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# | Location | File | Last Modified |
1 | Mon Nov 20 14:16:16 2017 UTC | ||
2 | C:\Merge Test Files\8.5.23\java\org\apache\catalina\authenticator\jaspic | | Thu Sep 28 11:32:16 2017 UTC |
Description | Between Files 1 and 2 |
Text Blocks | Lines | |
Unchanged | 0 | 0 |
Changed | 0 | 0 |
Inserted | 1 | 80 |
Removed | 0 | 0 |
Whitespace | Consecutive whitespace is treated as a single space |
Character case | Differences in character case are significant |
Line endings | Differences in line endings (CR and LF characters) are ignored |
CR/LF characters | Not shown in the comparison detail |
No regular expressions were active.
1 | /* | |||||
2 | * License d to the A pache Soft ware Found ation (ASF ) under on e or more | |||||
3 | * contrib utor licen se agreeme nts. See the NOTICE file dist ributed wi th | |||||
4 | * this wo rk for add itional in formation regarding copyright ownership. | |||||
5 | * The ASF licenses this file to You und er the Apa che Licens e, Version 2.0 | |||||
6 | * (the "L icense"); you may no t use this file exce pt in comp liance wit h | |||||
7 | * the Lic ense. You may obtai n a copy o f the Lice nse at | |||||
8 | * | |||||
9 | * ht tp://www.a licenses/L ICENSE-2.0 | |||||
10 | * | |||||
11 | * Unless required b y applicab le law or agreed to in writing , software | |||||
12 | * distrib uted under the Licen se is dist ributed on an "AS IS " BASIS, | |||||
13 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIE S OR CONDI TIONS OF A NY KIND, e ither expr ess or imp lied. | |||||
14 | * See the License f or the spe cific lang uage gover ning permi ssions and | |||||
15 | * limitat ions under the Licen se. | |||||
16 | */ | |||||
17 | package or g.apache.c thenticato r.jaspic; | |||||
18 | ||||||
19 | import jav a.util.Has hMap; | |||||
20 | import jav a.util.Map ; | |||||
21 | ||||||
22 | import jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.Messa geInfo; | |||||
23 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletReq uest; | |||||
24 | import jav ax.servlet .http.Http ServletRes ponse; | |||||
25 | ||||||
26 | import org mcat.util. res.String Manager; | |||||
27 | ||||||
28 | public cla ss Message InfoImpl i mplements MessageInf o { | |||||
29 | protec ted static final Str ingManager sm = Stri ngManager. getManager (MessageIn foImpl.cla ss); | |||||
30 | ||||||
31 | public static fi nal String IS_MANDAT ORY = "jav ax.securit y.auth.mes sage.Messa gePolicy.i sMandatory "; | |||||
32 | ||||||
33 | privat e final Ma p<String, Object> ma p = new Ha shMap<>(); | |||||
34 | privat e HttpServ letRequest request; | |||||
35 | privat e HttpServ letRespons e response ; | |||||
36 | ||||||
37 | public MessageIn foImpl() { | |||||
38 | } | |||||
39 | ||||||
40 | public MessageIn foImpl(Htt pServletRe quest requ est, HttpS ervletResp onse respo nse, boole an authMan datory) { | |||||
41 | th is.request = request ; | |||||
42 | th is.respons e = respon se; | |||||
43 | ma p.put(IS_M ANDATORY, String(aut hMandatory )); | |||||
44 | } | |||||
45 | ||||||
46 | @Overr ide | |||||
47 | @Suppr essWarning s("rawtype s") | |||||
48 | // JAS PIC uses r aw types | |||||
49 | public Map getMa p() { | |||||
50 | re turn map; | |||||
51 | } | |||||
52 | ||||||
53 | @Overr ide | |||||
54 | public Object ge tRequestMe ssage() { | |||||
55 | re turn reque st; | |||||
56 | } | |||||
57 | ||||||
58 | @Overr ide | |||||
59 | public Object ge tResponseM essage() { | |||||
60 | re turn respo nse; | |||||
61 | } | |||||
62 | ||||||
63 | @Overr ide | |||||
64 | public void setR equestMess age(Object request) { | |||||
65 | if (!(reques t instance of HttpSer vletReques t)) { | |||||
66 | throw ne w IllegalA rgumentExc eption(sm. getString( "authentic ator.jaspi c.badReque stType", | |||||
67 | tClass().g etName())) ; | |||||
68 | } | |||||
69 | th is.request = (HttpSe rvletReque st) reques t; | |||||
70 | } | |||||
71 | ||||||
72 | @Overr ide | |||||
73 | public void setR esponseMes sage(Objec t response ) { | |||||
74 | if (!(respon se instanc eof HttpSe rvletRespo nse)) { | |||||
75 | throw ne w IllegalA rgumentExc eption(sm. getString( "authentic ator.jaspi c.badRespo nseType", | |||||
76 | response.g etClass(). getName()) ); | |||||
77 | } | |||||
78 | th is.respons e = (HttpS ervletResp onse) resp onse; | |||||
79 | } | |||||
80 | } |
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