic ServerAuth ContextFai l=Failed t o obtain a JASPIC Se rverAuthCo ntext inst ance | 24 | authentica tor.jaspic ServerAuth ContextFai l=Failed t o obtain a JASPIC Se rverAuthCo ntext inst ance | |||||||
22 | authentica tor.formlo gin=Invali d direct r eference t o form log in page | 25 | authentica tor.formlo gin=Invali d direct r eference t o form log in page | 25 | authentica tor.formlo gin=Invali d direct r eference t o form log in page | |||||
23 | authentica tor.loginF ail=Login failed | 26 | authentica tor.loginF ail=Login failed | 26 | authentica tor.loginF ail=Login failed | |||||
24 | authentica tor.manage r=Exceptio n initiali zing trust managers | 27 | authentica tor.manage r=Exceptio n initiali zing trust managers | 27 | authentica tor.manage r=Exceptio n initiali zing trust managers | |||||
25 | authentica tor.noAuth Header=No authorizat ion header sent by c lient | 28 | authentica tor.noAuth Header=No authorizat ion header sent by c lient | 28 | authentica tor.noAuth Header=No authorizat ion header sent by c lient | |||||
26 | authentica tor.notCon text=Confi guration e rror: Mus t be attac hed to a C ontext | 29 | authentica tor.notCon text=Confi guration e rror: Mus t be attac hed to a C ontext | 29 | authentica tor.notCon text=Confi guration e rror: Mus t be attac hed to a C ontext | |||||
27 | authentica tor.reques tBodyTooBi g=The requ est body w as too lar ge to be c ached duri ng the aut henticatio n process | 30 | authentica tor.reques tBodyTooBi g=The requ est body w as too lar ge to be c ached duri ng the aut henticatio n process | 30 | authentica tor.reques tBodyTooBi g=The requ est body w as too lar ge to be c ached duri ng the aut henticatio n process | |||||
28 | authentica tor.sessio nExpired=T he time al lowed for the login process ha s been exc eeded. If you wish t o continue you must either cli ck back tw ice and re -click the link you requested or close a nd re-open your brow ser | 31 | authentica tor.sessio nExpired=T he time al lowed for the login process ha s been exc eeded. If you wish t o continue you must either cli ck back tw ice and re -click the link you requested or close a nd re-open your brow ser | 31 | authentica tor.sessio nExpired=T he time al lowed for the login process ha s been exc eeded. If you wish t o continue you must either cli ck back tw ice and re -click the link you requested or close a nd re-open your brow ser | |||||
29 | authentica tor.unauth orized=Can not authen ticate wit h the prov ided crede ntials | 32 | authentica tor.unauth orized=Can not authen ticate wit h the prov ided crede ntials | 32 | authentica tor.unauth orized=Can not authen ticate wit h the prov ided crede ntials | |||||
30 | authentica tor.tomcat PrincipalL ogoutFail= Logout wit h TomcatPr incipal in stance has failed | 33 | authentica tor.tomcat PrincipalL ogoutFail= Logout wit h TomcatPr incipal in stance has failed | 33 | authentica tor.tomcat PrincipalL ogoutFail= Logout wit h TomcatPr incipal in stance has failed | |||||
31 | 34 | 34 | ||||||||
32 | basicAuthe nticator.i nvalidChar set=The on ly permitt ed values are null, the empty string or UTF-8 | 35 | basicAuthe nticator.i nvalidChar set=The on ly permitt ed values are null, the empty string or UTF-8 | 35 | basicAuthe nticator.i nvalidChar set=The on ly permitt ed values are null, the empty string or UTF-8 | |||||
33 | 36 | 36 | ||||||||
34 | digestAuth enticator. cacheRemov e=A valid entry has been remov ed from cl ient nonce cache to make room for new en tries. A r eplay atta ck is now possible. To prevent the possi bility of replay att acks, redu ce nonceVa lidity or increase c nonceCache Size. Furt her warnin gs of this type will be suppre ssed for 5 minutes. | 37 | digestAuth enticator. cacheRemov e=A valid entry has been remov ed from cl ient nonce cache to make room for new en tries. A r eplay atta ck is now possible. To prevent the possi bility of replay att acks, redu ce nonceVa lidity or increase c nonceCache Size. Furt her warnin gs of this type will be suppre ssed for 5 minutes. | 37 | digestAuth enticator. cacheRemov e=A valid entry has been remov ed from cl ient nonce cache to make room for new en tries. A r eplay atta ck is now possible. To prevent the possi bility of replay att acks, redu ce nonceVa lidity or increase c nonceCache Size. Furt her warnin gs of this type will be suppre ssed for 5 minutes. | |||||
35 | 38 | 38 | ||||||||
36 | formAuthen rwardError Fail=Unexp ected erro r forwardi ng to erro r page | 39 | formAuthen rwardError Fail=Unexp ected erro r forwardi ng to erro r page | 39 | formAuthen rwardError Fail=Unexp ected erro r forwardi ng to erro r page | |||||
37 | formAuthen rwardLogin =Forwardin g request for [{0}] made with method [{1 }] to logi n page [{2 }] of cont ext [{3}] using requ est method GET | 40 | formAuthen rwardLogin =Forwardin g request for [{0}] made with method [{1 }] to logi n page [{2 }] of cont ext [{3}] using requ est method GET | 40 | formAuthen rwardLogin =Forwardin g request for [{0}] made with method [{1 }] to logi n page [{2 }] of cont ext [{3}] using requ est method GET | |||||
38 | formAuthen rwardLogin Fail=Unexp ected erro r forwardi ng to logi n page | 41 | formAuthen rwardLogin Fail=Unexp ected erro r forwardi ng to logi n page | 41 | formAuthen rwardLogin Fail=Unexp ected erro r forwardi ng to logi n page | |||||
39 | formAuthen ErrorPage= No error p age was de fined for FORM authe ntication in context [{0}] | 42 | formAuthen ErrorPage= No error p age was de fined for FORM authe ntication in context [{0}] | 42 | formAuthen ErrorPage= No error p age was de fined for FORM authe ntication in context [{0}] | |||||
40 | formAuthen LoginPage= No login p age was de fined for FORM authe ntication in context [{0}] | 43 | formAuthen LoginPage= No login p age was de fined for FORM authe ntication in context [{0}] | 43 | formAuthen LoginPage= No login p age was de fined for FORM authe ntication in context [{0}] | |||||
41 | 44 | 44 | ||||||||
42 | singleSign On.debug.a ssociate=S SO associa ting appli cation ses sion [{1}] with SSO session [{ 0}] | 45 | singleSign On.debug.a ssociate=S SO associa ting appli cation ses sion [{1}] with SSO session [{ 0}] | 45 | singleSign On.debug.a ssociate=S SO associa ting appli cation ses sion [{1}] with SSO session [{ 0}] | |||||
43 | singleSign On.debug.a ssociateFa il=SSO fai led to ass ociate app lication s ession [{0 }] since S SO session [{1}] doe s not exis t | 46 | singleSign On.debug.a ssociateFa il=SSO fai led to ass ociate app lication s ession [{0 }] since S SO session [{1}] doe s not exis t | 46 | singleSign On.debug.a ssociateFa il=SSO fai led to ass ociate app lication s ession [{0 }] since S SO session [{1}] doe s not exis t | |||||
44 | singleSign On.debug.c ookieCheck =SSO check ing for SS O cookie | 47 | singleSign On.debug.c ookieCheck =SSO check ing for SS O cookie | 47 | singleSign On.debug.c ookieCheck =SSO check ing for SS O cookie | |||||
45 | singleSign On.debug.c ookieNotFo und=SSO di d not find an SSO co okie | 48 | singleSign On.debug.c ookieNotFo und=SSO di d not find an SSO co okie | 48 | singleSign On.debug.c ookieNotFo und=SSO di d not find an SSO co okie | |||||
46 | singleSign On.debug.d eregister= SSO expiri ng applica tion sessi on [{0}] a ssociated with SSO s ession [{1 }] | 49 | singleSign On.debug.d eregister= SSO expiri ng applica tion sessi on [{0}] a ssociated with SSO s ession [{1 }] | 49 | singleSign On.debug.d eregister= SSO expiri ng applica tion sessi on [{0}] a ssociated with SSO s ession [{1 }] | |||||
47 | singleSign On.debug.d eregisterF ail=SSO fa iled to de register t he SSO ses sion [{0}] because i t was not in the cac he | 50 | singleSign On.debug.d eregisterF ail=SSO fa iled to de register t he SSO ses sion [{0}] because i t was not in the cac he | 50 | singleSign On.debug.d eregisterF ail=SSO fa iled to de register t he SSO ses sion [{0}] because i t was not in the cac he | |||||
48 | singleSign On.debug.d eregisterN one=SSO de registered the SSO s ession [{0 }] but fou nd no asso ciated app lication s essions | 51 | singleSign On.debug.d eregisterN one=SSO de registered the SSO s ession [{0 }] but fou nd no asso ciated app lication s essions | 51 | singleSign On.debug.d eregisterN one=SSO de registered the SSO s ession [{0 }] but fou nd no asso ciated app lication s essions | |||||
49 | singleSign On.debug.h asPrincipa l=SSO foun d previous ly authent icated Pri ncipal [{0 }] | 52 | singleSign On.debug.h asPrincipa l=SSO foun d previous ly authent icated Pri ncipal [{0 }] | 52 | singleSign On.debug.h asPrincipa l=SSO foun d previous ly authent icated Pri ncipal [{0 }] | |||||
50 | singleSign On.debug.i nvoke=SSO processing request f or [{0}] | 53 | singleSign On.debug.i nvoke=SSO processing request f or [{0}] | 53 | singleSign On.debug.i nvoke=SSO processing request f or [{0}] | |||||
51 | singleSign On.debug.p rincipalCh eck=SSO lo oking for a cached P rincipal f or SSO ses sion [{0}] | 54 | singleSign On.debug.p rincipalCh eck=SSO lo oking for a cached P rincipal f or SSO ses sion [{0}] | 54 | singleSign On.debug.p rincipalCh eck=SSO lo oking for a cached P rincipal f or SSO ses sion [{0}] | |||||
52 | singleSign On.debug.p rincipalFo und=SSO fo und cached Principal [{0}] wit h authenti cation typ e [{1}] | 55 | singleSign On.debug.p rincipalFo und=SSO fo und cached Principal [{0}] wit h authenti cation typ e [{1}] | 55 | singleSign On.debug.p rincipalFo und=SSO fo und cached Principal [{0}] wit h authenti cation typ e [{1}] | |||||
53 | singleSign On.debug.p rincipalNo tFound=SSO did not f ind a cach ed Princip al. Erasin g SSO cook ie for ses sion [{0}] | 56 | singleSign On.debug.p rincipalNo tFound=SSO did not f ind a cach ed Princip al. Erasin g SSO cook ie for ses sion [{0}] | 56 | singleSign On.debug.p rincipalNo tFound=SSO did not f ind a cach ed Princip al. Erasin g SSO cook ie for ses sion [{0}] | |||||
54 | singleSign On.debug.r egister=SS O register ing SSO se ssion [{0} ] for user [{1}] wit h authenti cation typ e [{2}] | 57 | singleSign On.debug.r egister=SS O register ing SSO se ssion [{0} ] for user [{1}] wit h authenti cation typ e [{2}] | 57 | singleSign On.debug.r egister=SS O register ing SSO se ssion [{0} ] for user [{1}] wit h authenti cation typ e [{2}] | |||||
55 | singleSign On.debug.r emoveSessi on=SSO rem oving appl ication se ssion [{0} ] from SSO session [ {1}] | 58 | singleSign On.debug.r emoveSessi on=SSO rem oving appl ication se ssion [{0} ] from SSO session [ {1}] | 58 | singleSign On.debug.r emoveSessi on=SSO rem oving appl ication se ssion [{0} ] from SSO session [ {1}] | |||||
56 | singleSign On.debug.s essionLogo ut=SSO pro cessing a log out fo r SSO sess ion [{0}] and applic ation sess ion [{1}] | 59 | singleSign On.debug.s essionLogo ut=SSO pro cessing a log out fo r SSO sess ion [{0}] and applic ation sess ion [{1}] | 59 | singleSign On.debug.s essionLogo ut=SSO pro cessing a log out fo r SSO sess ion [{0}] and applic ation sess ion [{1}] | |||||
57 | singleSign On.debug.s essionTime out=SSO pr ocessing a time out for SSO se ssion [{0} ] and appl ication se ssion [{1} ] | 60 | singleSign On.debug.s essionTime out=SSO pr ocessing a time out for SSO se ssion [{0} ] and appl ication se ssion [{1} ] | 60 | singleSign On.debug.s essionTime out=SSO pr ocessing a time out for SSO se ssion [{0} ] and appl ication se ssion [{1} ] | |||||
58 | singleSign On.debug.u pdate=SSO updating S SO session [{0}] to authentica tion type [{1}] | 61 | singleSign On.debug.u pdate=SSO updating S SO session [{0}] to authentica tion type [{1}] | 61 | singleSign On.debug.u pdate=SSO updating S SO session [{0}] to authentica tion type [{1}] | |||||
59 | singleSign On.session Expire.eng ineNull=SS O unable t o expire s ession [{0 }] because the Engin e was null | 62 | singleSign On.session Expire.eng ineNull=SS O unable t o expire s ession [{0 }] because the Engin e was null | 62 | singleSign On.session Expire.eng ineNull=SS O unable t o expire s ession [{0 }] because the Engin e was null | |||||
60 | singleSign On.session Expire.hos tNotFound= SSO unable to expire session [ {0}] becau se the Hos t could no t be found | 63 | singleSign On.session Expire.hos tNotFound= SSO unable to expire session [ {0}] becau se the Hos t could no t be found | 63 | singleSign On.session Expire.hos tNotFound= SSO unable to expire session [ {0}] becau se the Hos t could no t be found | |||||
61 | singleSign On.session Expire.con textNotFou nd=SSO una ble to exp ire sessio n [{0}] be cause the Context co uld not be found | 64 | singleSign On.session Expire.con textNotFou nd=SSO una ble to exp ire sessio n [{0}] be cause the Context co uld not be found | 64 | singleSign On.session Expire.con textNotFou nd=SSO una ble to exp ire sessio n [{0}] be cause the Context co uld not be found | |||||
62 | singleSign On.session agerNotFou nd=SSO una ble to exp ire sessio n [{0}] be cause the Manager co uld not be found | 65 | singleSign On.session agerNotFou nd=SSO una ble to exp ire sessio n [{0}] be cause the Manager co uld not be found | 65 | singleSign On.session agerNotFou nd=SSO una ble to exp ire sessio n [{0}] be cause the Manager co uld not be found | |||||
63 | singleSign On.session agerError= SSO unable to expire session [ {0}] becau se the Man ager threw an Except ion when s earching f or the ses sion | 66 | singleSign On.session agerError= SSO unable to expire session [ {0}] becau se the Man ager threw an Except ion when s earching f or the ses sion | 66 | singleSign On.session agerError= SSO unable to expire session [ {0}] becau se the Man ager threw an Except ion when s earching f or the ses sion | |||||
64 | singleSign On.session sionNotFou nd=SSO una ble to exp ire sessio n [{0}] be cause the Session co uld not be found | 67 | singleSign On.session sionNotFou nd=SSO una ble to exp ire sessio n [{0}] be cause the Session co uld not be found | 67 | singleSign On.session sionNotFou nd=SSO una ble to exp ire sessio n [{0}] be cause the Session co uld not be found | |||||
65 | 68 | 68 | ||||||||
66 | spnegoAuth enticator. authHeader NoToken=Th e Negotiat e authoriz ation head er sent by the clien t did not include a token | 69 | spnegoAuth enticator. authHeader NoToken=Th e Negotiat e authoriz ation head er sent by the clien t did not include a token | 69 | spnegoAuth enticator. authHeader NoToken=Th e Negotiat e authoriz ation head er sent by the clien t did not include a token | |||||
67 | spnegoAuth enticator. authHeader NotNego=Th e authoriz ation head er sent by the clien t did not start with Negotiate | 70 | spnegoAuth enticator. authHeader NotNego=Th e authoriz ation head er sent by the clien t did not start with Negotiate | 70 | spnegoAuth enticator. authHeader NotNego=Th e authoriz ation head er sent by the clien t did not start with Negotiate | |||||
68 | spnegoAuth enticator. serviceLog inFail=Una ble to log in as the service pr incipal | 71 | spnegoAuth enticator. serviceLog inFail=Una ble to log in as the service pr incipal | 71 | spnegoAuth enticator. serviceLog inFail=Una ble to log in as the service pr incipal | |||||
69 | spnegoAuth enticator. ticketVali dateFail=F ailed to v alidate cl ient suppl ied ticket | 72 | spnegoAuth enticator. ticketVali dateFail=F ailed to v alidate cl ient suppl ied ticket | 72 | spnegoAuth enticator. ticketVali dateFail=F ailed to v alidate cl ient suppl ied ticket |
Araxis Merge (but not the data content of this report) is Copyright © 1993–2017 Araxis Ltd ( All rights reserved.